Description of leaving the ball captures

paul r smith

Club Cricketer
Jun 28, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
Further to the information sent by shailesh regarding the leaving the ball captures i have found there to be 5 captures for batsmen leaving the ball, including 3 i have never seen used in gameplay!, these 3 are marked with *

rot. 40: *: batsmen puts his foot to the pitch of the ball presents his pad and lifts the bat out of the way of the ball
rot.41 : standard leave, used all the time in game play
rot.42 : * batsmen crouches under the ball, bends knees and has a horizontal bat, played to a bouncer
rot.43 : standard duck under the ball, played all the time in gameplay
rot.44 : * batsmen stands tall, drops his hands and sways away from a short ball, pulling his head out of the way of the ball.

of these 5 leaving the ball captures i have only seen the standard duck and leave played in gameplay, the fact that 3 of these captures do not appear in gameplay is no surprise when you look at the umpire captures, there are 3 different captures for the batsmen being given out by the umpire for example, yet only one appears in standard gameplay, there is even an umpire capture where the umpire removes the bails and puts them in his pocket!, rot. 199c, again, i have never seen this in gameplay, ie. at the end of a session for the tea interval.

to view each of the 5 different captures for leaving the ball, including the 3 i have never seen played before. you need to delete rot. 40-44 in your batsmen captures, copy rot. 40 from the game cd to the batsmen captures, make 4 copies of this and rename the 4 copies 41-44, play the game and every time the batsmen leaves the ball he will execute rot.40. to view the other 4 captures follow this procedure.
i have screen shots of the 5 captures, i will send them to anyone if they wish to recieve them
regards, paul
Excellent work.
Now, is there any way of putting all these rot files in the game together, coz it would be great to have the batsman leave the ball in different ways (I'd love to be able to 'pad up' to the spinners!)
I agree, the problem is "activating" the files so that they work during gameplay, i imagine that this is similar to the no-ball problems, ie why is there a capture yet never a no-ball bowled?, have you tried the different captures in gameplay?, the foot to the pitch and present the pad leave looks excellent, i have removed the standard leave capture and replaced it with this one, 40, and i have removed both ducking captures and replaced them with the drop hands/sway away from delivery capture, this is an improvement in gameplay.
by the way, anyone who has requested the screen shots may be disapointed as i am again having problems in sending winzip attachments, the 5 screen shots are only 777kb, yet are taking a very long time to send
regards, paul
I swapped rot 43 and 44 and for the first over of play the batsman both ducked the short ball ( as usual) and swayed out of the way to other balls. But now the batsman just sways out of the way (which I agree is still an improvement). I wonder how both methods of leaving the ball were present for a while?
I then swapped rot 40 and 41, and the batsman presents his pad to leave the full pitched ball now, which I like.
I think this method of leaving the ball was supposed to be against spinners only when the game was developed, as against fast bowlers, the leave appears slightly slow.
Anyway, great work on your behalf - keep it up!

If its only replacing five different files to one, this can be done using a pc scheduler. You can create a macro using the pc scheduler and get it to use the five files to be renamed to one on a timely basis, lets say for instance every half a minute. Every half a minute the pc will find a new file and will execute it. I had a pc scheduler on my pc before, I'll see if I can find it.
i have found on new capture for umpire(i don't know if any body already have discovered it ) that caputre the umpire shows leg byes like in the real life umpires do....its 190l.rot file and another one is that umpire shows 4 leg byes
is there a capture for batsman coming down the wicket too??
why is there so many unused captures? Are there any codemasters guys who can answer?
great work !!!

paul can u send me screen shot of rot.42 capture as i have tried the others...they look excellent !! can u find out about bowlers & keepers captures ??? this is a great research .....thanx

hposter>there are 226 capture in the games there might be a capture for batsman coming down the wicket hidden somewhere ??? hope that someone can find which one is !!!

Do you mean the Windows Task Scheduler? I think this program is on all win95 and win98 OS. I've never used it; can it be used to replace files at a preset interval?
Great Work Paul!

I am trying to use your info on settings.blc i think we can make this game better than crick 2002
Just upload your screen shots to BLC WORLD.
It will take less than a minute
sangamm> just curious. can you point me to the info on settings.blc ? thx

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