ABN-AMRO Twenty/20 Cup 2006/07

gambino said:
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Imran Nazir(Deserves A Recall To National Team) To Be The Standout Performer

Sialkot To Win

Will Be Good To See Shoaib Akhtar Back In Action
Shoaib Akhtar is slowly deteroriating.
Yes Sialkot have a good chance.
Imran Nazir....well maybe. He was playing well until he started to be like Afridi trying to slog every ball. Maybe a recall???
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I think half the point of T20 is to slog every ball...
Afridi bald! That would be cool to see! :)
ZoraxDoom said:
I think half the point of T20 is to slog every ball...
Afridi bald! That would be cool to see! :)
Really? I think he'd look stupid. :p

I've heard from an inside source who knows Afridi personally that he is slowly turning ultra-religious and cricket is definitely not his top priority anymore. One can only hope that he still has heart for the game.

As for Imran Nazir, his technique isn't good enough to earn a recall. He plays some good shots, but then the very next ball makes a fool of himself by playing a schoolboy slog. Needs to work on his game before he comes anywhere near the international team.
so Sialkot the Champions again...but they should have won it more comfortably...the number of missed opurtunities was just uncountable...still a good performance by both teams...oh and that guy what is his name...Fawad Aslam i think it was...he was amazing...made above 50 + 5 wickets and did good in the other matches as well...we have some great youngsters developing here...
The problem with the domestic structure in Pakistan is that it is completely disorganised. Did you know that none of the teams have a physio? The fitness level is also dreadful- 80% of the players are badly out of shape! PCB need to do something- If only we had a domestic structure akin to the Australian one, then we'd be churning out world-class players at will!
Well...The stallions won it as we could all see that they had 5 international players whereas the Dolphins had only one...Sami....And as for the Stallions they would have been disqualified on Friday if it wouldnt have been for the stupid Karachi Lights:mad :mad: The dolphins played really well,they made a cumback when they got the wickets of Imran Nazir and Shoaib Malik! Fawad Alam really played amazingly! A great player...5 wickets and 56 runs in a match is great! He sure deserves a place in the National team!
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that guy of Islamabad team Bilal asad lives next to my house..

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