End Game White House Mafia - El Loco & The Deadman win


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Apr 26, 2015
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Modded by CerealKiller and Fake Passport

August 2017. The Trump administration is in utter chaos. Senior staff are coming and leaving in the blink of an eye. The never ending leaks to the media from inside the White House are dealing damaging blow after damaging blow to the administration. Meanwhile, unbeknown to the President, Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan are drafting a plan to remove Trump from office, let Pence see out the rest of his term, and then not seek reelection, in order to let Ryan get his shot to get in the Oval Office.
Finally, President Trump has decided that it is time for drastic measures. He has ordered the Secret Service to lock down the White House and not let anyone leave until the leakers are found. Pence and Paul Ryan, who were having a meeting with the new Chief of Staff John Kelly, are also stuck inside. However, what the President doesn't know is that the shadow of special prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is investigating his and his campaign's ties to Russia, is lurking on the locked down White House.

Standard Rules:

· It is an open setup – there are no hidden surprises.
· No quoting of information received in any communication from the game mods.
· Lynch to be Bold. Ideally also tag @CerealKiller and @Fake Passport
· No editing, deleting or use of mod powers of posts allowed at all.
· The game is to take place in the thread and sanctioned PM’s and nowhere else.
· Upon death, you can make 1 ghost post, no revealing information or hinting is allowed.
· You are to play to your win condition. You can only win if alive.


Please make sure you familiarise yourself with these and clarify anything promptly by posting in this thread.

To simulate the cut throat nature of politics and the Whitehouse, this game will be adopting some unique rules to make it more interesting.

· Days are 24 hours. No extensions
· Nights are no less than 12 hours, no more than 24 hours.
For the avoidance of doubt. If CK/FP aren’t around at dead on 24 hours to close the day, you may still post, however VOTES WILL NOT COUNT. Night actions must be submitted within 24 Hours.

· You may use knowledge of players styles and consider players history
· You may stalk for activity (PC Mods to only use same info as generally available)
· You may misquote posts.
· No Lynch is an option Day 1. At the close of any day the player with the most votes will be lynched. Ties will be decided by random chance.
· When town is in MyLo/LyLo. Votes are locked in and unable to be changed.

Note : President Trump has the power to veto one lynch in the whole game.

Vanilla Townies

You are loyal to President Trump and want the leakers to be fired.
  • Chief of Staff John Kelly
  • Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders
  • Chief Strategist Steve Bannon
  • Senior Adviser Jared Kushner
  • Secret Service Agent 1
Town Watcher

You are the President. You want to name and shame the leakers that are destroying your administration. Each night, you can review an FBI report on one person, which will reveal who approached him/her during that night. If you believe that someone is being fired unjustly, you may veto his firing. But careful, you can override democracy only once.
  • Donald Trump
Mafia A Watcher

You have been interviewed by the special prosecutor Robert Mueller, and convinced by him, and your despise of Trump, to become an informant. Each night, you may follow one person and see who approaches him/her. You are the only one allowed to leave the White House, and you use this power to inform Mueller.

  • Secret Service Agent 2
Mafia A Goon

You have been appointed to investigate the Trump campaign's ties to Russia. The lockdown is the perfect chance to pounce on the administration's weakness. Each night, you may order charges against a staffer or an official in the White House, forcing him/her to resign.

  • Robert Mueller
Mafia B Watcher

You are the Vice President. You want the President's chair, in order to help your friend Paul Ryan run for the presidency in 2020. Each night, you can review an FBI report on one person, which will reveal who approached him/her during that night.
  • Mike Pence
Mafia B Goon

You are the Speaker of the House of Representatives. You are in cahoots with the VP. Each night, you may ask someone in the White House to come work for you, an offer they wouldn't be able to refuse.
  • Paul Ryan

  • Jack Ryder Mafia B Goon
  • Villain VT
  • Swacker Mafia A Goon
  • Surendar VT
  • The Deadman
  • Rudolph
  • Simon
  • President Evil
  • El Loco
  • asprin VT
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Only difficult thing would be to get 11 players and to make sure they're active..
I want to confirm exact specs with CK. So dont take this as gospel but were going to limit the time taken each day with firm deadlines. No extensions. And with the multiple teams it wont be a overly long game.

We were tossing around 24 hour days and nights of no less than 12 (to obsfucate online) and no more than 24 hours.
I want to confirm exact specs with CK. So dont take this as gospel but were going to limit the time taken each day with firm deadlines. No extensions. And with the multiple teams it wont be a overly long game.

We were tossing around 24 hour days and nights of no less than 12 (to obsfucate online) and no more than 24 hours.
Great, that will keep the interest level up as well.
I will be having very lean activity between Aug 20-27 due to my family bonding, if that is okay - count me in. Otherwise, you can put me in reserve.

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