PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread


Chairman of Selectors
Mar 13, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Post your user name online for the pc version, and arrange matches here.

Username: the_gas

Anyone fancy a 20-20 game right now? I've tested online and servers are up and working, could only find one game and that was an ashes test match. :laugh

PC username - AC2009 username
The_Gas - The_Gas
cricketking10 - cricketking10
stevie - steviejb
Chrisw2k5 - ChrisW
Ronaldo7777 - BobbyB
Ricco_M - RiccoM
Earl_CG - Earl_CG
sententia - Oxtar
Allrounder - Allrounder18
yudi28 - abhishek
bad_till_bones - bad_till_bones
Kutchi - Kutchi
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I dunnow when I'll be getting this game, but my guess is somewhere around 20th or 21st August.

I'll be playing as Bangladesh, username almost definitely Zorax/ZoraxDoom/some other variant. Go easy on me.
I dunnow when I'll be getting this game, but my guess is somewhere around 20th or 21st August.

I'll be losing as Bangladesh, username almost definitely Zorax/ZoraxDoom/some other variant. Go easy on me.

I corrected the post for you
I dunnow when I'll be getting this game, but my guess is somewhere around 20th or 21st August.

I'll be playing as Bangladesh, username almost definitely Zorax/ZoraxDoom/some other variant. Go easy on me.

I really don't want to play against Bangladesh. I am really scared of losing
Haha to both of you. Sarcastically to the first guy...

Bangladesh will be a challenge. I may have a crap seam attack but I'll just choke you with Spin instead :D
yeah gas i'll give you a game mate, i havent really got the hang of things yet so i expect you to win big.........................no pressure:laugh

there's no games available at all at the moment!
If anyone wants a game add me: cricketking10

cheers lads
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I'll be off down the shops to get the PC version tomorrow. Username will most likely be steviejb.

a request to all of you please make the username same as of your planet cricket's user name !!it will be easy to find:p
Hopefully I'll be getting the PC version through the post tomorrow or saturday. Although I'm travelling over to england on sunday for the 4th and 5th day of the Test Match :) so it will probably be middle of next week before I can play online but count me in. I'll post my user name when I register
Cricket 10 and Stevie, ill add you both.

The_gas added 4 Minutes and 25 Seconds later...

I have a game setup now if you want a game cricket10
Cricket 10 and Stevie, ill add you both.

The_gas added 4 Minutes and 25 Seconds later...

I have a game setup now if you want a game cricket10

hey mate, is there punishment system for quitters online? let us know how your game goes
how is online working on PC.Do we have to play like blc 2007 through gamespy or this time ashes has its own servers and leader boards.thanks
Alright guys just played a 20-20 match against cricket10, and it was a tie. A really good game. I forgot to get the scorecards but we both scored 134. I needed 1 run off of the final four balls, i kept trying to finish it with a six and kept missing. Then i needed 1 off 2 and was run out. Then it was 1 off 1 and i was caught and bowled. Funny stuff, great game!

Can confirm the game ran very well, with no lag at all.

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