Questions from a Noob


School Cricketer
Jul 10, 2015
Hi Experts,

Ordered this game for the XBOX One a few days back and have spent close to 4-5 hours playing it. Have some questions and what better place than this to ask them :)
1. How can I activate the DRS. I have had some terrible caught behind decisions and have had no way to ask for a review.
2. What in your opinion is a better batting camera angle in the long run. Far Batsman or Far Bowler. When I set it to Far Batsman I invert the controls and am basically trying to play just like Id be seeing an actual match on TV. Is this a good camera angle or should I revert back to the default one of Far Bowler? Issue with the default one is when I strike the ball I do not know if it goes to a fielder or not and have to wait for a second to figure that out
3. I started a career with a batting allrounder (medium pace bowler). The bowling is terrible. My bowler hardly swings the ball. However, when I try the same stuff in the ground practice the bowler there is able to swing the ball quite well at the same pro level. Also, at times when im bowling the entire over with in swingers, I get a outswing+1 at the end of the over, wonder why?
4. Is there a way I can decide where to pitch the ball. I have 3 options, short, full, good length only but irrespective of what I try, at the end of the over I see all 6 bowls landing at the same spot. Maybe im not bowling right, how can I practice bowling with a player with my career skill level and no better.

Thanks in advance !
/ Jay
Hi Experts,

Ordered this game for the XBOX One a few days back and have spent close to 4-5 hours playing it. Have some questions and what better place than this to ask them :)
1. How can I activate the DRS. I have had some terrible caught behind decisions and have had no way to ask for a review.

Depends on the type of match you're playing, like in real life the County Championship and Pro 40 games don't have DRS. If you're playing a test or even and English T20 it'll be on.

2. What in your opinion is a better batting camera angle in the long run. Far Batsman or Far Bowler. When I set it to Far Batsman I invert the controls and am basically trying to play just like Id be seeing an actual match on TV. Is this a good camera angle or should I revert back to the default one of Far Bowler? Issue with the default one is when I strike the ball I do not know if it goes to a fielder or not and have to wait for a second to figure that out

Down to personal preference. I've had people on here tell me I shouldn't but I use broadcast cam. I like it because it looks like when I watch cricket on TV.

3. I started a career with a batting allrounder (medium pace bowler). The bowling is terrible. My bowler hardly swings the ball. However, when I try the same stuff in the ground practice the bowler there is able to swing the ball quite well at the same pro level. Also, at times when im bowling the entire over with in swingers, I get a outswing+1 at the end of the over, wonder why?

Probably just the ability of your player?!?

4. Is there a way I can decide where to pitch the ball. I have 3 options, short, full, good length only but irrespective of what I try, at the end of the over I see all 6 bowls landing at the same spot. Maybe im not bowling right, how can I practice bowling with a player with my career skill level and no better.

Thanks in advance !
/ Jay

When you push forward with the RS to release the ball (is it RS or LS I can't remember, I'm a batsmen in my career, haven't bowled for ages) to release the delivery you can move it left or right to alter the line. Beware it's VERY sensitive.

Hope that helps
Hi Experts,

Ordered this game for the XBOX One a few days back and have spent close to 4-5 hours playing it. Have some questions and what better place than this to ask them :)
1. How can I activate the DRS. I have had some terrible caught behind decisions and have had no way to ask for a review.
2. What in your opinion is a better batting camera angle in the long run. Far Batsman or Far Bowler. When I set it to Far Batsman I invert the controls and am basically trying to play just like Id be seeing an actual match on TV. Is this a good camera angle or should I revert back to the default one of Far Bowler? Issue with the default one is when I strike the ball I do not know if it goes to a fielder or not and have to wait for a second to figure that out
3. I started a career with a batting allrounder (medium pace bowler). The bowling is terrible. My bowler hardly swings the ball. However, when I try the same stuff in the ground practice the bowler there is able to swing the ball quite well at the same pro level. Also, at times when im bowling the entire over with in swingers, I get a outswing+1 at the end of the over, wonder why?
4. Is there a way I can decide where to pitch the ball. I have 3 options, short, full, good length only but irrespective of what I try, at the end of the over I see all 6 bowls landing at the same spot. Maybe im not bowling right, how can I practice bowling with a player with my career skill level and no better.

Thanks in advance !
/ Jay

welcome to the game.

1) if you're in an appropriate match type you will get the option. there's no drs in domestic matches in career.
2) close batsman is my favoured, no need to invert. it's not like "watching on tv", it's like playing. it's wonderful.
3) likely your player skills are low on swing.
4) I've had this problem before too. it's generally to do with the timing of release. to practice bowling with a player of your career level, create a similar player in the academy and bowl with him in casual matches.
4) do a practice match with HUD on. Try the different balls but get the points of impact and release (down and up flicks on Rt thumbstick) the same and you'll see the different in length. If you vary the points of foot impact and release, you can vary the length of the ball, because you can bowl way before the front foot crease. To improve your bowling try varying how close to the wicket you bowl (Lt Thumbstick Up/URt/ULt) as well as when you bowl, try small movement to the right or left to where you want to deliver the ball. Practice makes perfect.
The correct spelling is N00b.
Few questions on the XBOX One version

Q1. One has the option to review a decision in the IPL, however, how can I see the snicko and other aides being used to make that decision. All I see is the umpire raising giving the out/not our signal, thats it
Q2. I moved from Amateur to Pro and sure enough find the batting more challenging. Another issue is most of the times when I try to play a straight drive or a drive to long off or long on, the ball goes to mid wicket or square leg or fine leg. Im baffled, does it have something to do with the timing? Even so, when my stick is pointing to long on, how can a perfect shot be played to fine leg (im sure i dont have the invert batting controls on)
Q3. The transition from Amateur to Pro is killing me in terms of the batting experience. Im amateur I could decide whether I want to play a backfoot or frontfoot shot. Here, if I dont decide before the ball is bowled, it just whizzes past the bat. Is there some trick that can help me make that transition easily (besides NET practice)

Thanks again !
Q1: It's a cut-scene, you're prolly skipping it. Don't press anything and watch all the replays.
Q2: Yup, the step up is a big'un. It's a common complaint, you're not alone but the good news is perseverance pays off.
Q3: Practice, Practice, Practice.

You're welcome.
1. I know how you feel. I was completely robbed by a decision in domestic the other day and couldn't review. :(

2. I use close batsmen in career and any single player mode but split screen I use far bowler. Completely up to you.

3. Remember that ground practice the bowler is a lot better than what you are as he isn’t a batting all rounder or a rookie. Your skills gradually improve and you will eventually be able to bowl like him

4. Right stick angle it for width and if you want a fuller ball make your back forth motion on the stick faster and the opposite for a shorter delivery. As for practicing with your career player it is definitely something the game needs.

If none of this makes sense please ask
4. Right stick angle it for width and if you want a fuller ball make your back forth motion on the stick faster and the opposite for a shorter delivery. As for practicing with your career player it is definitely something the game needs.

If none of this makes sense please ask

Am not sure I understand what you mean by the above.
Also a common problem im seeing, any ideas on this -
Q2. I moved from Amateur to Pro and sure enough find the batting more challenging. Another issue is most of the times when I try to play a straight drive or a drive to long off or long on, the ball goes to mid wicket or square leg or fine leg. Im baffled, does it have something to do with the timing? Even so, when my stick is pointing to long on, how can a perfect shot be played to fine leg (im sure i dont have the invert batting controls on)
Pro is harder. Practice.
Am not sure I understand what you mean by the above.
Also a common problem im seeing, any ideas on this -
Q2. I moved from Amateur to Pro and sure enough find the batting more challenging. Another issue is most of the times when I try to play a straight drive or a drive to long off or long on, the ball goes to mid wicket or square leg or fine leg. Im baffled, does it have something to do with the timing? Even so, when my stick is pointing to long on, how can a perfect shot be played to fine leg (im sure i dont have the invert batting controls on)
sorry man i'm really struggling to explain it.

2. I can't really answer that one either unless its an edge or something
He means if you want to bowl wider, angle the stick at the point of delivery (eg. the second bowling meter) in the direction you want the ball to go.

And if you select a "good length" ball, but want it slightly fuller, then finish your bowling action at the top end of the green wedge, or if you want it slightly shorter, then finish it near the bottom of the green wedge.

Make sense?

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