Even when self publishing there are other parties with pressures when you have a licensed game for a specific licensed event.

I assume the key guys here would have been the AO guys. Miss this one and i doubt it could have been repackaged for another event. So the only other option would be to wait an entire year, which would have been a very big deal.

Its a horrible situation: hopefully they can massively improve it, then relaunch (and probably re-brand) for summer (RG, Wimbledon, US) which is a good time for niche games to chart high.

The first one is always hardest. I'm sure they can turn this around.
Surely its then better to wait to get it done properly? I appreciate theres a financial hit there but better that than to already soil your own bath water?

Perhaps there was an obligation to release it now? Does it work like that that the licence providor requires you to release something?
Surely its then better to wait to get it done properly? I appreciate theres a financial hit there but better that than to already soil your own bath water?

Perhaps there was an obligation to release it now? Does it work like that that the licence providor requires you to release something?

Every deal is different. Impossible to know what was agreed in any given case.

I don't think it will soil anything. Generally the sort of people who buy this sort of game are utterly unaware of who is making it. If "World Tennis" or whatever came out later in the year most wouldnt link the two.
Even when self publishing there are other parties with pressures when you have a licensed game for a specific licensed event.

I assume the key guys here would have been the AO guys. Miss this one and i doubt it could have been repackaged for another event. So the only other option would be to wait an entire year, which would have been a very big deal.

Its a horrible situation: hopefully they can massively improve it, then relaunch (and probably re-brand) for summer (RG, Wimbledon, US) which is a good time for niche games to chart high.

The first one is always hardest. I'm sure they can turn this around.
I was thinking about that actually but with no idea about how these things work everything sums down to "my opinion"..I just wanted them to have a good start for entering the tennis arena in gaming similar to the response they had with DBC 14...
from what i'm seeing in the videos, i'd probably give 6/10

Really dont know where these people are coming from with their 3/10. Very few titles get scores like that in 2018, for many reasons.
And no one mentions how the game is playing in multiplayer on the same console. Not a single mention. Only in this thread i actually
read a comment of someone playing 1vs1, and the comment was positive. It's that review that deserves 3/10

Pretty sure no one of these "journalists" would have worked in a videogame magazine in the '90s.
Pretty much any game you can compete in is fun in local multiplayer... Pong is still fun played on the same screen. Even notoriously bad games can be fun in local play because of the competition/company, not because of the quality of the game. Very rarely do games deserve extra 'score' for local play, unless they do something particularly tailored to it that you don't see often... Split screen, special local play modes etc.

When they said "N/A" for the "good" in their summary, even a 3 seems generous. Games are very rarely given 3, but I think it's actually refreshing to see the lower end of the scale used. The scale is 1-10 (or 0-10) yet even for really bad games only 5+ get used normally. HB Studios Rugby 15 is the only sports game I can remember being rated as badly as AO (2 or 3/10).
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Not sports games, but while at Codemasters we once had a game score 0.9/10 (Disclaimer: I was not involved AT ALL with it).

I think we had another one (Disclaimer: I was not involved AT ALL with it) that scored 1/10 as well.

Both absolutely deserved those scores.

I'm not convinced this one does: I've only seen videos, sure, but they seem very harsh.
Not sports games, but while at Codemasters we once had a game score 0.9/10 (Disclaimer: I was not involved AT ALL with it).

I think we had another one (Disclaimer: I was not involved AT ALL with it) that scored 1/10 as well.
The got the name of the game right on the box?
Not sports games, but while at Codemasters we once had a game score 0.9/10 (Disclaimer: I was not involved AT ALL with it).

I think we had another one (Disclaimer: I was not involved AT ALL with it) that scored 1/10 as well.

Both absolutely deserved those scores.

I'm not convinced this one does: I've only seen videos, sure, but they seem very harsh.
I have it, and do not believe it is a 3/10. It has a lot of promise has has significantly improved in 1 week. My first game in career mode, it was 7-6 6-7 7-5. I recorded the first set I think. I will see if I can get that up. It was highly enjoyable.
Big Ant needs to rediscover the phrase under-promise and over-deliver.

I remember with AFL Live and DBC 14, Big Ant refused to release their games until they thought they were absolutely ready to go. AFL Live didn't release until a couple of months into the 2011 AFL season (after being due during the 2010 season) and DBC 14 released well after the Australian summer. I think there was even a RLL game that released at the end of the NRL season. Goes to show licenses don't necessarily mean games to be rushed to release in a set window.

Admittedly DBC 14's release was definitely influenced by the Ashes 13 failure.

AO Tennis seems to me like it has been released months early. In retrospect the fact it was only launching in Australia and the rest of the world will get it later in the year should have sent alarm bells ringing.
Is it the competition that forced Big Ant's hand into releasing a rushed game? Or is it purely because of the license?
It's gone in at #2 in the charts in Australia... It's a quiet time of year, but that's pretty impressive.
And within 2 weeks it won't be in the top 5 as the EB 'rentals' are returned. This happened to RLL4.
And within 2 weeks it won't be in the top 5 as the EB 'rentals' are returned. This happened to RLL4.

I thought the no. 2 ranked was the AO Tennis mobile game. Is it no. 2 for console version ad well? Happy for Big Ant if it is indeed a top seller.
I thought the no. 2 ranked was the AO Tennis mobile game. Is it no. 2 for console version ad well? Happy for Big Ant if it is indeed a top seller.

That was number 2 too, albeit in the Sports category. It was 10 in the Games charts, which is really good considering the HUGE games that usually dominate the top 10. Big Bash peaked at number 3 which is *phenomenal*. It's such a shame that they can't (I assume) monetise either of them.

But no, the console game was number 2 in Aus this week:
That was number 2 too, albeit in the Sports category. It was 10 in the Games charts, which is really good considering the HUGE games that usually dominate the top 10. Big Bash peaked at number 3 which is *phenomenal*. It's such a shame that they can't (I assume) monetise either of them.

But no, the console game was number 2 in Aus this week:

Great news for Big Ant Studios and am happy for them :cheers
Wow GTA in the top 10 after all these years. Essentially a ps3/x360 game too

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