National Anthem

themuel1 said:
I don't think the kids will know that the BNP had it as their anthem. It wasn't a song written with racist intent. What happens if the BNP have " God save the queen or Angels by Robbie Williams" as their anthem?

Also, just because the song is tarnished being used by the BNP doesn't mean it shouldn't be used. I mean, the BNP are English, they havent tarnished the rest of us have they? We still say were English.
I'm just saying that it may not be a wise choice that's all. I'm sure the BNP will be using it for some sort of publicity.

I don't think it's overly wise for the fact that it's a clearly christian hymn. There is an element of exclusion there, wether intended or not.
andrew_nixon said:
I'm just saying that it may not be a wise choice that's all. I'm sure the BNP will be using it for some sort of publicity.

I don't think it's overly wise for the fact that it's a clearly christian hymn. There is an element of exclusion there, wether intended or not.

Sorry I forgot, we have to be so politically correct here. Like it or not, christianity is part of our history. So you'd prefer an atheist hymn then Andrew? Actually, thats not possible is it?
themuel1 said:
Sorry I forgot, we have to be so politically correct here. Like it or not, christianity is part of our history. So you'd prefer an atheist hymn then Andrew? Actually, thats not possible is it?
No, I just would have preferred that the ECB exercise a little more caution over the choice of the anthem for the England team.
andrew_nixon said:
No, I just would have preferred that the ECB exercise a little more caution over the choice of the anthem for the England team.

Fair enough. I can see where your coming from.
Well the Australian national anthem doesnt refer to religeon/god once! So i don't see why not...
I would for once like our NAtional Anthem to be chnaged. As it was written to welcome "the Queen" to India back when the British rule still existed. So the lyrics speak long live queen, she is our saviour etc.Now that I know what it means I have got no respect for our National Anthem. It at best is hypocrisy. My full respect to "The Queen" though, but we are free and independent and have our own constitution. So our National Anthem should be " Vande Matram" not "Jan Gan Man"
sachin said:
Aren't you in NZ?I don't know about India's,but NZ's is really good.
Yeah, NZ's is also good. Just for the sake of mentioning; NZ wants to change their flag which I fully support and have also signed the petition thingy they were doing last year in front of Parliament.
siddharth2002 said:
Yeah, NZ's is also good. Just for the sake of mentioning; NZ wants to change their flag which I fully support and have also signed the petition thingy they were doing last year in front of Parliament.
Do you know whats it gonna look like?Can you post a pic?
If Australia were going to change our flag,i'm sure we'd have the Aboriginal Flag.Black,Yellow,and Red with a sun in the middle,as i can recall.
sachin said:
Do you know whats it gonna look like?Can you post a pic?
If Australia were going to change our flag,i'm sure we'd have the Aboriginal Flag.Black,Yellow,and Red with a sun in the middle,as i can recall.
I m only not fully sure though as its been a while but the objection was the the familiar look of NZ flag to Aus and Eng obviously. They want it to be the black background with the "leaf" in the middle. Something like Black Caps' Shirts.
If Australia changed thier flag wouldnt it be green and gold rathe than the aboriginals....
.::Stevo::. said:
If Australia changed thier flag wouldnt it be green and gold rathe than the aboriginals....
Get lost!That is a childish and ridiculous Flag!Never!Never!Never! :mad:
Go the Aboriginal Flag!

siddharth2002 said:
I m only not fully sure though as its been a while but the objection was the the familiar look of NZ flag to Aus and Eng obviously. They want it to be the black background with the "leaf" in the middle. Something like Black Caps' Shirts.
That would be a good flag......better than the one they've got now :rolleyes:

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