What's Everyone's Favourite Books?



Ok people, list your favourite (and not so favourite :P ) books here.

I'll start with a few that I have read countless times:

Crime and Punishmant - Fyodor Dostoyevsky (probably the best book I have ever read, i absolutely love this book!)

April Fools Day - Bryce Courtenay (such a sad story, but beautifully written)

All Matthew Reilly books (except contest)
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Super book

War and PEace - Leo Tolstoy
Awesome - loved Pierre, very sad when Andrew dies

My experiments with Truth - Mahatma Gandhi
Best book
Oh yeah I remembered after reading Andrew's post

Love The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and all books by John Grisham..

and all of Micheal Moore's books..

Stupid white men - This is not racial , it is the title of his book

Dude, Where's my country? - Informative and funny

but Stupid White Men is his best book
I don't really read any books but one that I've read recently for school was "Maestro" it was aiight but i wouldn't read it again
How to lose lose friends and alienate allies - George w Bush.
:D my fav have been jefferry archer 's all the books

and the count of mounte cristo.
Originally posted by comradesam@Mar 1 2004, 09:18 AM
Animal Farm by George Orwell
I read that book, quite a good book actually, but i wouldn't read it again, I only read books for school or other important books.
I dont read too many books. i think all my life I might have read 8 at the most. most of those were for school. In fact I only read one for anything other than school.

I like the Count of Monte Cristo
I never read any books or novels..
I just read my cource books and there some short stories i love like....
The seventh pullet, The young King etc...

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