India's Tour Of Sri Lanka- August 2015

While PokerAce is generally very reasonable and quite correct in his assessments, I'm a bit in disagreement. He could get a ton here and I would still lean towards Pujara being in the test side than him. But, I'd like him to get a big one here for India's sake. You never know what kick starts something in a cricketer. I will say this though that if Rohit Sharma matures and begins to put a price on his wicket, he is absolutely devastating for the opposition. He won't get runs at a whimper and he's fully capable of winning a test match by himself in a session. But, it's a BIG IF.

Thankfully, everyone around here is baffled by the BINNY selection. Is it not OBVIOUS he's in the team because of his dad?
No naturally for this test I do want him to score just as I wanted him to score in the previous test, especially the 2nd innings. However I do also see the downside of what it means for him to score.

How Binny gets in ahead of Bhuvi, let alone Pujara is beyond me. Bhuvi is more than capable of holding up his end with the bat, especially on a flat wicket like this one, and there isn't even a question as to who is the better bowler of the two.

I think the sooner Ravi Shashtri is got rid of the better. He seems to be a guy who had crack pot theories as a commentator and now he has the chance to try out all kinds of crackpot team selection experiments.

Varun was dropped and Umesh brough in. I am all for Umesh, but what exactly did Varun do that was so much worse than Ishant in the previous test. On what basis did Ishant retain his place.

Also the way they are sticking with Rohit, had they done so with Pujara we would have seen some performances by now.
I actually like shastri here than in commentary box, he is a good motivator to have around like say he did turn around our team a bit after that drubbing in ENG tests, but he should be a supplementary guy watching things over not the one making all decisions.
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I'm a bit in disagreement. He could get a ton here and I would still lean towards Pujara being in the test side than him

ya but whoever is there in selections will make rohit sharma the potential guy for another year at the peril of rahanae pujara et all

he can do very less in totally favorable conditions , at times when it doent matter and be around the team for ever this is how i can see his situation in the team.

The one knock i would say he played that actually mattered would be against bangladesh in WC QF

The key problem with Rohit is the guy cant learn here in our FC as he will make runs in these pitches and attacks too easily.At the same time too much time has been given to him at the INTL level to shine and he isn't learning, what i would say to him if i was a selector would be 'Get yourself a county like pujara did for a season and make a bucket load of runs in those conditions which will test and improve both your technique and temperament much more, then may be we can give your potential another shot at INTL level cause right now you are not cutting it and other maybe less talented but much better contributing batsman's are not getting a chance'.
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To add to this, the way he was made room for in the side at #5 was cowardly to be honest. If he is in the side, then let him go out and face the brunt at no. 3. To basically sacrifice Rahane so that his highness can somehow find a place in the side, and that too a 'safe' place, is just ridiculous. It just made me wanna throw up that.
Again on my Pujara vs Rohit rant - Pujara failed when everybody else failed (including Kohli of all people, who had an absolute ripper of a torrid tour in England when he was a walking wicket outside the off stump). But Pujara gets the boot because Kohli the captain wants to back Rohit Sharma. The fruits of backing a player long enough is reaping benefits with Ajinkya Rahane. If Pujara is persisted with, he will reap similar benefits and can form a potentially devastating batting lineup with Pujara, Rahane, Kohli and Vijay. Pujara has the stature to evolve into a future India test captain. He has been a good leader of A teams before. If Pujara had a strong head, he would rip the opposition up when he bats again for India the next time. Its not coming anytime soon for sure, but there will be a time when Rohit will fail (I have no confidence at all in Rohit turning around dramatically and cementing his test place for India) and Pujara will get back his chance again.

Rahul has a major short ball problem. Whenever he pulls, he looks ugly. Good that he fought out for that century. But he is soon waiting to be spotted by world bowlers. Without that 70+ score, Rohit already had enough upcoming games in his bag. This 70+ would definitely add more games for him.:rolleyes
Oh that one 70 will give him 10 more years in the line up.

Also I don't get why a settled order has to be disrupted so Rohit can be accomodated in the side. What is so fking special about him. Why should Rahane be sent up the order so Rohit can get in the side. Why?

Also how is a guy averaging 35 keeping out a guy averaging 47. How?
Well done Saha for getting a 50, however I will still remember Saha for his two failures when the team required it. In the first test in Aus, when India were going for the record total, and in the second innings in the previous test. Still he is beginning to get runs. Shame he didn't get those run when it really would have counted.
why is mishra not being given more overs ? to get bahji paaji back ?

Kohli is being atrocious as Cap this series.
Guess the threat has been prevented that Chandimal & Mathews were removed; otherwise Mathews could have lead to a big partnership with Chandimal too. Spinners got to get those tail-enders out, as early as possible. India have to make much on today. Day 4 would not be comfortable to stand a massive target on this track, against the classy spin attack lead by Herath.
What a great day for India. Got a handy lead and saw out the final session with just 1 wicket lost.

Credit where credit is due, and I don't praise the guy often, but it was a herculean effort from Ishant on a flat pitch with the second new ball that got India back into it. He picked up the wickets of the settled Thirmane and then Chandimal in quick succession to expose the tail, when the pitch seemed flat and the batsmen seemed set. I will say though he just doesn't do it enough.

Great work from Mishra to then finish off the tail. India are in a good position here and it will be interesting to see what new method India can come up with to throw it all away this time. It being SL rain could always play spoil sport and force a draw. Still a long way to go, and lets hope India build on this lead, and somehow they don't end up being the ones wishing for rain come the final day.
India has played pretty well so far. Hope they again do not fall into the trap of "letting it all go" when it matters (like last game). A lead of 350+ will most likely shut Sri Lanka out of the game. And that's achievable before end of Day 4 so that India have a full day to try and get Sri Lanka out.
India are in a healthy position now. If they can add 150-200 more runs on Day 4 the game would be quite predictable I think. Not an huge task but still they've to bat smart rather just collapsing in front of winning opportunity. This new lineup can be presumed perfect only if India manage to get victory after setting up a target near 350.
India now 300+ ahead, they should look to stat accelerating now and get another 100 runs or so quickly. The pitch is not spinning much still, and India would want 4 or at the very least 3 and a half sessions to have a go at SL. With Rahane's 100 done, India should really start to go at it now.

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