Developer Question : Control Setup


International Cricketer
Aug 30, 2003
This is a developer question. What control setup do you use while playing Brian Lara Cricket 2007 ? Keyboard or Mouse? and why do you prefer one over the other.

Also would like some input on your preferred mode of controls.:happy
I use both for controlling :p though i have found out while we are batting if we can control it wih mouse we can get various types of gaps for shots . Basically when i bat i used kexboard for shots and use Mouse for taking run ,similarly i use mouse while bowling, fileding and taking catches :)
Sangam is from EA right?
If so, don't ask us about controls, get working on a decent cricket game with alright gameplay for once instead of the usual pish we get ;).

How about you help me with the controls first. and I am no longer with EA anymore.
on a keyboard ASDW as the batting and bowling controls arrows to direct (the standard) with control it would have to be 360 for batting and if you tap it analoge hard its hit hard and vice versa. as for bowling arrows and buttons imo. try to keep the L1,R1,R2,L2 out of it as much as possible as there bloody annoying.
360 Analog is no doubt the best. Question is :

Keyboard or Mouse ? ( What if you dont own a gamepad )
360 Analog is no doubt the best. Question is :

Keyboard or Mouse ? ( What if you dont own a gamepad )

I will say both .......... (If you Dont have GamePad ;)

Mouse - Bowling, Catching ,taking runs and catches

Keyboard - While batting
I only use the mouse because it's better to select the exact direction of the shot. Otherwise I prefer the keyboard.
keyboard, if you got a laser mouse it could mess up like mine does on blic and just swing around constantly.

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