Transmission Please Respond: "Patch not compatible with installed version"


Club Cricketer
Aug 7, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned
Those of you who get this message when trying to install the beta patch probably have it downloaded from Gamesplanet like me. If any Transmission guys see this message, can you please respond by letting us know if there are plans to fix this for beta 1 or 2, and at least confirm whether the final patch will be compatible with the Gamesplanet version.

Living in the US and being a diehard cricket fan, I had little choice but to download this game from gamesplanet (actually recommended by another PC forum member).
There are always issues with gamesplanet games. Always worth the extra money to have a DVD in your hand.
There are always issues with gamesplanet games. Always worth the extra money to have a DVD in your hand.

It's not a money issue. It's that I have to wait a while for someone to ship it from overseas. Being in the US, AFAIK the PC version is not available in retail stores, while the X360 version is incompatible. Much easier to just download it and have it running in a couple of hours. Also, had no problems downloading, installing and running the game till now.
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I get the same error, however I downloaded the game using Steam. I know it's unrealistic to expect a first beta patch to support all versions of the game, but is there any inside knowledge on whether the second beta will support the Steam version?

I guess another way of doing it would be for someone to note all the files that have been updated (on the DVD version) and upload them somewhere?

The patch sounds really promising, I hope it lives up to my expectations. Transmission should be congratulated for having the guts to release a test patch early.
I am having the same problem since I got my version from gamesplanet. And being in Canada gamesplanet is the best method to get a legit copy of the game, since shipping takes way too long. Hoping to hear some good news from codemasters
There are always issues with gamesplanet games. Always worth the extra money to have a DVD in your hand.

Agreed and when you buy it in a box, you have something substantial in your hand, you know, something you can see and feel. I don't get that 'ooh, new game!' feeling from digital downloads, personally.
The inside knowledge is that the second beta won't support gamesplanet or steam unless Codemasters, not Transmission do something about it.
*Looks up at the sky*

Exactly what difference is there between my copy installed on my computer and the one in the box? Prehaps we can do some registry editing :spy
I agree with you and when I was in India I was able to get my hands on a DVD. However, it is much harder to find a retail copy here in Canada. And,gameplanet is still a legal version of the game and Codemasters are as responsible for taking care of users with gameplanet copies as they are for those who got it from the retail store. I am guessing/hoping that this is an oversight
It's not a money issue. It's that I have to wait a while for someone to ship it from overseas. Being in the US, AFAIK the PC version is not available in retail stores, while the X360 version is incompatible. Much easier to just download it and have it running in a couple of hours. Also, had no problems downloading, installing and running the game till now.

I live in the US as well, and only have a ps3 so I had no choice but to order it. It only took 5 days to arrive .
Well, it doesn't seem as if the problem lies in the async.big.w32 file, because I took it out, and still got the same message. We "may" have a solution.

zMario added 0 Minutes and 42 Seconds later...

Would anybody with the CD copy like to "help" me? :)

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