A Close Call For me


ICC President
Apr 15, 2006
Well I would say I have been pretty lucky today.

I'm playing football, when my mate goes to shoot, but slips and elbows me in the face, shattering my contact lense, sending fragments into my eye. I get taken of to casualty, where even though I have a local anisthetic it is still bloody painful as they remove shards out of my eye. They say I'm very lucky I did not lose my vision permanently in that eye as all the vital parts were missed. I now look like a pirate with a black eye patch over my right eye. ;)

At least I got to miss double English :p
That's a horrible accident. Hope you get better soon. Removing shards out of your eye -- ouch... :( :noway
Its nasty when it comes to eyes I can tell you.

My dad has a sharp piece of cardboard go to around 30% deep in his eye and even now he gets recollections.

I myself have had trouble with my eyes, once a very small insect when and scratched it, it didn't hurt it just irritates a lot and I had ointment for over 3 weeks.

So I know what its all about.
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I wear contacts \o/. Daily disposables though, so I don't think I would have had the same problem as you.

Nasty nevertheless.
Yeah, I'd hate to have to keep the same contact. Disposables are just so much easier.
I'm thinking of switching to daily's. These ones are quite a bit of hassle

Yeah, i mean it must be a hassle now having to put 500 pieces of the contact into your eye now :p

Hey man, great to hear it wont be perminant. Ask the mates if they wanna play pirates, you have dibs on Captain Hook straight away :p
Ouch. Thats why I don't like contacts that much. Parents want me to wear them, but I'm afraid stuff like this would happed. Really lucky you survived there. Although going through life with a permanent eye patch could have been interesting :p

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