"HardwareSetup Program has encountered a problem"

Mr. Collingwood said:
Comes up when I try to run the game...?

same is the case with me.... HELP pls!!
try this as it worked for me i deleted a bad dll in my computer
1) You didn't install OpenAL (Windows users check the folder for a RunMeFirst file. Everyone else check www.OpenAL.org ). If you didn't run this before runing the game, run it now and see if that cures the problem.
2) Your OpenAL install is corrupt (Windows users check Windows\System32 for either ct_oal.dll or nvopenal.dll. These are the OpenAL 1.0 .dlls and they are causing the screwup. Delete them and run the OpenAL installer (RunMeFirst) again. ). If that doesn't work try deleting OpenAL32.dll and wrap_oal.dll and then running the RunMeFirst file again.
Thanks cjackson11,

this is what i did..

well... OpenAL was installed... i tried un-installing and thn re-installing it (this time using installer from openal.org) Yet it didnt work!!

i tried deletinf wrap_oal.dll and openal32.dll also.. even that didnt work!!

any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
did you go into your system32 directory i deleted ct_oal.dll try that or the nvopenal that was my problem
well neither of the two exist !!

where as OpenAL32.dll and wrap_oal.dll do exist...

when i deleted openal32 and wrap_oal and tried running the game... it showed an error regarding unavailability of openal32...

any furthur suggestions?

dont know why, but, i'm unable to open the above given links!!
well... its the same as you told!!

neways.. thanks for your concern and help!!

But am still there -> Unable to run BLIC 2007!! :(

those havin error problem.....hardware encountered a error
plz...c whether they have updated version of direct x 9c..or not coz i was havin da same prob.....to chk version of direct x....go 2 start den..run..den write dxdiag.......there u can chk ur version.
Same problem for me also.Same thing Happens to BLIC 2005 demo too.How to solve this?
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download 3D-ANALYZER v 2.36b from google........then open it and select ur icc cricket.exe file from programme files of blic 2007 in ur computer.......one thing should be noted-plz mark the emulate max.sim.texutere option in anallyzer software.then run the game...definetely game will run.....
Thanks.But Same old error report is coming
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