WWE: The Golden Era [Backlash Preview Posted!]

Which sacked wrestler would you like to see return?

  • Val Venis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Viscera

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Chavo Guerrero

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Deuce

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Domino

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • King Booker

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Mr Kennedy

    Votes: 10 62.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Thats pretty harsh. Guesses are allowed, but photoshopping it to reveal the answer is just unfair to the writer.
Thanks for reading my mind Chez. ;)

Anyways, carrying on...

Expect Raw to be posted tomorrow, I am halfway through writing the second match. The titles decided in Raw will be:

The newly un-retired European Championship
United States Championship
THE WWE Championship!!!

Raw Sponsored By THQ

JR: Good evening and happy Monday! Because this Monday sees the start of the new year on RAW!!!!! You join us live from Atlanta, Georgia, where we will be broadcasting all night!

King: The exciting thing is the new Golden Era that Vince McMahon announced! It should make the WWE better than ever! Here comes that old genius now anyway JR...

Vince: Hello Atlanta!! Welcome to Raw. Of course, this show may be a bit glum after that vicious attack on Kane last week on Smackdown.

King: Only on Smackdown, JR. Who would do such a thing?

Vince: And, do you know what? The person that attacked him was...

JR: Look, it's the police!!

Police: Vince McMahon, we are here to arrest you on suspision of assault on Kane.

King: They've locked him up and took Vince away! It was him! Why on earth did Vince attack Kane??


JR: What a way to start a night. However, we'll probably find out why Vince did such a thing later. First of all, the fate of the newly un-retired European Championship is to be decided.

King: Yep and with a match between two top class wrestlers, Edge and Randy Orton.

Edge vs Randy Orton - European Championship

Edge immediatly hits with a dropkick. Orton picks him up and whips into the turnbuckle. Kick to the chest. Picks up and powerbombs. Hard. You have to feel for Edge. Edge counters a stomp by rolling. Russian leg sweep by Edge. Orton left on the canvas. Rear naked choke on Randy. Rope break. European uppercut by Orton. Again by Randy Orton. Edge counters the third with a clothesline. Pin gets 1. Edge with a sleeper hold. Orton breaks and elbows Edge in the gut. That winded him. DDT by Orton! 1.2.. Shoulder shoots up! Close to call for the ref. Edge with an irish whip into the corner. Runs and knee to the head. Kicks Orton onto the floor. Picks him up and tornado DDT! Picks him up again and Orton retailates with a boot and a throw. RKO!!! RKO!! 1.2..2.999999! Edge quickly springs up and chucks into the corner! SPEAR!! 1.2..3...!!

JR: Edge steals a brilliant victory at the very last moment. It was well deserved though, well done Edge, the first holder of the European Championship since 2002!!!

King: Yep, I still think he was lucky though JR.

JR: I would have guessed, Jerry.


*In the corridors, backstage*

Undertaker: HEY!!! Where's McMahon??

Police: He is currently on his way Downtown. Why??

Undertaker: Hmmm.. No reason. :mad:

JR: What was that all about?


JR: Don't go away sports fans, because still to come tonight!! In a minute, the United States Championship will be battled for by Chris Jericho and John Cena!!! Also, coming up, the WWE Championship main event! It will be a superb match between Undertaker and the animal, Batista!

King: But like Jim said, first we have that United States belt to fight for, and it will be two more lucky wrestlers getting that chance!

Chris Jericho vs John Cena - United States Championship

Jericho and Cena stare at each other and grapple. Jericho with a quickfire suplex. Backhand chop to Cena's chest. Cena with a dropkick. John Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle!! 1.2.. Rope break! Chris Jericho with the bulldog from behind!! Now, that was cheeky. Stomps on Cena's head once. Twice! Three times! John Cena is squirming around now! Jericho climbs the turnbuckle.. Spinning back elbow! Pinfall.. 1.2.. Kick-out! John Cena with a suplex to pin. Pin gets 2. Cena and Jericho exchange blows in the middle of the ring. Cena kicks Chris Jericho in the gut, DDT!! Oh my god, the STFU!!! Jericho in pain! Cena carries on!! Jericho slowly crawls to the rope! Can he make it?? HE DOES! Cena ignores the break! Lets go on three. Jericho with an irish whip. Kick to the chest from Cena. PROTOBOMB! 1.2..3...!!!

JR: John Cena is the new United States Champion, beating Jericho with that powerful Protobomb..

King: Wow, JR. That was a great match and now the Champ is once again, a Champ!



*In the parking lot*

Finlay: Hey, Boogeyman!!

Boogey: Look, it's Mr Ireland..

Finlay: You've taken Hornswoggle, haven't you!!

Boogey: What?? What are you on about??

Finlay: I'll show you what I'm on about!

Finlay vs The Boogeyman - Backstage Brawl

Finlay smashs Boogeyman with his shillelagh! Kick to the head of Boogeyman. Leg drop from Finlay. Irish whips the Boogeyman into a wall! Runs and clotheslines onto the floor! Boogeyman is up and elbow to the head. Kicks Finlay and suplexs onto a car bonnet!! I hope they have insurance, JR! Boogeyman climbs onto the SUV. DDT onto the roof! Finlay gets up and full nelson slam off the car and onto the floor! Finlay jumps and leg drop! Finlay rolls The Boogeyman onto another car. Oh no! CELTIC CROSS!! Boogeyman goes through the roof of a Mercedes. And that's a nice car, JR. Boogeyman is knocked out.
Winner: Finlay

King: The Boogeyman is knocked out from that Celtic Cross!!

JR: He is, Jerry. But what did Finlay mean? He said 'You've taken Hornswoggle'

King: Has the little guy been kidnapped or something?

JR: Possibly, Jerry. We have no idea.


*John Cena's locker room*

Annalise: Good evening and I'm here with John Cena!! :happy

Cena: Hellooo.. Are you lost or somethin', because heaven is 'round the corner...

Annalise: Hehe, stop it... John, you won the United States Championship against Chris Jericho. How do you feel?

Cena: How do I feel? How do I feel.. I am the true champ. I am the best. I am the United States Champion!!

Annalise: Do you have any words you would like to say to Chris Jericho?

Cena: Yes, I do. You can't stop me! You are nothing. I can destroy you. Because, I, am, JOHN CENA!!

Annalise: Thanks John. Back to you, JR.


JR: Thanks Annalise. Now it's time for the main event! The WWE Championship match between The Undertaker and Batista!

King: Yes, JR. And not just any match! A special referee match!

JR: And the referee is..... MICK FOLEY!!!

Undertaker vs Batista - WWE Championship [Special Referee - Mick Foley]

Taker and Batista lock up. Undertaker with a hard right hand. Sidewalk slam by Undertaker. Batista is back up. Clothesline by the Animal! Leg drop by Batista. Taker gets up and big boot to the face of Batista! Picks him up and irish whip into the corner. Short arm clothesline by the Deadman. That rates about 8 on the crunch meter. Pinfall gets one! The Animal is again up and spears Taker. Stomp to the head! Undertaker is straight back up and DDT to Batista. Gets Batista on his feet, arm bar and Old School! Batista with a spinning side slam to pin. 1.2.. Shoulder flys up! Undertaker irish whips Batista into the ropes. Running big boot! Running leg drop onto the motionless Batista. Undertaker drags him to the edge of the ring.. Guillotine leg drop! Batista wakes up and starts to hit Undertaker repeatedly. Powerslam to pin!! 1.2.. Undertaker escapes! Kick to the gut and it's that time! Chokeslam onto the hard canvas! Pinfall by The Deadman. 1.2..3...!! Rest in peace, Batista!!
Winner: Undertaker - WWE CHAMPION!

JR: The Undertaker does it! He is the WWE Champion! He leaves down the ramp, as Batista starts to blame Mick Foley! The Animal tries to Batista Bomb him! Reversed and... MANDIBLE CLAW!!

King: You don't treat Mick Foley like that!

JR: You don't Jerry and it wraps up an amazing show. Good night everyone!
Tip. Don't use smilelies as they are going to say"happy smilie" lol also Finlay's little friends(leprachon) is called little *******.

Apart from the few tips a very good show but i would like to see doink the clown introduced.
Actually Finlay's midget is called Hornswaggle, his name was changed recently

Seems pretty good, ill be reading
The Spin said:
Actually Finlay's midget is called Hornswaggle, his name was changed recently

Seems pretty good, ill be reading

Shows how much i have been watching it the last 3/4 weeks :D i just noticed ******* is starred :)

Mr Kennedy Signs New Contract!
Tuesday 8th January, 2008

WWE superstar, Mr Kennedy, has signed a new 1 year contract with the WWE, just a week after being released.

Mr "Money in the Bank" Kennedy was released after the changes brought in by Mr McMahon, however due to fan interest, Vince McMahon convinced Kennedy to come back into wrestling. He has signed a one year contract with the view to extend his contract. He is expected to debut on either Heat or Smackdown! next Saturday.

In other news, WWE.com has uploaded it's weekly poll. "Which rivalry do you want to see escalate?"

  • Kane/McMahon
  • Benoit/HHH
  • Edge/Orton
  • Jericho/Cena
  • Batista/Taker
  • Finlay/Boogeyman

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Heat Sponsored By PlanetCricket.net

Tazz: Happy Wednesday people and welcome to the first edition of HEAT!! And guess what? I'm finally away from Mr Michael Cole! Alongside me instead, The Coach, Jonathan Coachman!

Coach: Thanks a lot Tazz. It's nice to see you here on Wednesday Night Heat, and I hope we get along!

Tazz: So do I, Coach..

Coach: OK, back to business, tonight on Heat, the last title will be decided, and that is the Cruiserweight Title! Competing for it will be Paul London and Gregory Helms!! Also tonight, Mr Kennedy is back and he will be in a match against old rival, Funaki.

Tazz: This show should be something goood Coachman..


*Outside at the entrance to the building, a taxi pulls up*

Kennedy: Thanks for the ride. Well, Mr Kennedy is back.. That was some vacation.

Tazz: Hey, look! Kennedy is back at the WWE.

Coach: And it was all thanks to the fans who voted to bring him back..

Kennedy: Well, then. I gotta go get ready then. Pfh.. Funaki.


*In the corridors, somewhere*

Kendrick: OK then Paul. We didn't get the tag team titles. But you, my friend, can salvage some respect by getting the Cruiserweight Title..

London: I know, no pressure.

Kendrick: Hey, if you win this, then we will be back on Smackdown and Raw, not Heat.

Coach: There is nothing wrong with Heat!

London: Look, Brian, I'll win this damn match and we will back infront of millions. OK?

Kendrick: Cool. You can do it.


Tazz: We will see what happens in the matches tonight after this short commercial break. Don't go away!


Sorry about the parts people, it's just I've spent the week in bed with heat exhaustion and dehyration. :(
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