Planetcricket Chess


Chairman of Selectors
Nov 3, 2004
Ontario, Canada
Online Cricket Games Owned
Anyone out there like chess? People say its boring, but if your actually playing, it feels like a battlefield where 1 move can ruin it for you or the opponent.

If you want to participate in this competition, you need:

A Yahoo Account

Just Fill out this form for me to know how to set this up so the timings would fit.

Yahoo ID:
Chess Experience: (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert)

The Table will be set up this this:
[B]Player Name          Games Played           Wins        Losses       Ties          Points
Harrypotter_Fan              0               0              0          0            0
Abhas                        0               0              0          0            0
Pak_cricketer                2               0              2          0            0 
Barmyarmy                    2               2              0          0            2 [/B]

You can basically challenge anyone from the list and play the game on Yahoo. You get 2 Points for Win, 1 For a Tie, and 0 for a loss.



Planetcricket ID: Pak_Cricketer
Yahoo ID: Zohaib.2006
Chess Experience: Intermediate


Planetcricket ID: Harrypotter_fan
Yahoo ID: [email protected]
Chess Experience: Intermediate

Planetcricket ID: Abhas
Yahoo ID: abhas_cool
Chess Experience: Intermediate


Planetcricket ID: barmyarmy
Yahoo ID: [email protected]
Chess Experience: Intermediate
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I SO want to call you sad, but i do quite enjoy chess ;)
My dad has, believe or not, played chess for England about 10 years ago but he's in retirement now. :p
I always knew you where one of those school geeks, the ones who kissed assed of teachers :p i hated those!

And you'd be wrong... I was frequently in trouble for arguing with the teachers.
I also played 1st XV rugby, music for various ensembles and bands and got straight A's at A Level :p (and played chess for the school...)
So anyone want to face me?

I'm not that good. I lose many of my pieces in the second half of the game. I'm defensive, but then theres this brain blast which makes me do all sorts of stupid stuff.
I might have a game or two on the weekend; I am quite the chess player, very defensive though - I just sit back and wait for a mistake from the opponent. I'd say about 75% of my games against people of similar ability end in draws.
Yahoo ID: abhas_cool
Chess Experience: (Intermediate) (but i would prefer to play the beginners :p)
Location: India

Btw... i was thinking about creating a thread about chess this morning.... Not kidding :)

I'm really out of practice now, haven't played since a long time. Was one of the best in my school Batch though ;)
I loved challenging others, and having a great game... winning or losing was my least priority.... though i had beaten everyone i had challenged atleast once :)
I will sign up a bit later, I have to get a yahoo account.

Looking forward to see how this goes.

To join the comp. you must provide me with your Yahoo ID and your class.

I might have a game or two on the weekend; I am quite the chess player, very defensive though - I just sit back and wait for a mistake from the opponent. I'd say about 75% of my games against people of similar ability end in draws.

I wouldn't give away tactics if I were you. :p

Btw, the table has been updated. I have added 2 players so far. I'm about to add myself now :p

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