Basic help for new player please!


School Cricketer
Oct 1, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Guys - can someone help me? I feel a bit stoopid posting this but I'm getting mad! I've just bought the game on PC format and my controller is useless so I'm trying to use the keyboard. The bowling seems to work ok but I can't work out how to bat! I have two Qs: 1) How on earth do you use the arrow keys on a keyboard to play hooks or cover drives or any shots that require something other than a 12,3,6 or 9 o'clock action; and 2) I can't generate any power or make the batsman do what I want! The manual seems rubbish but most likely it's me! Help plse - I'm a cricket nut but I just can't seem to work out how to bat. Sorry for using this board for something so basic but if I can't get any help from anyone the game is just going to sit unused..

Thanks but I've had page 11 of the manual open for the last two days trying to work this out.

The problem is that the batsman only ever does one of two things - a timid forward defensive, or a Gatting-esque elegant leave outside off stump. W, A and D make no difference and don't seem to produce the back foot, leave or charge down the wicket the manual suggests should happen. Also the power is non-existent - no variance, even when I hold down the left shift button. When it comes to direction via the arrow keys, like I said earlier the arrows only go in four directions on a keyboard so how do you make sweeps/hooks, on-drives, cover drives and late cuts happen? The numberpad doesn't seem to make much difference either. Even without these, the other shots rarely come off - I'm practising in the nets - my timing can't be that bad!

Please help - this is doing my nut in...
For the other 4 directions, I'd have thought it was obvious that you press two direction buttons at once. Also, make sure that you press the appropriate key for back foot/front foot/advance at the same time as pressing your directional buttons. The manual is quite clear.

And of course, first make sure your controls are set to the defaults.....

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