Story Commonwealth Bank Trans Tasman Challenge - 1st ODI - NZL 25/1 - 10 Overs

Looking good mate, keep up the great presentation.
Sorry about the lack of updates, but I promise I haven't forgotten about this. I'm hoping to have the squads up later today.
New Zealand Announces Squad


New Zealand's Squad Announced Today

Today, John Bracewell (the New Zealand coach) announced their twenty man squad for the tour of Australia.

J. How
C. Cumming
L. Vincent
N. Broom
M. Sinclair
P. Fulton
R. Taylor
B. McCullum +
J. Oram
S. Styris
C. McMillan
D. Vettori *
J. Patel
H. Shaw
K. Mills
A. Ellis
M. Mason
A. Adams
S. Bond
C. Martin


ABOVE - New Zealand's coach John Bracewell, today sat down with Ian Chappell to discuss their squad.

IC: Good morning everyone, I'm here with New Zealand coach John Bracewell. So John, no suprises with your squad?

JB: Good morning Ian. No, not really. We wanted to go with the highest quality squad we have. The Australians are a tough team.

IC: Are you confident with your selections? Is there anyone that has missed out?

JB: Well unfortunately, Mark Gillespie has missed out because of an elbow injury. We know he would have been a valuable addition to the team, especially in the one day matches.

IC: Is there anyone that has you concerned on the Australian team?

JB: Not particularly. We know they are a strong unit all around and we'll have to be at the top of our game.

IC: Thanks for the quick chat John. Good luck for the tour ahead. Stay tuned for our interview with New Zealand captain, Daniel Vettori.
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Daniel Vettori Interview


Vettori Confident Of Success


ABOVE - New Zealand captain, Daniel Vettori spoke today about his team's chances against Australia.

Tony Greig got together today with Daniel Vettori to have a chat about New Zealand cricket and their upcoming tour of Australia. Seated together in the shade of the stands at the Sydney Cricket Ground, Vettori sounded extremely confident of over throwing the current world champions.

TG: Good morning Daniel. How's the team coming?

DV: Morning Tony. I think we're moving forward strongly and we're in the process of what I think, will be one of the best teams in the world.

TG: Is there any players on the Australian side of things that have been given some thought to?

DV: Not really Tony, we know that the Australian team is a strong one, but they've lost some of their stars recently. Shane Warne and Glenn McGrath have been major losses for their bowling attack and we're looking for ways to exploit that.

TG: Interesting thoughts. The Australian bowlers can't be underestimated though, they still have world class in Clark, Lee and Johnson. Spin is obviously their weakness with Warne gone and MacGill as well missing. Any thoughts on how to exploit that?

DV: We haven't really thought about it. We don't believe that they will use many specialist spinners, instead they will probably rely on guys like Michael Clarke and Andrew Symonds.

TG: So you've been giving your batsman more time on studying the quicker bowlers? Has all the focus been on nullifying the effect of Clark, Lee and Johnson or have you put time into players like Watson, Hilfenhaus and even Dougie Bollinger?

DV: Of course we've focused on those three but we have also put time into watching some domestic players like those you mentioned. It's always possible that injuries or just a player's form could change the Aussie lineup. We're confident that we are well prepared to face anything they throw at us.

TG: What about on your bowlers? Have they had to do much after considering Australia is changing it's batsman from Langer and Martyn to guys like Katich, Jaques and Hodge?

DV: I'm more than confident of our bowler's abilities. With guys like Bondy, Chris Martin and Jacob Oram, we are very happy. I also think that Jeetan Patel has done more than enough to prove he is ready at this level. He's more than capable of causing some trouble for the Aussies.

TG: What strategies are you going to be implementing against the Australians? Any new, exciting ideas?

DV: Now that would be telling, wouldn't it Tony? We're just going to throw everything we have at them and give it our best.

TG: Thanks for that Daniel. Good luck against the Aussies.
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Good interview with Ian Bracewell and Vettori . Good start mate looking forward for the matches
Looking good mate, will be watching very closely. Your presentation is certainly very good.

Maybe try using a different text. Comic Sans MS is a popular one :)
1st ODI Preview


First ODI Ready To Kick Off

Australia and New Zealand are both ready, the first ODI is ready to begin. It will prove the defining moment of the one day series. Providing a chance to benchmark each team.

New Zealand will be looking to start off strongly in front of a strong Australian crowd, with captain Daniel Vettori and coach John Bracewell looking to lead their nation to victory.

The Australians are hoping to prove to their home crowd that despite the lack of some of the stars, they are still the world's best. A few revealing recent tours without these key players have Australian fans on edge, praying for a successful series against the Kiwis.

Let's now go down to Allan Border and Ian Botham for the pitch report.


ABOVE - The Sydney Cricket Ground, staging ground for the first match of the Trans Tasman Challenge.

AB: Morning to all. It's looking like a very dry pitch today Ian, what do you think?

IB: Absolutely, some small cracks might develop and give New Zealand the edge, should they decide to play both Vettori and Patel. The Australians might find themselves relying on players like Symonds and Clarke to get some turn.

AB: You don't think that White might get a go? He's very capable batsman and a handy leggy. Australia has some handy spinners available in Bryce McGain, Dan Cullen and Jason Krezja, do you think any will get to start today?

IB: I'm not sure whether they will start any specialist spin bowlers. It's more than likely that their batting order will be fitted out with a few all rounders, Watson and White being the likely choices.

AB: The weather probably won't have much of an effect today, the heat might effect a player's longetivity at the crease of their fielding later in the day, but I don't think much swing will come through.

IB: No, not at all. The movement of the pitch for the fast bowlers will prove important.

AB: Thanks for that Ian, we'll be back with the coin toss momentarily.
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First off, I wanted to give a special thanks to domiw, who has created the awesome banners you now see at the top of each update. Also, being busy is slowing down the progress of this story, but hang in there folks, I promise to get it done!
High Five mate!!! :D I'll be honest and say most peoples first story's normally are really bad. Your bucking this trend. Really good work so far, gonna be cracking when this starts :)
1st ODI Pre-Match


Let's Go Down For The Toss

Welcome to our coverage of the first One Day International between Australia and New Zealand. Let's go down to Mark Taylor for the coin toss.


MT: Morning all, with me I have both captains, Ricky, what are you going to do if you win the toss?

RP: Morning Mark, I think we'll have a bat, the pitch looks like it will slow down and become harder to bat on. We'd like to get a big total early.

MT: Any suprises with your team this morning?

RP: No, we went with what we believe is the strongest possible side.

MT: Thanks Ricky. Now to Simon O'Donnell, who is with New Zealand captain Daniel Vettori.

SD: Thanks Mark. Now Daniel, any plans beyond winning the toss?

DV: We want to have a bat first. I think as the day goes on the pitch might get harder to bat on and offer a bit of movement.

SD: Any reason why Jeetan Patel isn't playing today?

DV: We didn't believe there was a need, he'll definetly be playing if the pitch is right for him.

SD: Thanks Daniel, I think it's time to toss the coin.


MT: Well, there you have it. New Zealand are batting first. Good luck to both captains and their teams. We hope you enjoy our coverage.

go_hodgey added 31 Minutes and 12 Seconds later...


Australia Strike Early

Australia have struck early, removing Lou Vincent after he spooned an easy catch to Michael Clarke at cover, leaving the Kiwis at 10/1 after five overs.

New Zealand Batting

J. How - 5 (12)
C. McMillan - 1 (2)

Last Wicket: L. Vincent - 3 (16) - c. M. Clarke b. B. Lee - FOW: 8/1

Australia Bowling

B. Lee - 3.0 - 1 - 5 - 1
M. Johnson - 2.0 - 0 - 5 - 0


ABOVE - Lou Vincent was looking alright until....


ABOVE - He spooned a catch straight to Michael Clarke.

Let's now join Michael Holding and Tony Greig to discuss the innings so far.

MH: Well, Vincent's failure might be a major point. He is capable of making good scores and helping his team to the top.

TG: Yes, it was a lazy shot from him, but you can't take anything away from Lee's bowling so far. Every ball up until the wicket ball was keeping straight and this ball seamed slightly away, forcing Vincent to reach for it.

MH: The Australian bowling has been good all around, keeping it relatively tight and apart from a wide from Mitchell Johnson, has been very tight.


ABOVE - Brett Lee celebrates his wicket.


ABOVE - Craig McMillan makes his way to the crease.

TG: Absolutely, it's now up to the McMillan and How to see if they can steady the ship.

MH: Let's go back to the cricket and find out.
Great start by Aussies to the match... Your interviews are very detailed and well presented... Keep this coming up.

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