Fallout 3

Playd a demo of it and its pretty shite to be fair. Playd it all on ultra high at 1440x900 and it looks crap. hand to hand combat is just swing and try to connect like no mechanics or anythin. Jano the story got borin after a few missions.

It is good how the game starts at your own birth and then you get to play as a baby, then a 10yr old etc. jus not my sorta game though. Seems like a pathetic attempt at tryin to make it into a FPS when it blatantly shudnt have been. Some of you chichimanz might lyk it though so try it. safe
Been playing this alot, its a great game. I like the new combat system despite having doubts at first. Graphically lets just say its about a million times better than its predecessors but I think we all knew it would be. The story, so far, has been great and I've really enjoyed it. Still not sure whats going to happen as I've managed to avoid reading any spoilers as of yet.
My only critisism is that sometimes I'm not sure exactly what I'm meant to be doing e.g "Find out about the Android thing" how do I do that? but I did get passed it eventually.
Overall I'd say 8 or 9 out of 10
Wow after reading the reviews I can't wait to get this game. Oblivion was a brilliant game and it reminds me of that but a more hi-tech version (which I prefer). I love the fact that you can do what you want. You're not stuck to doing certain things. You can choose to be good or bad etc. Should be bloody awesome.
I hated Oblivion because I generally don't like the whole elves and goblins stuff (which is why I hate Fable) but this is easily the game of the year for meand i've played MGS4. I'm taking my time with it as well. First game in a while that's actually worth the price.
Yeah Oblivion was either one of those love it or hate it games because of all that stuff. I'm not usually sucked in by such things but Oblivion was just that good.

A few questions about Fallout 3. How good is V.A.T.S? What's it like? And can you buy stuff in the game?
So, is this one of those games where you could probably finish it in a few days if you blast straight through the main quest, but it could also last months if you take your time with side quests and the like first?
After doing some more research, the PS3 version seems to have a lot of bugs and issues that may not be patched.
Got my copy yesterday. I traded in CoD 4, GT5: P and SEGA Rally for it. One word...AWESOME!

At first I was quite disappointed and even thought about returning the game. The graphics were amazing, no doubting that. The fighting is just like Oblivion so it's quite hard. VATS is awesome. It was quite disgusting watching VATS killing the Radroaches.

I killed the Overseer as there was no other option so Amata left me lol. When I got out into the real world. I thought I was in Megaton already and I thought, this is rubbish. I kept getting killed by Raiders. I then looked at my map and realised, I hadn't got to Megaton yet.

When I got into Megaton, AWESOME! Everything reminds of Oblivion, but better. Remember to turn off online/offline notifications because the game pauses when they appear. I've done some work on thieving lol. I'm quite good at pickpocketing and hacking. For some reason Lucas Simms randomly died, other than that, I haven't encountered any bugs.

10/10. Must buy!
Got my copy yesterday. I traded in CoD 4, GT5: P and SEGA Rally for it. One word...AWESOME!

At first I was quite disappointed and even thought about returning the game. The graphics were amazing, no doubting that. The fighting is just like Oblivion so it's quite hard. VATS is awesome. It was quite disgusting watching VATS killing the Radroaches.

I killed the Overseer as there was no other option so Amata left me lol. When I got out into the real world. I thought I was in Megaton already and I thought, this is rubbish. I kept getting killed by Raiders. I then looked at my map and realised, I hadn't got to Megaton yet.

When I got into Megaton, AWESOME! Everything reminds of Oblivion, but better. Remember to turn off online/offline notifications because the game pauses when they appear. I've done some work on thieving lol. I'm quite good at pickpocketing and hacking. For some reason Lucas Simms randomly died, other than that, I haven't encountered any bugs.

10/10. Must buy!

I'd love it if it had physics like in 'Dark Messiah'! What's the character dialogue like (that was one of the weakest areas of Oblivion)? Hopefully, PC Gamer will have a demo this month, so I can try it.
The dialogue is better but it's still kind of repetitive sometimes. You can get perks when you go up levels and some of them help your speach (lady killer, the kids one etc). They help you talk with certain people for example lady killer, you talk better with women.
I'm still playing and i'm still convinced that this is easily the game of the year. Go buy it.
The thing why Lucas Simms died is that there is a slight bug in Megaton where people fall from the top level for some reason. The game really is good, playing it through on my second time now and already completed 2 missions that get achievements that I didn't do on my first go. Roll on Fallout 4 :p

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