Fallout 3

Do you get a little bored at the beginning when there aren't any quests you can really complete (you'll end up being killed) and you haven't found any other places yet? I've just been running around everywhere trying to find places. Other than Megaton, I haven't found a good settlement.
Yeah, that was my only main annoyance early on, In previous version you could ask people if they knew any other settlements and where they are but not on this one, it lead me to have a sneaky look at the map with all places shown just so I knew a few places to go to.
...And in Oblivion you could ride on a horse to get there faster. Is there a quicker mode of transport on Fallout 3?
Well theres fast travel that you use when you've already discovered a place but apart from that walkings the only way.
Yeah that gets annoying. I'm trying to get to Rivet City but I keep getting killed by Super Mutants on the way.

Just curious, who chose to be bad and who chose to be good? And who blew up Megaton?

Just curious, who chose to be bad and who chose to be good? And who blew up Megaton?

I was plain evil. I even got the mod which allowed me to rise above Level 20 and add new evil abilities. Of course I blew up Megaton :p

I might play it through again with a good character, although I did love the dialogue which allowed me to shout at people. Thats what RPG's are all about :D
I was/am good but I accidently blew up Megaton cause I slipped when given the option to repair it and rigged it to explode and it wouldn't let me disable it, so I blew it up for the Achievement :D
should be odrering it tommorow off game for £27.

And i am really looking forward to it.
got it for the xbox yesterday and it's great! tad annoyed that you have go to the places before you get them on the map (is there a cheat for this) but it is great anyway.
No cheat for it.

Grrr, I killed Alaister Tenpenny for Mister Crowley. My first shot was with VATS and it was a headshot but I didn't have enough AP (?) left to use VATS again so I shot and it hit his neck. I didn't get the full reward :mad:.
Finally completed it yesterday as a good character. I'd save the last couple of main quest missions until i'd explored EVERYWHERE. I won't spoil anything, but the last couple of quests are absolutely epic.

Started again as an evil woman yesterday whilst waiting for the De La Hoya fight. It's so much better blowing up Megaton. :D
Everyone's completing it and I haven't even done the main quest for Three Dog lol. I'm taking my time on the game. Doing everything possible.

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