Could this ever happen in the Indian Subcontinent?

Why do we want other country people in the Indian team? there are so many careers that do not take off at all because we can have only 11 people in a national team. And you want other country people in the team at the cost of our own people?


Don't be so freakin' bigotted. We're talking about say if a white family from England moved to India now. Had a son and that son then played cricket for India. He'd be white because both his parents would be, but he'd be Indian.

Jesus, once again you go ahead with more bigotted, biased, bull.
Well it's equal oppurtunity and all that. Say that you have a white guy from Australia and an Indian. The white guy is far more talented, but the Indian gets the nod because he was born there. That's racial discrimination

Highlander999 added 0 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...

And me and Animator said practically the same thing :p
OK, put your prejudices to side for a second and imagine this scenario.....

A baby boy is born to a white British couple in Bangalore...the family love it so much they decide to stay in India and all give up their British citizenship and become Indians. The young baby boy grows up to be a star batsman through the years and plays for the college and state teams.

Assuming he is better than other Indian players in his position....would this guy be picked to play for India?
They can't just give up their British Citizenship and become Indian...

But if he was good enough, then he would play. As simple as that. He'd speak like an Indian, act like an Indian, but just be white. Wouldn't make a difference either way.
OK, put your prejudices to side for a second and imagine this scenario.....

A baby boy is born to a white British couple in Bangalore...the family love it so much they decide to stay in India and all give up their British citizenship and become Indians. The young baby boy grows up to be a star batsman through the years and plays for the college and state teams.

Assuming he is better than other Indian players in his position....would this guy be picked to play for India?

Common sense says yes, but in reality, I'm not so sure. I doubt it.
They can't just give up their British Citizenship and become Indian...

Actually, yeah they can.

Anyways, of course the person would play for India, if he was that good. We have an Italian prime minister for gods sake.

Cricketman added 1 Minutes and 9 Seconds later...

Ignorant? It's all about citizenship laws, my friend. I think you need to go read up on them. IIRC, India has not yet supported dual-citizenship. So even if those children born in India are eligible for Indian citizenship, their parents would have probably chosen their country of citizenship for their children, given that those countries usually have a much better government and healthcare programs, etc.

I'm actually a dual citizen. :p
Well, you do have Indian parents, so you are eligible for an Indian passport and such...

How can one just give up one nationality and take up another?
Anyways, of course the person would play for India, if he was that good. We have an Italian prime minister for gods sake.

Who, India? Last time I checked it was Manmohan Singh. I do think he's a bit of a dummy though!;)

mukund_nadkarni added 6 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

A baby boy is born to a white British couple in Bangalore...the family love it so much they decide to stay in India and all give up their British citizenship and become Indians. The young baby boy grows up to be a star batsman through the years and plays for the college and state teams.

Yes he will play for India. And he will be supported alike by the people. I cannot account for the corruption within the administrative set up, but if such a person does fall out of favour, it is unlikely it would be because he is white. There are plenty of young talents that have suffered at the hands of those in power so he wouldn't be the first either.

But if you think, anyone here, of whatever colour, will not be able to succeed simply because their skin colour is different, then you are much mistaken.

Also Sohum, I do think NRIs can avail dual citizenship.
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May I ask why it is so hard to gain it? Does India not want immigration?

Thank you but we are already atleast 500 million extra.

Precambrian added 2 Minutes and 3 Seconds later...

It'd never happen. We Indians still possess some remnants from the colonial age, one among them being "Forget the march when the white man comes". Hence I'd say white men have a better chance of making it.
OK, put your prejudices to side for a second and imagine this scenario.....

A baby boy is born to a white British couple in Bangalore...the family love it so much they decide to stay in India and all give up their British citizenship and become Indians. The young baby boy grows up to be a star batsman through the years and plays for the college and state teams.

Assuming he is better than other Indian players in his position....would this guy be picked to play for India?
Assuming all your hypothetical scenarios actually take place and the planets align themselves in some ridiculous order, yes, he would be picked to play for India. The fact is this situation would be so much of an anomaly that unless you have proof of an incident that has actually occurred, you are just dabbling around in your imagination.
I think more like we have hit upon some Indian sensitivities about race and prejudice that some people woudl rather not discuss.

Yes was a simple question to ask...all it needed was a simple answer, namely: "Yes, if he's good enough, he woudl play, his skin color doesn't matter."

Instead we get nonsense about dual citizenship, no white being around in India blah blah blah. Your right, this should be in the jokes category and the jokes on you!
You didn't ask if a White guy could play for India, you practically said he wouldn't cause the selectors were racist. Ofcourse we'll get mad.

I personally very much doubt it, there is so much politics in these teams that even players form certain regions can never get picked let alone someone who is a different colour

We're annoyed cause of your stupid accusation.
I think more like we have hit upon some Indian sensitivities about race and prejudice that some people woudl rather not discuss.

Whenever did we claim that we have no prejudices and sensitivities that not every one would agree with? We are only human, and not perfect by any means. Can you say that you have no prejudices yourself?

And if that is indeed your question, why beat around the bush? Why the garb of a cricketing question? Nice way to get around the forum rules.
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Whenever did we claim that we have no prejudices and sensitivities that not every one would agree with? We are only human, and not perfect by any means. Can you say that you have no prejudices yourself?

And if that is indeed your question, why beat around the bush? Why the garb of a cricketing question? Nice way to get around the forum rules.

I don't think people should argue. But to answer your first point, it is called equal oppurtunities, and all employers need to abide by it over in Britain or face getting in massive trouble. So it doesn't matter if you are black, white, Asian, American, gay or straight you get treated the same.

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