Global Moderators

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ICC Chairman
Feb 15, 2006
Bentonville, US
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I dont know whethr its valid or not... but i am posting what i felt!!!

it wud be more nice if Global moderators are appointed according to time shifts!! At this very time(11 am in India), there is only Prakash(Staff) online and the spamming by hypothesis was very irritating with the hurting contents of Pak people and there is no one to stop him and he posted repeatedly in evry forums...(as the staffs have the control only that particular section)

Similar thing happened few months back, where one person was posting porn stuffs at 2 am, Indian Timimngs... ( I reported this to Kev,Duff,Sid,M_Vaughan and also Colin)

Even Hamlick thing in Farrukh's thread( Atleast for this admins were online at that time)

well these are the things i felt in my mind!!!
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i think its a little to hard to work this out, and this jackass is just lucky that noone is on at the moment
We should let it go... Lonely, bored buggers don't come along to often... The mods can just ban him and close his threads when they come online.
zMario said:
It hurts me...
im very very sorry that you feel hurt after this outburst by an obviously insecure guy.

maybe if there was a mod where if you had the support of say 10 members you could delete a post or topic? that would sort this out without given mod powers to many people.
Or bored.. He probably has nothing better to do so he decided to join PC to tell us he cleans his "sh!thole" with pakistani faces. Seriously... Get a life!
These kind of people are usually called TROLLS on the internet...
Have nothing better to do than try and wind people up. You have a valid point though, we do need a mod or two to do a night shift.
embi said:
These kind of people are usually called TROLLS on the internet...
Have nothing better to do than try and wind people up. You have a valid point though, we do need a mod or two to do a night shift.
i dont think thats possible, there's enough strain on them as it is and they can't make promises to be on at a time as a social life my interupt this. You can't blame them for having a life!
langerrox said:
i dont think thats possible, there's enough strain on them as it is and they can't make promises to be on at a time as a social life my interupt this. You can't blame them for having a life!

I mean exactly the same as surendar lol. We need a mod or two who are usually on during the night.
If thats not possible then we will have mods coming on in the morning, anyway. It might be too late but then at least they can deal with it in the end.
Usually there isn't much activity during these hours, nothing like this anyway.
All has been sorted now.
It would be too hard to do, it would mean that mods HAVE to be on at certain times of the day. Having read the disgusting comments, there really isnt anything we can do about it other than ignore him. You can garauntee that his goal is to make people be upset, so you cant give him what he wants.
I think we have a representative spread of Global Moderators anyway.

Myself from the UK
Brad and Aussie1st from Australia
M_Vaughan from UAE

With a spread like that we pretty much have as much coverage (time-zone wise) as we are going to get. There are always going to be times when someone isnt online for some reason or another (like perhaps they have a life, are at work or are sleeping).
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