Sri Lankan players attacked in Pakistan?!

In utter shock, was watching the news for a stabbing at a school but this was the headline. Hope the injured are alright.
The driver was also injured. There is no report of serious injury to those in the bus, but that would have been more than certain had a grenade that was thrown been on target.
wow is all I can say. hope that the players are OK. They tried to do the good thing and help Pakistan cricket and this is what they got.
I have been defending Pakistan for a while now but no more, cricketers should not go to Pakistan for a long time now.

RIP to all the casualties.
And ALL the terrorists have escaped. What is up with this.
This is shocking. They were not able to catch even one terrorist during the encounter. I think the police might have fired less and just tried to shoo the terrorist away to prevent further harm to the cricketrs.
A sad and dark day for all of cricket. I think this will sadly spells the end of any international tours to Pakistan for the next decade or so. Which is a shame for the Players and the fans, who have to put up with such reckless & despicable actions of a very small minority.

My thoughts go out to all the injured and dead
No, its on a bunch of news channels though. Not sure if you get Headlines Today in Canada but its there.
Unbelievable! They should be starting the match by now if this didn't happen! Terrible, Reports are haywire! I'm hearing as i'm typing that all the players are safe yet Sangakkara is seriously injured. Hope this doesn't get worse. Punjab (Pakistan) Government has been saying that this is a mumbai like attack and less or more 12 terrorists are involved.

Better not play the blame-game now, let's hope everything turns safe!
Shocking news, just got a text on my way home from school. This is the worst possible thing to happen to Pakistani and Sri Lankan cricket, I hope all the players and other injured people can all make speedy, full recoveries and get home ASAP.

Frankly as sad as I am to hear this, it makes me angry at the Pakistanis who berated Australia for not wanting to tour, calling us "lily livered cowards" (Aussies are 'lily-livered cowards' - Cricket - Fox Sports) and assuring everyone that Pakistan was safe, and that high security would do the job. Here we have had police commandos, regular policemen and security all failing to stop a terrorist attack, and this must clear any doubt in anyone's mind that Pakistan is not safe to be playing cricket in right now. You have to wonder just how many assurances were made to the Sri Lankan Cricket Board to get this tour going ahead.
just saw it on the BBC site and all I have to say is

are you freaking kidding me. these guys are in the middle of the street standing in the open and nobody managed to shoot one of them or capture a few of them. wow where is the freaking security.
"The bus came under attack as we were driving to the stadium, the gunmen targeted the wheels of the bus first and then the bus," Mahela Jayawardene told Cricinfo. "We all dived to the floor to take cover. About five players have been injured and also Paul Farbrace [a member of the support staff], but most of the injuries appear to be minor at this stage and caused by debris."

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