Story Filleigh CCC in Battrick


International Cricketer
Apr 16, 2007
Devon, UK
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hello I'm covlad-99,
I have just started using battrick, and here is my story of being manager of Filleigh CCC.

I had a dreadful start and bought 3 players, Tim Thorne for £1000, Ged Ottley for £23000 and and a couple of others for around £50000 each and spent loads on staff and ITS.
I ended up having to bug loads of other BT users for help.

then I started to use my brain and sorted out a proper lineup for my first match on the 20th May against cantonas claws, unfortunately, I got hammered, by about 350 runs. I know.
I put my best player, Gregg Elliott up for sale because of my debt, his auction finishes on the 22nd May (tomorrow) and the highest bidder is a good friend of W3lshrugby at £178000 around that figure.
I have bought a 17 YO called Roy Whiteside and just shoved him in as many nets as I needed so that I could train him up for next season.

right now, I am saving up about £1mil as advised by Zorax, and what he says Surendar also gave me some great help. and W3lshrugby.Soon i should have some good money to do whatever I want with. My battrick is based on Youth Pulls from now on, and I'll post on here if I get any, and also any players up for sale.

BY THE WAY My squad could use some match practice, so if you want to play a poor side so i can put a few teenagers out please challenge me no matter how good you are, because I'm out of the cup. (I said earlier(350 runs)) Please challenge.

Also I have renamed my ground to Edbaston no.2!!! now who doesn't want to play at Edgbaston?? hopefully I'll get good luck!!

Here are the players I have up for sale currently:

Gregg Elliott 22/05/2007 10:36:04 £178501
Arthur Daniell 22/05/2007 20:51:36 £0
Kelly Carruthers 23/05/2007 18:53:20 £0
Geraint Wilson 24/05/2007 08:07:22 £0
Zema Ambrose 24/05/2007 08:07:33 £0
Matthew Byles 24/05/2007 08:07:55 £0
Gary Cohen 24/05/2007 08:08:18 £0
Francis Garricks 24/05/2007 08:08:50 £0
Connor Hatcher 24/05/2007 08:09:04 £0
Ken Ludlam 24/05/2007 08:09:20 £0
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Gregg Elliott 22/05/2007 10:36:04 £178501

so he is the rescuer of ur team from the critical position! I see... But u have tough job ahead in rebuilding ur team.. Gud Luck :cool:
so he is the rescuer of ur team from the critical position! I see... But u have tough job ahead in rebuilding ur team.. Gud Luck :cool:

well I'm trying to sort out a half replacement. but obviously the player in mind won't be as good as Gregg Elliott, but i'm trying, hopefully I'll pull a good 17 YO next week.
Today, I sold Gregg Elliott for £193,218 to a team called 'PopWin'.
This means I am alot better in the financial situation.
But, how come I can't buy any players, even though I'm into profit this week?
is their a transfer budget? answers please :)
ah, yes I am. Here are my figures.
Current Balance: £-204,165
Projected balance at next Update: £-139,657

will I be out of debt soon do you reckon?
Hey all the best mate. We are starting our season in Battrick together. My first season as well:p
lol. I am currently playing a friendly against a team called 'Joey' and my bowlers are turning out to be very expensive. However, my opening bowler Welch bowled someone out first ball of the day. score now is 177-1 (Joey batted first) so this partnership is 177!!!

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