World Cup Um... What is going on with the coverage?

I would replace floating heads during the coverage with

  • Nothing. Just show me the score.

  • Maybe the team logo? Or nothing. Nothing is good.

  • MattW's severed head

  • Other ....and by other I mean nothing. Stop over complicating things.

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If the floating head that appears when a batsman is out turned to a sad face I think I'd start liking them. They missed a trick.
bounce variance in comparison to the average bounce in India...I know its ridiculous lol

but all in all, I like the new coverage, I like the graphics and haven't really been bothered by them. how old r u all? lol

why India? just arbitrary?

yea, i don't mind the "floating heads" (i actually quite like it. it looks cool. different), and i would have preferred the score to be on the bottom (but it hasn't actually got in the way of anything as i thought it might), and for them to show the ball speed more often, but i really am not too bothered. maybe some of you other guys are getting a little old?
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Just a pain in the backside for me that only Australia's matches are on Free to Air TV here in Australia and if I want to watch other game it means down to the club where chances are they may have it on but with the TV muted. I hate that.
why India? just arbitrary?

yea, i don't mind the "floating heads" (i actually quite like it. it looks cool. different), and i would have preferred the score to be on the bottom (but it hasn't actually got in the way of anything as i thought it might), and for them to show the ball speed more often, but i really am not too bothered. maybe some of you other guys are getting a little old?

Yeah I think it's just an arbitrary choice based on bounce in the subcontinent. Plus it is an ESPN Star broadcast so I'm sure that has a part to play in it.

lol yeah I think some here are getting a bit old and don't like change :D
lol yeah I think some here are getting a bit old and don't like change :D
My problem is inefficient use of space - despite using an extra corner of the screen, they show less information than what all the other broadcasters manage in regular matches. For example, if they want to show the required runs - that takes up the whole bottom bar for several deliveries and then you don't get to see what speed the ball was bowled.

And the floating heads are stupid.
My problem is inefficient use of space - despite using an extra corner of the screen, they show less information than what all the other broadcasters manage in regular matches. For example, if they want to show the required runs - that takes up the whole bottom bar for several deliveries and then you don't get to see what speed the ball was bowled.

And the floating heads are stupid.

this times a billion. so much on data on the screen but so little information.

as for the BV thing - i assumed it meant how much the ball varied from the straight (i.e spun, swung or seamed). i mean, it can't be how much the bounce varies from in india? because a)the pitches in india don't have a uniform bounce, and b)even the icc can't be that far up the bcci's arse, surely?
this times a billion. so much on data on the screen but so little information.

as for the BV thing - i assumed it meant how much the ball varied from the straight (i.e spun, swung or seamed). i mean, it can't be how much the bounce varies from in india? because a)the pitches in india don't have a uniform bounce, and b)even the icc can't be that far up the bcci's arse, surely?
Have you noticed the (unnecessary) 'Keys To Success' they show before every innings? They often say 'England win 76% of ODIs outside Asia since 2011 when the spinners take 3+ wickets between overs 11-40'. Not only is that a jumbled, irrelevant mess that makes my head hurt, let alone someone new to the game, I struggle to see the relevance of 'outside Asia'.
My problem is inefficient use of space - despite using an extra corner of the screen, they show less information than what all the other broadcasters manage in regular matches. For example, if they want to show the required runs - that takes up the whole bottom bar for several deliveries and then you don't get to see what speed the ball was bowled.
What's with the partnership thing that appears for a few balls as well, meaning that you don't know what the batsman is on? I don't really care what the opener has contributed to the fourth wicket partnership, I'd instead like it to be shown what his actual score is.

Can't believe I find myself agreeing with Botham, but I like it when he easily transfers the Km/h into MPH for all us backwards Brits. Despite Bubs post, I must have typed "135km into miles" etc. at least 100 times into google throughout the tournament so far.
And the floating heads are stupid.
Yea, they are just annoying me, As fas the score is on top at least a bit more info than orher broadcasters should be shown by ICC.
lol yeah I think some here are getting a bit old and don't like change

It's got absolutely nothing to do with "change" it's got everything to do with the abhorrent space meaningless floating heads take up during what is supposed to be the premiere cricket event every 5 years. You spend the entire running time staring at graphics instead of the actual game of cricket. The ONLY time you get a break from the visual herpies on screen is when they cut to a REPLAY. Nonsense like "phase run-rate" and "key to success" do nothing to educate people about the sport, confuses the majority and people in the "know" ignore it because the "Worm" is pretty much the best way to visualize where a team is at in comparison to another.

Modern sporting overlays make use of widescreen television space and shove all that nonsense in the bottom 1/10th of the screen so you can view the sport being played. For some reason opting for two floating scorecards center-alligned for the tiny amount of viewers in the sub-continent who are watching in straw-built huts is the most ridiculous decision made when the game is being played during prime-time Australasian television hours.

...all this overly complex TV brodcast style graphics is what turns a LOT of people off cricket. Modern-broadcasts of the sport ver the past 5 years have simplified the visual crap to a "what you need to know" style format, poked away in the bottom and keeping it subtle. If you want more, you jump online, into a companion app on your phone from Cricket Australia, Channel 9 and so on.

It's also why people dislike the IPL broadcasts so much. They're unwatchable with all this over-thought poorly-scaled stuff. 10 years from now nobody will want to watch highlights because of how dated all this floating-head stuff is going to look.
Yeah I think it's just an arbitrary choice based on bounce in the subcontinent. Plus it is an ESPN Star broadcast so I'm sure that has a part to play in it.

are you 100% on this? because wow...
so much on data on the screen but so little information.

It's like people that don't know ANYTHING about cricket decided they would make shit up to entertain them or something? The fact I never, EVER, know the ball-speed of any particular fast bowler and have to rely on Pommie or Matthew Hayden's cutting-edge observations from the commentary box like "Oh that looked fast" and "that must have been his quicker delivery" is mind-numbingly stupid.

let alone someone new to the game, I struggle to see the relevance of 'outside Asia'.

India continues to ruin the game for everyone else... Sooner Afghanistan beats em, the better.

Can't believe I find myself agreeing with Botham, but I like it when he easily transfers the Km/h into MPH for all us backwards Brits. Despite Bubs post, I must have typed "135km into miles" etc. at least 100 times into google throughout the tournament so far.

See, that's the thing. There should be REGIONAL options for the broadcast. It's absolutely stupid that we ALL have to suffer the same shit. The technology exists for us all to watch at the same time whilst having all this stuff broadcasted locally in the format we're most accustomed to. There's no reason why you can't have MPH and us have KPH and so on. If Indian broadcasters want to throw shit at the TV in the form of floating heads and how high the ball bounces in Canberra compared with Mumbai then shove it on a local telecast and have an international broadcast graphic alternative. The Olympics have been doing it for a decade. an aside anyone have any idea what that weird graphic is that shows up with the ball, some arrows and a number? Is it rotations or something? What do I give a shit about that?
personally i can't believe we haven't seen any graphic on how much Chris Gayle's runs would be worth in Chennai...

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