Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

There were certainly mod options to make reticules disappear in older game atleast in EA game ones and that didnt improve them one bit, because in the end it was always like pressing a combo and seeing it play out purely based on timing.

DBC Control system on the other hand is almost like natural flow of batting. You feel in full control and judge the delivery and an arsenal of strokes to unleash according to the situation.

The level of premeditation in the game is actually on par with what is at International level, even the tendulkar's and KP's , kohli's visualize[lol they wouldn't say the word premeditate obviously ] a particular shot to a bowler and have it in mind and go for it if its is there liek a pull to a Johnson etc if its not there they would go for a second alternative, this kind of batting is really on the mark in DBC.

may be a month ago when square drives were not there i would have said its difficult to go for loose ones on the off side but now its almost perfect.

Were i would like to see improvements to batting system would be say to the feedback mechanism as well as ability to read the type of delivery out of the hand of the bowler depending on batsman skill etc in next iteration.

Not to shoot down your idea or anything just stating why DBC one is much better.
Yeah fair enough that was a bit childish of me.. its just I was just a bit dissapointed on how quickly my idea was dismissed and how it was originally dismissed. I've been reading these forums since the game was released and I've only just joined purely because I thought my idea has merit. I realise my idea is left field but i do think left field a bit more after reading these forums because most of the common issues are covered fairly well. My idea was after playing the game a fair bit lately and I had a bazinga moment when I thought well how cool we're the older games if they never had a bowling reticule do dah. :)

The reason your idea was dismissed is because "button press" vs "analog stick" controls debate has happened numerous times with "button press" approach introducing more limitations, some of which are...

1. Less intuitive batting experience with control scheme taking a huge step backward to the old legacy control mechanism.
2. No way to play "soft" (prods), regular, full blooded and advance down the wkt shots - along the ground and lofted. Button presses can only have so many shots mapped to 4 buttons which also needs certain buttons to be used for running between the wkts or cancel the run etc.
3. Footwork and shot direction essentially mapped together whereas in the current scheme there's more control over footwork and shot direction.

Plus I still didn't see how exactly button presses will address pre-meditation which you called out as the biggest reason for this legacy control scheme. You will still need to push a button after figuring out line & length of the delivery. If you don't have enough time to read this info right now, it will remain the same no matter what the control scheme. Folks have raised the concern about pre-meditation and how most people may not have reflexes to play non pre-meditated shots as things stand, and an option about providing the line & length info a bit earlier was mooted (i.e., show the colored ring around the ball a bit earlier). Another option about adding slider setting on how early or late to show the colored ring around the ball was also proposed. This mechanism would address the pre-meditation issue without resorting to re-engineer the batting controls. The main issue is we don't get all the information (line & length) in time to play an appropriate shot and not the batting control mechanism.
I hate to use this as an example but if I'm playing any other sports game namely fifas,budget issues blah blah blah. then my natural instinct is to follow the ball with the left stick to get towards the ball and then decide what button to press. I sort of want more instinct less premeditated :)
I hate to use this as an example but if I'm playing any other sports game namely fifas,budget issues blah blah blah. then my natural instinct is to follow the ball with the left stick to get towards the ball and then decide what button to press. I sort of want more instinct less premeditated :)

Not budget issues, different sport. Your idea was terrible, your justifications are worse.
Yeah fair enough that was a bit childish of me.. its just I was just a bit dissapointed on how quickly my idea was dismissed and how it was originally dismissed. I've been reading these forums since the game was released and I've only just joined purely because I thought my idea has merit. I realise my idea is left field but i do think left field a bit more after reading these forums because most of the common issues are covered fairly well. My idea was after playing the game a fair bit lately and I had a bazinga moment when I thought well how cool we're the older games if they never had a bowling reticule do dah. :) But then again mate I'm not overly fussed by this situation as it's what I sort of expected, these places are brutal and full of keyboard warriors. And not at all welcoming it's why forums have a bad name. But pfft I say I'm better off not stooping to such levels.

I think you'll find people on this forum are generally a friendly bunch, although some could possibly be more diplomatic in their replies, myself included at times. I have had many an idea or suggestion shot down in flames so don't let that put you off. You just have to be thick-skinned at times.
Aggressive batting in cricket is almost always premeditated. Next...

Aggressive shots though aren't almost always premeditated. Hooking and pulling can very often be instinctual shots which requires no premeditation. Uppercutting the ball over slips/gully is another non premeditated aerial shot. Pulling spinners who bowl half trackers for six, non premeditated. Many other shots could be pulled of without premeditation unless a really quick bowler is bowling.

There were certainly mod options to make reticules disappear in older game atleast in EA game ones and that didnt improve them one bit, because in the end it was always like pressing a combo and seeing it play out purely based on timing.

DBC Control system on the other hand is almost like natural flow of batting. You feel in full control and judge the delivery and an arsenal of strokes to unleash according to the situation.

The level of premeditation in the game is actually on par with what is at International level, even the tendulkar's and KP's , kohli's visualize[lol they wouldn't say the word premeditate obviously ] a particular shot to a bowler and have it in mind and go for it if its is there liek a pull to a Johnson etc if its not there they would go for a second alternative, this kind of batting is really on the mark in DBC.

may be a month ago when square drives were not there i would have said its difficult to go for loose ones on the off side but now its almost perfect.

Were i would like to see improvements to batting system would be say to the feedback mechanism as well as ability to read the type of delivery out of the hand of the bowler depending on batsman skill etc in next iteration.

Not to shoot down your idea or anything just stating why DBC one is much better.

Firstly, I like the fact that you didn’t needlessly ridicule and mock another’s suggestion unlike @Biggs.

Now to your comment, I disagree that the level of premeditation in the game is on par with what it is at International level. Kohli might have it in his mind to pull Johnson if it’s short, but he could still end up clipping off his legs, on, off and cover driving all off either back or front foot, cutting, uppercutting, etc (as could any other decent batsman). There is nowhere near this level of instinct that can be achieved in game to pace bowlers.

Also, as I’ve said before, there is no point in trying to play the ball on it’s merit. My brother and I have scored double and triple centuries on veteran mode through pure premeditation. When you can have that much success through literally no attempt to play the ball on it’s merit, I really don’t see the need to try and judge a delivery’s line and length and try and play accordingly, especially if your only aim is to succeed (as opposed to trying to play the game as realistically as possible).
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Kohli might have it in his mind to pull Johnson if it’s short, but he could still end up clipping of his legs, on, off and cover driving all of either back or front foot, cutting, uppercutting, etc (as could any other decent batsman).

This is exactly what can be done with the batting system.

if its on the pads its still the same RS movement for clip though legs, and you certainly play coverdrive to a full one if you pick it despite being ready for a short one . What is difficult is shifting the foot you have selected which is again true for real n INTL cricket, at best a guy on front foot can go back to BF to pull or late cut again possible in this game if you can pick the length early which is difficult if you are using hud assists and much better without it. This is one area i would say can be improved for better.
had made a thread regarding this some time back, though i would say with square drive introduction it reduces the length problem quite a bit to what it was at the time of thread creation.

Improving Batting Assist for DBC/ playing without circle marker - Don Bradman Cricket 14 Forum on PlanetCricket Forums

My key point being the batting control system is at its best of now certainly wouldn't go back to old control system as the OP suggests. What it doesn't have is being able to play the perfect shot to every delivery like we were playing before in previous version but it is much closer to real cricket cause of it.
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If I'm bum chums with anyone it's @ethybubs... I mean, that's one fine ass. ...ladykiller.
Firstly, I like the fact that you didn’t needlessly ridicule and mock another’s suggestion unlike @Biggs.

Hi whomever you are. If you can cite clearly where I "needlessly ridiculed and mock another's [sic] suggestion" that would be great. If you bothered to read my very thorough, concise and educated opinion on the game the other dude who joined a few days ago to make suggested refinements involving rethinking the entire control scheme to an over year-old game that will never happen because they're (A) frankly ridiculous and (B) something that is highly unlikely to be patched by the developer... you would see I've been quite rational and polite in my responses, on the other hand:

Here we go... Biggs and blocker the best bum chums ;)

Mate it's a forum for opinions who made you a opinion police officer? lighten up, whomever you are. I wanna say Tarzan. Tarzan... lets go with that.

Aggressive shots though aren't almost always premeditated.

Which is exactly what I said, again... you didn't read, even though you quoted me directly above you. I said:

Aggressive batting in cricket is almost always premeditated.

I've added the emphasis this time to help you. I didn't say "Aggressive shots are premeditated" I said... ALMOST. Which is exactly what you went to on to reply with. That they aren't all premeditated. Which is what I said. Circles, hold hands? go on agreeing with you, I can state categorically that many times (not all, just to help you out here) aggressive shots in cricket are absolutely premeditated. I can think of a reasonably famous example from the World Cup* just recently passed. In fact, I can think of a number. I won't do your homework for you, I'm sure you'll figure it out. My point is that, the mechanics as they sit for GAMERS (not professional players on the field holding a bat) are perfectly fine, in fact, it's actually a GOOD option to premeditate NOT TO PLAY [emphasis added] aggressive shots in career mode and online modes because you are less likely to get out. Matt and I have many comical discussions about keeping his fingers off the trigger because he's the worst at premeditating those shots and getting out. When he doesn't, he usually smashes me around and then gets his batsmen into a position where their confidence is high enough that he doesn't need to premeditate lofted shots... you might say, almost like the real game.

So in short, thanks for your reply Tarzan, you're basically agreeing with me which is awesome. Thanks. I know, I often get it.

* I can probably even link you to the YouTube interview where the player states categorically that he and his partner at the time had a plan to "hit the boundary" in no uncertain language, absolutely premeditating boundary shots to win the game. The final shot, of which, was absolutely premeditated targeting not only a boundary but a specific section of the boundary. Premeditating a specific shot or targeting a specific bowler with more aggressive shots is a fundamental part of the modern game.
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Hi whomever you are. If you can cite clearly where I "needlessly ridiculed and mock another's [sic] suggestion" that would be great. If you bothered to read my very thorough, concise and educated opinion on the game the other dude who joined a few days ago to makes suggested refinements to an over year-old game that will never happen because they're (A) frankly ridiculous and (B) something that is highly unlikely to be patched by the developer... you would see I've been quite rational and polite in my responses, on the other hand:

That sounds absolutely awful.
124 pages in and we're hitting the nadir of suggestions reverting the control scheme to pre 2007, because reasons?

Officially can call this threads time of death...

There you go. Tbh, your comments below to me had elements of mocking in it (not that I mind nor would you care if I did mind), "Circles, hold hands?" and "(not all, just to help you out here)".

Which is exactly what I said, again... you didn't read, even though you quoted me directly above you. I said:

I've added the emphasis this time to help you. I didn't say "Aggressive shots are premeditated" I said... ALMOST. Which is exactly what you went to on to reply with. That they aren't all premeditated. Which is what I said. Circles, hold hands? go on agreeing with you, I can state categorically that many times (not all, just to help you out here) aggressive shots in cricket are absolutely premeditated. I can think of a reasonably famous example from the World Cup* just recently passed.

* I can probably even link you to the YouTube interview where the player states categorically that he and his partner at the time had a plan to "hit the boundary" in no uncertain language, absolutely premeditating boundary shots to win the game. The final shot, of which, was absolutely premeditated targeting not only a boundary but a specific section of the boundary. Premeditating a specific shot or targeting a specific bowler with more aggressive shots is a fundamental part of the modern game.

Ah, so showing me that a player premeditated an attacking shot to a specific section of the boundary completely derails what I've said, does it? I don't doubt in many scenarios you will see people completely premeditate aggressive shots. In ODI and T20 cricket it's certainly key. But my point is there are also many times where little to no premeditation is involved. Hence me pointing out certain aggressive shots that are usually instinctual to batsmen. Test cricket and FC cricket involves very little premeditation in general when it comes to playing aggressive shots.

Also to have an aggressive mindset is not premeditation, IMO. The batsmen can end up playing so many different shot based on where the ball pitches with an aggressive mindset.

I don't know, if we can say a batsmen looking to attack a bowler and have the ability to react and play a variety of different aggressive shots (and defensive) is premeditation, then I can agree premeditation almost always happens. But to me, premeditation is deciding before hand to most likely play a certain shot. And that doesn't almost always happen.
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Okay so, great... you agree with me again. Thanks for clarifying that.

They're not changing the control scheme for stupid button presses... Move on.

The two posts you cited of "ridiculing of another's [sic] suggestion" are not only perfectly fine in context but also agreed with by at least four other people in the forum. If you can follow up your citations by holding them equally accountable that would be great. Get on it...

Sorry being mocked is new to you on the internet, it's a whole new world for you today, I'm glad I've opened the door. *holds hands*
The moment I seen "next.." on your reply mate was the moment I'll look back on realise why I take everything you say as a grain of salt. Your a fisherman that's for sure
Anyway reasons for potential poor batting control because, #blameMatt

Obviously it's Matt's fault. If we can look at [HASHTAG]#Patch3[/HASHTAG] giving us the ability to play with Sega Genesis controller, that would improve the batting immensely.

The moment I seen "next.." on your reply

Saw. The correct grammar, is you saw my reply. Although I, and I'm sure others, would prefer; witnessed.

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