Really bad Jokes!

What does Kenny G say when he walks into an elevator?

ans: This Rocks!
here is another one

On the day of the local match, the captain was talking to one of his men.
'Look, here's a pound,' he said. 'Go out and buy a new ball or something. Anything that'll help us win.'

The match began and the captain noticed that the same old ball was being used.

He called his man over. 'What did you do with the pound?' he asked.

'Well, you said anything to help us win.'


'I gave it to the umpire.'​
^^^Your jokes are horrible and repetitive...Can you do me a favor ? Consult a shrink pronto...
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Two goldfish in a tank

One says to the other- " do you drive this thing?."

I had a fisherman's lunch the other day...

He wasn't very happy.

Teacher to a student: what do u mean by problem
and challenge?
student:1 girl and 3 boys=problem:noway
3 girls and 1 boy=CHALLENGE:D
What do you get if you cross an atheist with a Jehovah's witness?

Answer: Someone who knocks on your door for no reason at all.:)

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