WTCL - World Test Champions League | End of Season

Sign-ups open now! For this edition, only five would suffice. In case someone has any doubts, @Master Bates is my old account, so I know how to run a league or two :sweat:

Please mention your preferred team name along with a logo (doesn't have to be fancy). Since the tournament is meant to be all-inclusive, it would be preferred to name your team something neutral (not mentioning any country/city) similar to TPCL.

@Till Valhalla @NILAYSHAH60 @Aislabie @Na Maloom Afraad @VC the slogger @CerealKiller @RUDI @Neptune @Pinch hitter @Gaurav_7 @WutUpMahGlipGlops @ahmedleo414 @Perfect Square @TSPrathik @qpeedore @AliB @Manish. @AsadRM @Yash.

Signups are CLOSED NOW !!
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Sign-ups open now! For this edition, only five would suffice. In case someone has any doubts, @Master Bates is my old account, so I know how to run a league or two :sweat:

Please mention your preferred team name along with a logo (doesn't have to be fancy). Since the tournament is meant to be all-inclusive, it would be preferred to name your team something neutral (not mentioning any country/city) similar to TPCL.

@Till Valhalla @NILAYSHAH60 @Aislabie @Na Maloom Afraad @VC the slogger @CerealKiller @RUDI @Neptune @Pinch hitter @Gaurav_7 @WutUpMahGlipGlops @ahmedleo414 @Perfect Square @TSPrathik @qpeedore @AliB @Manish. @AsadRM @Yash.
Count me in. Will provide other details by morning.
Would've loved to co-manage The Avengers with @CerealKiller but I have exams till 13th June, so can't be available until then. If this league is going to extend post 13th June, I can join. Otherwise it's unfortunately a no from my end :(

Edit: Just saw the sign ups are closed already :facepalm

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