ICC President thinks Zimbabwe can be the best ODI team in the world!

Bangladesh could be knocked of and Namibia out of no where can become world no.1. This guy must have had to much to drink that night. They can't possibly be world no 1 for a while.
Zimbabwe do have a lot of potentially very good players. As I have said, except now a lot more people agree with me since they've turned over the Aussie's, they just dont have the training or support networks around their cricket to help them progress enough to become anything more than they are.
He is the president so there must be something in his mind going on, so all the best.

They beat Australia in a 20twenty match, they won a game of cricket, thats one game in a completely differant form of cricket.

Please don't even consider that they'll be NO 1 in a few years because it's near impossible for any team to do that, let alone a team like Zim who only win once a year..

All day I dream about steak- Adidas

They beat Australia in a 20twenty match, they won a game of cricket, thats one game in a completely differant form of cricket.

Please don't even consider that they'll be NO 1 in a few years because it's near impossible for any team to do that, let alone a team like Zim who only win once a year..

All day I dream about steak- Adidas

read above.. a president would say such a big thing.. i mean i'm sure he is not being funny?
No, he is being deluded.
I don't no, maybe they were playing a game of truth or dare and the dare was to announce that Zimbabwe can go to NO 1..
Your missing the point legspinner. He didn't say they will or they are, he said they Can. Your missing the absolutely vital turn of phrase in the sentance, they can become the in world ie. they could become the best. It can be said about every nation not just Zimbabwe. Bangladesh could become the best in the world. New Zealand could be the best in the World.

Your taking the quote totally out of what he's actually said.
Yes they have a lot of potential, i hope they become really good actually, don't know why i would just quite like it.
Maybe more teams to play with then, no more boring... over and over again? yeah?
And your missing my point, my point is that they Can't
Derby can win the premiership, but they also Can't

That?s where the argument starts from. I think your Opinion should be respected even though it maybe wrong for some people. Well it's a game of Cricket If Zimbabwe didn?t have talent they won?t beat Aussies in 20-20. There is lack of coaching and management in Zimbabwe team I think, and if they get some help from ICC and they play more and more cricket (not with Kenya always) they have bright future. Sport is not about the best always winning because then everybody supports the best and there is no fun.
Yes I agree with that.
They have the talent and they have proven it by beating Australia but they'll never be world beaters unless they have a first class system and we'll just see the odd good performers now and again.

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