Sureshot said:
Don't say Ireland is part of this country Stevie, an Irishmen will bite your head off.

lol, didn't mean it to sound like that. I still don't see why we can't do some head banging in this country.
andrew_nixon said:
Blair loves any sport, especially when he can get some publicity from it.

Probably doesn't love it enough to treat the English public to FTA cricket. He must be mixed in with Sky Sports.
aussie1st said:
Probably doesn't love it enough to treat the English public to FTA cricket. He must be mixed in with Sky Sports.
Sky Sports is owned by Rupert Murdoch, whos newspapers have supported Blair at the last 3 elections.
andrew_nixon said:
Sky Sports is owned by Rupert Murdoch, whos newspapers have supported Blair at the last 3 elections.

How is it you know so much!? :p
andrew_nixon said:
Sky Sports is owned by Rupert Murdoch, whos newspapers have supported Blair at the last 3 elections.

I thought I was right :p If you guys want FTA cricket vote a different PM in as no way will Blair ruin his relationship with Rupert.

themuel1 said:
How is it you know so much!? :p

He is a walking facts machine!
lol I know about 40% of Australians want Howard out but for Blair I don't think so!
How about Helen Clark I'm sure you can presuade her to put cricket on FTA ;)

THE NEWS that viewing figures for test cricket have plummeted to a lowly 200,000 since Sky TV has had exclusive rights has been described by Selby MP John Grogan as "appalling".

You can find the rest of the article HERE.

Thanks to Kev for the article. Quite what he was doing looking at Selby today I don't know! :p

But anyway, I think this is finally the proof that the ECB made a big mistake at the end of 2004.

EDIT: Apparently thanks need to go to Nightprowler. :)
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Its Nightprowler that needs the thanks, he posted it in the Domestic Cricket thread :p
There's the thread I was looking for. I kept searching for "free cricket", no wonder I couldn't find it. Thanks for posting it here.

andrew_nixon said:
Sky Sports is owned by Rupert Murdoch, whos newspapers have supported Blair at the last 3 elections.
Doesn't he own FOX as well? Many references to him in The Simpsons led me to think that.
nightprowler10 said:
There's the thread I was looking for. I kept searching for "free cricket", no wonder I couldn't find it. Thanks for posting it here.

No problem! My first search brought up 13 pages of results. :laugh
Thanks for finding it by the way. :)

nightprowler10 said:
Doesn't he own FOX as well? Many references to him in The Simpsons led me to think that.

I think he does, wouldn't be certain on that though.
Sky offered more money than Channel 4.

Ecb took them up on it, only one group to blame for the demise.

I doubt it's as low as 200,000 though.
Sureshot said:
I doubt it's as low as 200,000 though.

Why not? Don't forget a fair amount of cricket was rained off or lost to bad light, which would not have helped viewing figures.

Not to mention that each test went 5 days, whilst against Bangladesh it was all normally over inside 3 days for a convincing thrashing. Being honest who in England doesn't like watching their country thrash someone? Scoring at more than 4 runs an over most of the time and picking up wickets regularly.
Firstly, I'd much rather watch a decent match than a one sided affair and Secondly why would they release low figures if they weren't accurate, it doesnt exactly strengthen sky's position.

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