Kshitiz's Jokes


Executive member
Apr 9, 2006
New Delhi, India
Hi everyone. Here will be all my jokes.

1. A son gets 0 in maths paper. Father asks him what is this , and this is what the student said : -
" The Teacher Ran out of stars, so she started giving planets " :p

Test for your Mental Ability.
See Carefully and find a Beautiful Girl..
hope you must find lol


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well after i finished reading the first joke the second "joke" had already appeared:p
lol !!! I never thought that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok here's another

How to tell the sex of a bird

I always thought it was tough.
but one day all my doubts were cleared. I began to see daylight. The picture says it all

Below are Two Birds. Study them closely...
See If You Can Spot Which of The Two Is The Female.

It can be done.

Even by one with limited bird watching skills.

scroll down



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lol... Good jokes mate especially that bird joke!!! :happy
Thanks guys, i will post more today :)

duff said:
Kshitiz, normally beautiful girls don't scare me.

Well, maybe then you are too used to see yourself in the mirror then :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D ( Joking )

u r Ultimate
u r Lovely
u r Likeable
u r Unique
In short... u r ULLU !!!


I am getting married next week.
There will be small party
and only a few people will be invited.
Don't bring any gifts.
just bring SOMEONE to marry me.


Galileo : Great Mind
Einstein : Genius Mind
Newton : Extraordinary Mind
Bill Gates : Brilliant Mind
ME : Master Mind
YOU : Never Mind


Good Person : Its YOU
Good Friend : Its YOU again
Good Heart : That's YOU !
Good Will : Its also YOU !
Good Looking Ahh....
hold it. Its 2 much 4 u..... Now its ME


I wanted 2 kill the SWEETEST, SMARTEST
& the most beautiful person on the earth,but then I thought.........
SUICIDE is a crime.
great jokes kshitiz.. but i just wanted to ask if you are making these jokes? or are you getting them from somewhere and copy pasting?
Great jokes Kshitiz! The first joke is great! So are the rest, mind you.
Uh Farrukh these jokes are combined creations of my Brother and Me. we use to spread them by SMS :D:D:D:D:D:D

Here are more

I Look at the moon,
the moon is beautiful...
I look at you... I... I...I'd rather
look at the moon again...

stupid !!!!!!!!! If u cant understand why are you reading it ??? :p:p

Why do we drink water ?

Because we cannot eat it.
lol!!!!! :rtfl :rtfl hahaha can't stop laughing at the 2nd one :laugh, great ones 'shitiz! :D
Nice jokes Kshitiz! I like the second one as well! Keep it up!

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