c2002 online updates! - latest site news...


International Cricketer
Dec 17, 2001
New Delhi
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi everybody,
I will use this topic to give you all news about the updates to the site.
I have just uploaded the site and added quite a few new things.Be sure to check it out.Leave your comments here and wait for the next update that should be coming tommorow.

PS:please send all the new patches/updates you are making to me at [email protected]

Edited By ritwikgames on 1031226601
<span style='color:#000000:post_uid2'>I have done another update today.Today i added a new stats editor by Lordrippon and several other files including the new Windies and Pakistan Kits by Sam2002.The stats editor is really great.See my post on it called "The Player stats editor" for more info on it.click here to see the site now!
Please keep sending your files for c2002 online.


Edited By ritwikgames on 1031235924
More updates today...I have added the excellent 'Match details editor' by Lordrippon which allows us to change the rain forecast etc.I have also added the new 'evergreen' pitches and outfields by Imran.

well I have to temporarily halt the updates in light of the new design being worked upon.Updates will resume very soon.
The poll is up again!Head over to the site to test see if its working properly.The new question is:

[i:post_uid0]Which of these patches are you most eagerly awaiting?[/i:post_uid0]
a.Mega Patch
b.Vineet's Commentary Patch 2.0
c.Ravi Shastri Commentary(sozair)
d.Chennai Stadium


PS: if this poll DOES work correctly I will frequently change the questions from now on to get user feedback...not like the old poll Sangamm had set up which was not changed for months.

Edited By ritwikgames on 1032621932
More updates today.
The links page has been added, at last!Also, a Great new player editor by Tom Hicks added.You can use it to change players commentary and view the faces and numbers during the editing process.There are lots of other updates too.
go to the site for full details and to download the updates:
A huge number of new updates today...including many new faces(one for Parthiv Patel, the new Indian 'keeper!).Also a new outfield and music are now available for download.Go to the site for more info.
The poll has also been updated.


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