Most Overrated Cricketer

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School Cricketer
Jun 18, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned
Who do you think the most overrated cricket player is, mine is MS Dhoni.

The way he gets talked up is rediculous, he had a good start to his carrer but most bowlers have figured him out. I also think Shuan Marsh is overrated, look at his FC record, people here talk him up like he is the next Hayden.
It's a hard one with Dhoni, they only reason people think he is overrated is that most Indian fans give him way to much credit for things. He is a good player and he can get better, he is ony 26 I think. It's not to late for him to work on things and become a more stronger batsmen. As for Shaun Marsh, the IPL has really helped him out, most people know who he is now. But I don't know how you can call him overrated, he looks really good and his FC avearge doesnt show everything he is becoming a very good cricketer.

The player I feel is most overrated is Ashwell Prince, South Africa have more promising players out there and yet Pricne makes this very good team. He is also VC so I think it will be very hard for him to be droped.
It's a hard one with Dhoni, they only reason people think he is overrated is that most Indian fans give him way to much credit for things. He is a good player and he can get better, he is ony 26 I think. It's not to late for him to work on things and become a more stronger batsmen. As for Shaun Marsh, the IPL has really helped him out, most people know who he is now. But I don't know how you can call him overrated, he looks really good and his FC avearge doesnt show everything he is becoming a very good cricketer.

The player I feel is most overrated is Ashwell Prince, South Africa have more promising players out there and yet Pricne makes this very good team. He is also VC so I think it will be very hard for him to be droped.

I wasn't saying Marsh sucked or he wasn't going to become a good player it's just that the IPL has really hyped him up. But he does look good from what I've seen of him. I don't know about Prince he is alright, but I really think Duminy should come into that team at some point, maybe for Amla or Prince.
Mitchell Johnson end of thread :p
Since a certain Lillee called him a "Once in a lifetime bowler" hes been given a free ride into the Aussie team. He earned his ODI spot on the back of a woeful OD record ahead of Bollinger who was awesome in the OD arena at the time. Apart from that 4 fer in the India game a few seasons a go hes just been good for tail cleaning.
3 players come to mind straight away.

mitchell johnson

stuart broad

any indian batsman who isn't tendulkar or dravid
Mitchell Johnson end of thread :p
Since a certain Lillee called him a "Once in a lifetime bowler" hes been given a free ride into the Aussie team. He earned his ODI spot on the back of a woeful OD record ahead of Bollinger who was awesome in the OD arena at the time. Apart from that 4 fer in the India game a few seasons a go hes just been good for tail cleaning.

Yeah I agree with that Johnson is useless. He has no control, and he doesn't swing it. I don't think to many other countries mind that Australia are sticking with him though:p

I use to think Stuart Broad was overrated but he has played well as of late, he has bowled well in the ODI's and batted well down the order in the test matches.
Yuvraj Singh - quite overrated as a fielder, as he's fat and slow and isn't what he was before his injuries in the field.

With the bat, he's off and on. Large purple patches and large bleak phases, never a mixture.
Wasim Jaffer
Mitchell Johson- need I say more?
Beau Casson- probably too early to make such a call but I'm pretty sure he won't disappoint me
Irfan Pathan- started off well but it's all been downhill from there... don't tell me he's made a good comeback because he's averaged 35 with the ball this past season in ODI's
Virender Sehwag- he can be devestating but I feel he never did justice to his immense talent
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Marsh is a good player. He is no Tendulkar (although I don't rate him too highly), but he can bat brilliantly in OD cricket, therefore his FC record is irrelevant.

My most overrated player... erm... Mohammad Ashraful. Not as good as people say.
Shaun Marsh. People claiming he's the next Tendulkar. Pomersbach > Marsh.

he cant be a next tendulkar it is difficult to judge a player in T20 we saw in the recent pak-ban-indi seies all T20 playerrs were selected and all disappointed the selector(except yuvi and GG)

on topic Shaun Marsh is over rated let him play more domestic and then bring him at international level:D
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