ICC Planet Cricket Cup Group Two Thread *Round Two fixtures in #1*

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Executive member
Feb 7, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Social group for ICC on-line tournament

Group Two Members
TomG playing as Middlesex
Sureshot playing as Essex
rishi rocks
Madman playing as Warwickshire
Simbazz playing as Nottinghamshire
Allrounder 18

  • All games will be in the One Day format
  • 5 minutes to change settings during the game
  • Batting highlights of 4+ runs only, wickets and chances only.
  • If you quit, you lose.
  • You have to use the same save each time. You can progress outside of the on-line scene as normal, though.
  • 2pts for a win, 1pt for a tie, 0pts for a loss.
  • Top Four in the group go through to a Quarter-Final with the four from the other group.
  • Submit a screenshot of whatever team you are using. So we then know you haven't changed from say, Notts to Lancashire, etc. Then your opposition should know what county he is facing. When I know who everyone is playing as I will put them above next to the contestants name
  • You can use any version of the ICC series to play your match.

Now, I suggest that you organise it between yourselves as to when you play the game. But this has to stay within whoever you are playing in the current round. If you play a game with someone in the group, but that match isn't till a few rounds later, I won't accept the result, organisation and all that. Set a time when you'll meet on-line, through PMs, exchange MSNs if need be, etc.

It might be an idea for someone to take a screenshot of the finished game. Just in case someone says, "I won" and the other person says, "No, I did."

Round One fixtures
Sureshot vs Madman Sureshot won
rishi rocks vs rashid123 rashid123 won
TomG vs Simbazz TomG won

Round Two fixtures:
Allrounder18 vs rishi rocks
Simbazz vs Sureshot
Rashid123 vs TomG
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I'll be playing as Nottinghamshire. TomG, PM me pal and we'll talk.
Hey so can we use 2020s file? or we have to stick to the default squads?
if first is the case then I am taking worcestershire else lancashire.

No, you can use a save that you have built up. Though you can't use saves that have used on easy on-line iirc.
Well, you are late, but with the server problems no game has taken place yet. There is a space in Group One. Shall I put you in there?
Ok I am using my 2020s Worcestershire (No more No plz :D) Otherwise I dont understand your post (Do I have to create new game file and start playing offline along with this tournament?)
No not at all. I just got what you mean by 2020. As in the it's in the 2020s years. I kept thinking you were referring to the format T20.

Anyway, the server is now back on-line.
I have sent a PM to Ganja asking when he can meet me for our group stage match.
Well, Madman and I just tried playing our match and we got kicked off 3 times. All within a couple of overs of starting. I am presuming this is related to the down time they had the last couple of days. I'm going to contact Chris. Though it is bank holiday tomorrow. If you can play your match then great, if not, don't worry. Just means we might be on hiatus for a while.
Well i'm waiting for TomG to get back to me. I'm not going chasing him, i've sent a messege and have posted in here.
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