England In India - October 2011/12

Just been looking at Bell's career summary on CricInfo, he averages 70 with Strauss as captain!

His form is so utterly good.

Some other stats from this mega partnership. KP will now average 50 in test again after this innings, regardless of not out or out.

If Bell scores 208 in this innings he'll pass 5000 runs.

If these two take the score to 468 it'll be the highest 3rd wicket partnership for England against any team breaking a record made in 1947 by Edrich and Compton.

KP has now passed Strauss's Test runs, in 24 less innings.
Broad has more runs in this series than Tendulkar. . .

this is a flat pitch - look for sachin to get his umpteenth century here.

but knowing the english luck - it will be cloud cover tomorrow arvo and be swinging like an englishman in his 40s.

belly? two 6s on the trot? thank god warnie is rooting that pommy lass and not on the mike - this is ridiculous!!
I think Pieterson and Bell have had a bet to see who reaches 200 first.

Edit: Dammit.
Pitch isn't that flat imo, if the bowlers were any use, they'd find that bit of bounce, or use that little bit of swing.

Raina gets KP caught and bowled. 175, well played son, well played.
The game is so far gone for India I don't think it matters to use a nightwatchman for all of 3 overs.

As Sky are saying, it was probably Morgan's decision, he's been in his pads for how long? Meh, just doesn't matter, don't think Anderson will hang around in the morning, before he's shown he can score a quick 20 or 30, hit out or get out I reckon. Not going to slow our progress.
Pitch isn't that flat imo

you are getting confident eyes sureshot - thats what we aussies use to say. its true though - good bowlers make something happen from nothing and england have the best attack at the minute. there isnt anything there, but they will make something happen because you expect it to and so do the indians. but mainly because YOU expect it to!

for the record since this is a series of records - i remember when the aussies played south africa i think we belted them relentlessly but they were number 1 (due to scheduling like how india got to the top). but i dont think we belted them 4 straight this badly. is this a record for how badly a number 1 team has been beaten?
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So these two days have made sure that India will finish this series with no win as anybody with a brain wasn't thinking they are gonna win atleast one Game
If I was Bopara, I would have volunteered as night watchman, may be the only chance he gets to bat.

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