Its Eid/diwali

ya crackers causes lot of pollution .i have also lost interest in it since last 3 years but I still enjoy the crackers in Diwali by watching the rockets sparkling in the dark sky .

once again HAPPY DIWALI
Lookout for tomorrow ...
Its gonna be a cracking Diwali fest tomorrow.Crackers out from 5 a.m in the morning right upto 5 a.m the next morning.
Sadly adding up the pollution.
iceman_waugh said:
Lookout for tomorrow ...
Its gonna be a cracking Diwali fest tomorrow.Crackers out from 5 a.m in the morning right upto 5 a.m the next morning.
Sadly adding up the pollution.

so true !!
I love firecrackers!!! Not big burning ones much, mostly bombs and those small popping things and fuljaris.
Happy Diwali and Eid to all of you.
Happy Eid And Diwali All Of U
I Am Not Happy Because Of Earthquake
barmyarmy said:
Eid is a Muslim festival marking the end of Ramadan and Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights.
We're having a Eid night this thursday with the cub pack I run.
Having lived in southwest London for eighteen years I've seen my fair share of Eid and Diwali celebrations!

Have you heard of Wembley? (north west London) A very large Asian population there, all around there are lots of fireworks going left right and centre.
Ronan_UK said:
Have you heard of Wembley? (north west London)

Is that a serious question? :p
Having spent 18 years living in London I have indeed heard of and been to Wembley. I was based around the Hounslow/Feltham area though.

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