World of Cricket 2007 - a game making challenge


School Cricketer
Oct 23, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned

Firstly I just wanna say great forum, I got a lot of inspiration here and ... well... i've decided that I have had enough of substandard cricket games. Point blank: they suck. The problem?? Corporate B.S. These big companies don't care about the quality...they want it to look good and seem amazing but don't pay much attention to engaging, dynamic and interesting gameplay. Nuff sed.

So here's the scoop. I would like to assemble a team of interested people to create a 3D cricket game that could put EA and CodeMasters (with all due respect...they try hard) to shame. This is a project for the love of cricket, not for making money ... so the intention is for it to be freeware.

You might be laughing at me...CodeMasters and EA spend insane amounts of money to produce these games. But i'll tell you why...they have to pay their workers to develop the games. But if we can assemble a great team (who can have just as much or even more skill than EA etc) who would be willing to work on this in their spare time (with no project deadline to lower game quality) then why shouldn't the project be successful!?

Please folks, share your thoughts on this...and if you would like to get involved in the project, no matter how small your will be justly credited and become part of a unique project that may just re-define cricket games forever.

I challenge all of us to put our money where our mouths are and lets all work together to create something that EVERYONE can have a say in, and EVERYONE's wishes can be considered!

By the way, I'm working on a website and a nice proposed features's long ;) so give me some the meantime though, email me if you wanna get involved or have any questions! My email addy: david[[at]]
I could do lineups and rosters if you want. Maybe the AI, but I have no idea on programming.

I can only help u to know what peoples wants in cricket games, what they needs and what they wishes to play and with which and how many teams and domestic teams, only that but i think thats enough and also can tell u about bugs of the games. Is this enough for u ?
Any help is of course welcomed!

Firstly we need to research exactly what we want, and what we are actually capable of creating...but i'm working on that right now. What we need is someone who can create high-quality models, stadiums, textures and well as we need a good (and free) 3D Engine...and most importantly...some good programmers to build up the AI. This seems like an awful lot but i'm sure that we can make a plan :)

- David
After a hell long time i found someone that thinks like me....I think i can help u in creating a godd Cricket game just for the sake of good gaming...I guess i am healthy in programming....also have primitive knowledge in Engine development from scratch...Worked in photoshop and 3ds Max(can say with little experince what i carry of now)...I am currnetly into developing a freeware managing simmulator game....visit real name is Gaurav das)..See if i can be of any help....I will always lay my hands whenever needed
I have also had the same dream, but I dont have any skill to make it into a reality.

If you can break down this game making into various parts and tell everyone what all you need to do to contribute to this, I can check out and see if I can be of any help! We have to create the best gameplay for a cricket game. Lets give the most importance to gameplay and medium importance to graphics.

These are the main headings. We have to split these up.
I think that this concept has a few problems.They are just my opinion

1)As you compare this game to those by EA and Codemasters,such a sort of a game needs a lot of members with a lot of time and knowledge.

2)If EA and Codemasters with paying staff cant produce a good enough Cricket game,do you think a small team can prepare animations,motion pictures and so on.

Id like to see this game happen,but I see a few problems along the way.
i totally agree with sid's 2nd point there !

my questions are :-

1.) how are you gonna make the animations ? EA & Codies have used Motion

2.) EA & Codie employees work day & night in making a game and we
cant afford to spend so much time in making a game which is ofcourse free and
which has to exceed the quality of EA's and Codies :eek:

3.) do we have enough programmers and coders ?

4.) how are we gonna start and whats the exact plan ?
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Point taken. Of course it's going to be tough to create! Yes, the fact that people are paid and produce sub-standard quality stuff versus a small team of people working part-time at this for's an issue. Realistically speaking, it will be a challenge for sure. But not an impossibility.

Yes, EA and CodeMasters use motion capture. I am working on trying to get hold of either motion-capture data or some contacts to do our own motion capture. Alternatively, we can base movement on videos and pictures taken of a person playing the shots and making the motions...with some motion-science research, we can bypass the need for true motion capture. Remember, we're not on a deadline or time-limit here!

Practically speaking, EA takes "1 year" (of which only they know exactly how much time is truly spent on just their cricket game 'franchise') to produce each cricket title. So if we double up the time (i.e. take 2-3 years on this), and get more people involved, is it not possible to produce a good game?

Like saisrini80 said, the gameplay is the most important. If the game's cover-drive is not pixel-perfect I wouldn't be worried ... I would rather have a competant AI.

My basic line of thinking is this: Look how far Open Source has come ... now I'm trying to create a dream project and involve as many people from around the world who share in that vision and want to be a part of this. I believe that it can be done...collectively the people that get involved may have MORE skill than anyone at EA or CM! EA and CM aren't "special" and I believe that with patience and the right approach, we can produce a spectacular game.

But once again, I am aware that it will be an incredibly challenging task! :)

:eek: <--- me ... most of the time lol!

- David
Heh! Thanks! I know that this can work and I also know that when it's done you'll look at the final product and be so incredibly proud of it because it's what EVERYBODY wants, all in one sweet package. lol!

Anywho, i'd better go. Talk soon! :)

- David
Hats off to WOC2007.....I would like to clear certain aspects...

1) Everyone thinks, X, Y , Z companies are so big and can we compete with them- FIrst of all, every developing studio hires workers to work for them, they pay because of thier work and most importantly they develp games not because we want to play games but because they can make money...
Ever tried to guess why MS's OFFICE costs so much and openoffice is free?? Does it mean openoffice is substandard compared to MS's OFFICE?? No way.....

2) Can we compete with this workforce--Every company has workers who are normal human beings like us.....dont assume that they have einstein's and newton's there who keep on inventing new technologies in gaming... Most of the workers are ordinary coders, like we all are......and I can say all these becuase two of my intimate freinds are working in a game developing comapny...

3) Motion capture is impossible for us.- Motion capture dosent produce animations. it only allows te animators to animate movements according to it...( They need it most often because 1) They look pretty 2) Most of the developers dont know what cricket is)
So if animators can produce good animations( remeber that inverse Kinematics in Animations) we dont need motion capture...Do u think the soldiers running towards u in FarCry were done by motion capturing?????

4)Do we have enough coders, developers, animators etc????-- ONly 3-4 peoples will support u when u start in any project...When peoples gradually see dreams turning into reality all come flooding---This always happens in this world

Bottomline--If u know what u r doing and u know ur job, u dont hesitate in contributing ur talent for a good cause, U can work hard and be dedicated.....Success is all urs
I want to help, but haven't a clue in coding.

I can do rosters and stuff, however.
OK !! i am ready to contribute ON ALL FIELDS EXCEPT FOR PROGRAMMING AND CODING. i got inspiration from LINUX :D

i am not praising or boasting myself in anyway but i have sometimes(not always)
avoided studies for planetcricket and patches ! :) which means if i find the
project intresting and worth ; i am ready make a serious commitment !
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