DEC 12th: ICC Supersoakers vs PC Rockers

01. Rameez Aslam(RHB/Wicketkeeper)(Opening Wicketkeeper Batsman)
02. M.Ali (RHB/RLS)(Pure opening batsman)
03. Jeet Sandhu (RHB/Right off-spin)(pure batsman/Opener)
04. Sohaib Mahmood (RHB/Right leg spinner)(pure batsman)
05. Duded64 (RHB/Right medium)(batting allrounder)
06. pdathert (RHB/Right arm off spin)(batting allrounder)
07. India Rock (RHB/Right leg spinner)(Bowling All-rounder)
08. Gazzzaf (RHB/RF)(pure bowler)
09. Brett_Lee (RHB/Right medium fast)(Pure Bowler)
10. FreddieFan(RHB/RF)(pure bowler)
11. Amit Bansal (LHB/LF)(pure bowler)
i think that sohum is releasing the team today, i'm not sure, its just that on thurs and fri, i'm taking over as manager for a couple of days

if sohum doesn't release the team by 10' o clock, then i wil tell you, ok?
Hey wildwill,You will be playing the second match as i said in the practice thread!!!!!Sorry!!!


Sorry about that, I'm in the US so the time difference'll kill me for a while:

1. no_remorse28+ (RHB/Keeper)
2. Sam Halls (RHB/Pure Batsman/Leg Spin)
3. Shan111 (RHB/Batting AR/Leg Spin)
4. Nik (LHB/Pure Batsman/Medium)
5. Stephen Cooper (RHB/Pure Batsman/Off Spin)
6. Maxkarter (LHB/Pure AR/Orthodox)
7. Sohum Misra* (RHB/Bowling AR/Leg Spin)
8. Kamran Khan (RHB/Pure Bowler/Fast)
9. Sami007 (RHB/Pure Bowler/Fast)
10. Propmanoz (RHB/Pure Bowler/Fast)
11. w3lshrugby (RHB/Pure Bowler/Leg Spin)
any news on the wicket?

oh and ICC?

how do you like my fingerspinning?
Well its not going to beat my left arm spin pdathert, not by a mile! :p
Come on boys!!!!!

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