Training Stratigies


International Cricketer
Jun 22, 2005
Peshawar, Pakistan
Online Cricket Games Owned
Many newbies here r having problem with how to train there players and how to develop there team. I hav come up with two training stratgies which can be used by these newbies.

1st Stratgy:

Buy four 17yo trainees mediocre/competent/mediocre.

give them nets like this.
Trainee 1: 1 primary 1 stamina 1 field
Trainee 2: 1 primary 1 stamina 1 field
Trainee 3: 1 primary 1 field
Trainee 4: 1 primary 1 field

At the start of training there primary level will be 6 (low competent).

By these nets by the tiem they will turn 18 there primary level will be 7.55 (Mid Respectable)
and 2 of them will have proficient stamina each.
Now swap the stamina nets with those trainees who didn't had stamina last season.

By the tmie they all will be 19yo there primary level will be 9.05(early Strong).
and other two trainees will also hav proficient stamina.

Now at this point its ur choice to make a decision on these 2 free stamina nets available.
One option is that u train these guys with more stamina.
Second option is buy another trainee. And give him 1 primary and 1 field or stamina

By the time these 4 will be 20yo there primary level will be 10.4 (Mid superb)

When they will be 21yo 11.68 (Mid Quality)

When they will be 22yo 12.88(High Remarkable)

So in 5 season time u will hav 4 High Remarkable Players in ur hands. In this time there secondaries will approximatly hav popped by 10 levels so it will be sensational (if there intial was mediocre). with atleast proficient stamina each.
And they will be playable twice a week in this whole time too.

Now better the trainees better the result. Like if u instead of buying 4 competents buy 2 competents and 2 respectable. in 5 seasons u will hav 2 High Remarkable players and 2 High Wonderful Players. (It depends on ur finances at that time).
In the mean time the money u will be saving u can buy good players for other postions. Try to buy players with atleast strong primary and good secondaries and stamina.
So after 5 season with these 5 star players u will also hav about 3-4 good players to support them.

Here where i say things like High Mid Early these means the sublevels.

2nd Stratgy:
This is the stratgy i am going to use from this season.

Buy a 17yo trainee mediocre/respectable/mediocre in first week of the season (i.e. first week YP so u can hav maximum training). I will call him Trainee1.

Give him 3 primary 1 field 1 stamina nets.

Other 5 nets u train ur other players in stamina or train some other short time trainee etc etc.

Now with these nets by the end of season this guy will look like

proficient/Superb(early)/Respectable. And he will be 18yo.

Now buy another 17yo (1st week) Trainee who is mediocre/respectable/mediocre. I will call him Trainee2.

Now ur nets shuld be like this
Trainee1: 2 Primary 1 field
Trainee2: 3 primary 1 stamina 1field

With remaining 2 nets u can train other players or short term trainees.

After one more season these two guys will look like
Trainee1: proficient/Remarkable(Mid)/Strong
Trainee2: proficient/Superb(Early)/Respectable

Now at the start of next season again buy a new 17yo 1st week trainee. I will call him Trainee3

Now ur nets will be like this.
Trainee1: 1 primary 1 field
Trainee2: 2 primary 1 field
Trainee3: 3 primary 1 stamina 1 field

By the end of thie season.
Trainee1 will be 20yo and his skills will be proficient/exceptional(Early)/Quality
Trainee2 will be 19yo and his skills will be proficient/Remarakable(Mid)/Strong
Trainee3 will be 18yo and his skills will be proficient/Superb(Early)/Respectable

Stop training Trainee1 at this point.
U will again hav 5 nets free. Again buy a 17yo 1st week trainee. Call him Trainee4
NOw ur nets will be
Trainee2: 1 primary 1 field
Trainee3: 2 priamry 1 field
Trainee4: 3 primar 1 stamina 1 field

And so on.............

In this way u will produce an exceptional player every season after 3 seasons.
But a new 17yo 1st week Trainee with respectable skills cost too much. Last season u could hav got one for about 500k. But this season prices were higher. I bought a respectable trainee for 950k.
And these prices r likely to increase.
So i would advise this startgy to a little develped teams( atleast 2 seasons old).

Sports Physios:
Many people here hav problem with how many sports physio thre shuld be.
According to rules sports physio visit every net session except stamina net.
and they dont visit multiple nets which means if someone is getting 2 primary nets sports physio will only be present in one of them.

So calculate ur Sports physio like this.
For primary nets(regardless of thr number) on one player thr shuld be 1 sports physio.
For fielding nets(regardless of thr number) on one player thr shuld be 1 sports physio.

Here r 2 examples from the training stratgies i posted earlier.
Examplpe 1:
In 1st stratgy at any time when 4 players r training with nets i specified u shuld hav 8 sports physio.
1 sports physio for every primary net on one player and one for fielding net.
As there r 4 players getting 1 primar and 1 field u shuld hav 2 sports physio for each of them. That will give u maximum benifit. More than this physio will only eat ur finances and wouldnt give any advantage. And with less sports physios u will lose precious secondary training.

Example 2:
In 2nd Stratgy at any time with 3 trainees having nets i specified u shuld hav 6 sports physio.
for Trainee1: 1 for his primary and 1 for fielding net
same for Trainee2 and Trainee3.

Some other people might not agree to what i hav said here and it is all not fool proof. Try to discover things urself u will enjoy it.
The skill levels which i mentioned for these players were calculated by the training times i posted in this thread.
Training Times

Any questions i am here to answer.

P.S Secondary levels i hav calculated them as 2 levles per season with 1 priamry and 1 fielding net. This is apporoximation dont know the exact.
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I'd like to add one strategy:

Med/Comp/Med trainees

Trainee one (Preferrably allrounder): 2 primary, 1 stam, 1 field
Trainee two: 1 primary, 1 stam, 1 field
Trainee three: 1 primary, 1 stam, 1 field

When stamina reaches like Prof/Strong, subsitute with another primary net. Basicall, end results should be atleast Superb primary/Prof stamina/Strong secondary. Absolute Minimum. At 20 years of age. Not bad.
The one I use is:
All 3 Trainee on 2 primary, 1 fielding and a floating stamina that moves about. Gives a high primary and secondary, stamina is there abouts.
Thats also a good stratgy syl. Train them to atleast respectable stamina if u r planning to keep these guys for long time.

I want some views on Sports Physios. Do all of u hire them like i described or something else....
Never found a formulae for it until you showed that above. I just stuck with 5 as it gives me pops on time.
I have four people training. All have two primary and two bowlers have two stamina. Is that alright or is that bad?
u mean each one of them hav 2 bowl nets that means 8 nets and two of them hav one stamina net each.
i think if they all r 17 than its ok. if they r older than giv them 1 primary and 1 field to increase secondaries they r also important
Yeps all are 17 yr old Med players. They have good stamina, some of them have competent stamina

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