Zenzic Forum

Now you can Post comments without regestering, but if you want to post in any of the categories feel free to regester and start posting.
Zenzic has come back and is better than ever! We have Expanded a lot in the last few Months! We now offer Tutorials, Clips, Interesting Information, and Game reviews and we will soon have Downloads as well!

Some Interesting Things:

Tutorials (Flash, Fireworks, Photoshop)
Clips (From Sports to Humor we have them all!)
Information (Our "You need to know" section is larger than ever!)
Gaming (Our Game reviews, from normal Peoples points of Views!)

Don't forget! We are always looking for writers to share their Point of view in any of the categories above!

(Also Zenzic can be used as a storage so you can post your stuff which fits in these categories for others to see! Its Fast and its Easy! Just Regester on our website!)

Visit Zenzic.ca
Those Photoshop tutorials were very helpful Pak_cricketer. Well done.
I thought that the scenery tutorial was the best one.
Zenzic Forum! Need Help

I've started this forum here:


;) Don't worry the URL will get shorter.. I am trying to make it unique as possible.. But my Views aren't always correct, so I was looking for people to help by joining and start posting..

Help is always appreciated! :cool:
what is meant by zenzic ?

And sorry to say, but your forum lacks focus. You should fix one thing as the "focus" of your forum, while everything else is ancillary.

Also, it is always better to start with only a few forums which address a related issue or need - this helps as you know for certain what type of audience your forum will attract hence what you need to do for publicity, and is also easier to manage and moderate. Once you've built up a committed memberbase you can think of expanding, by adding forums which are demanded by your members. In essence, try to build a community of people rather than thinking that you know what people want to talk about.
Yes. First attract members by virtue of whatever you're focusing on, which should be relatively unique and once you've built up a community you can add new forums that focus on different stuff.

This approach will also be easier for you, as you'd know exactly what type of members you want and that will make it all the more easier to effectively publicise/advertise your website.
I have joined Zenzic Forum and started posting some tutorials there,

You can learn the about effect at Zenzic >> Photoshop Tutorials >> Hypnotic Text Animation.

And many more, so if you are interrested in Graphics please join Zenzic Forum. :upray
Yup that's a very cool tutorial Saurabh.And guys plz join this forum.

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