BLIC Statistics

i am actually interested in how he does this... it is pretty cool especially if he gets it going right :d
woosaah said:
i am actually interested in how he does this... it is pretty cool especially if he gets it going right :d
It runs in the background while BLIC/RPIC plays. It scans the memory where BLIC is for the score information, and logs any changes to a database. It seems to be working fine, but at the moment it isn't smart enough to figure out which team is the human one, so it needs to be told manually :D

Apart from that, going very nicely, should be out in a few days.
Ok, would anyone mind volunteering to test this stats package out? I think it'll take a bit more work before it works well enough for a full release, but it'd be terrific if someone could try it on their setup. It's still a bit complicated, so if you have any experience with making patches or coding or anything like that that'd be ideal.
Good luck with it, will be interesting to see what you can do, btw i love your work Ste.
Ste said:
Did you make any more progress on this? I will test it if you like.
That's very kind of you. I'll post a test version in a couple of days.
yeah i can test it if you like as well, what program are you using to build this?

its the one thing that it is really missing aye :)
woosaah said:
yeah i can test it if you like as well, what program are you using to build this?
Two programs, the capture side is C++ with MFC, the pretty front-end bit is VB.NET :)
bugger i have vb .net but not installed, and i havn't used c++ for like years damn

i have just been using c for unix lately (just for work) was gonna help if i could :D but unfortunatly i cant as i dont have the programs installed (or available)
i have the whole shabang so ill test it if u are willing to get in contact
wow....that is absolutely tremedous and would make a very good game into a near classic. Good luck with the testing, hopefully its successfull.
That is great, BLIC gonna be really good with all these new patches!
Well, I've been stupidly busy and haven't been able to work on this for ages, but I wanted to get something out before I got totally sick of it. It doesn't do that much, but it's taken a long time to get this far. Please note this is really a 'proof of concept', and certainly nowhere near a complete, finished product. Most of you will definitely want to wait for a more polished version, or else you're just going to be disappointed :)

However, I'd be grateful if anyone brave wants to give it a go and at least see if it works. To try it, unzip the package in your BLIC folder, and follow the brief instructions in manual.htm. I recommend you try (say) ODI, Aus v WI, default 'Best 11' teams - others should work, but career players will *not* work yet. You'll need .NET 2.0 (which probably comes through Windows Update), but you won't need any programming tools.

It's best to try bowling first, mainly because the stats package is geared up for that. After you've played a few overs or so, run the stats, select 'Data/All Teams/Australia' and you can click on players for a summary. There's the crude beginnings of a 'Match' panel with match summaries and Manhattan charts.

At the moment, it collects much more than it displays, so there are plenty more stats to come. If any VB programmers want to give a hand, it'd be most welcome - the stats are all in a mini database, so it's just a case of adding lots of cute filters and graphics.


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