New Styles of Games


International Coach
Jun 28, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Id like you all to post any new styles of games that you can think of,other than the one's that we have running in the market currently.

I'll start off with one.


This would add a bit of realism in the games.Id like to see this especially in FIFA but it could also be implemented in other games including Cricket.

I'll try to explain it with FIFA.Basically you just start off by choosing a single player(Eg-Gerrard,Ronaldinho or even a player with your own name).The entire game then revolves around the player,including what the manager speaks to him,which club he chooses,whether he is chosen to represent his country,his talks with the media and his performance on the pitch(which is also controlled by us).

Basically on the game,we can only control this player,and he can move around in the field(assuming he is an outfield player),and make player calls(basically asking the others to pass him the ball etc).And he can also make player runs in games,in between conversation(quick one's) with team mates,and if he is the captain of the side he can organise the team etc.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this and other ideas.

Abhas said:
ya...thats an excellent idea :), might become boring though after a while...

Well each individual would have different paths,so if you got bored of one player you could choose a different type of player who will have a different career.
I posted my idea in TCp forums.Although LM said that it would be too diff to include it, but there's hope.

Here, take a look.

I have a idea.
How about a single control mode?Specially in carrer mode?

I.e. instead of having a team to control, you control a single player.much like a RPG.

"Rise from shabby streets to greatest cricket grounds ever.From simple street tournaments of prize 1.0$ to millions in world cup.Rise your player the the hall of fame form worst in our community."

Sounds nice.Doesn't it :cool:

Here is the way one could implement it.

1.You get a random player generated by game.
It would have 3 qualities.2 skills and ability.
eg skills could include modifiers for batting bowling, fielding etc.
while ability would incude things like conc, fitness etc.

2.You start form street cricket.They are basic ground you play in our own backyard.(community parks, etc or a road typical Sehwag style)

3.As you play, the game analyses you and increases your stats in the areas you play nicely.

4.After some required skills set level is reached, you get promoted to state, then region, national and finally international.
At international level, the difficulty should be such that you have to play really good to remain in the squad.

5.To win the game, one should try to reach the hall of fame cricketers.

Also, In the beginning , selection of country could be made.
eg India - The most diifficult to get to international team, but if you reach there , it is easier to remain in the team.
Australia - The most difficult country in terms of retaing you.

In addns, you could play county cricket, on contratual basis.
Become adorable of fans to help reatain in the team.

I think if this mode is implemented nicely, it would become the biggest draw of the game.As the current games lack key element, i.e. personalisation,in the game feeling an dreplaybility.
This mode will really bring these 3 elements in the game.

Think about it. ;)
Its pretty similar to the idea in Post 1,but in Cricket.I think however that such modes are difficult to add on to existing games,and we should have game titles just for these types of modes.
There's something similar to what Sid suggested in the first post in Club Football 2005. Its not exactly an RPG, but its a football game where you have the option of controlling just one player. In PES5 also you have the option of playing as just one player.
both the suggestions are "player managers", not many games have been made on this genre...

excellent ideas... keep it up !
:) :) :)
Nice idea to be a single player, I'd like to be a young man who signs for Norwich and onwards, wapping in the goals for England in the end! :cool:

If I get bored, I can simply play another mode! :rolleyes:
hmm Sid this Fifa thing which u posted seems a bit intresting it would be more intresting if they would make this Fifa Game lik some Virtual Glasses and u put the Glasses on and actually move in the game and also talk.. i hope u understand what i mean :p
Some day I think that might happen, but I could be very old by then! :D
SkateBoarder said:
Nice idea to be a single player, I'd like to be a young man who signs for Norwich and onwards, wapping in the goals for England in the end! :cool:

If I get bored, I can simply play another mode! :rolleyes:

Something like that is bound to happen soon. Its inevitable really that one day compaines will run out of new ideas to include in their Football games, so they'd come up with something like this. :p

The problem though, would be in controlling your player. I mean, would you control him in first person view, or would the camera be positioned right behind him? In PES5 its not much fun to play as a single player mainly because the camera position is very annoying.
Yes agreed,the camera postiton will need a bit of thinking.At the moment I can think of a first person view where you are actually viewing from his eyes,or otherwise a close up view on the player.Maybe some suggestions might be useful on this matter.
Try: wrestling spirit (Grey dog software):

Take control of a single wrestler and take him through matches, cut interviews, speak on tv and radio, negotiate contracts and be involved in backstage wrestling politics.
Tremendous fun, highly editable, great online community for stat and graphics updates. Summing up, Excellent choice overall.

It would be wise to wait for version 2 however since it is expected to be released in a couple of months I think.

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