Editing Player Profiles


Retired Administrator
Mar 12, 2003
I've done a bit of preliminary cracking on the roster file. First of all the way to generate a roster file is to go my cricket; load/save then tab profile to roster and save.
The format seems to be identical to C2k4 although obviously the Player Editor fields are different.
From what I've done so far bytes 237 and 238 still control nationality. Bytes 230 and 235 control bat make although I've not worked out how yet.
Here is an example
Bat no. 230 235
1 00 00
2 01 01
3 02 02
46 03 2D

I'll be able to get into this properly once I have internet again on my PC.

Full list of what bytes do what (in red means identified but not fully cracked)
00,01 - Player code
02,03 - Commentary code
04-18? - Player Name
20,21 - innings (test)
22,23 - not outs (test)
24,25 - overs bowled (test)
26,27 - wickets (test)
28,29 - runs conceded (test)
30,31 - runs scored (test)
32 - 50's (test)
33 - 100's (test)
34,35 - catches (test)
36,37 - maidens (test)
38,39 - matches and 5-fors (test)
40,41 - innings (ODI)
42,43 - not outs (ODI)
44,45 - overs bowled (ODI)
46,47 - wickets (ODI)
48,49 - runs conceded (ODI)
50,51 - runs scored (ODI)
52 - 50's (ODI)
53 - 100's (ODI)
54,55 - catches (ODI)
56,57 - maidens (ODI)
58,59 - matches and 5-fors (ODI)
60,61 - innings (FC)
62,63 - not outs (FC)
64,65 - overs bowled (FC)
66,67 - wickets (FC)
68,69 - runs conceded (FC)
70,71 - runs scored (FC)
72 - 50's (FC)
73 - 100's (FC)
74,75 - catches (FC)
76,77 - maidens (FC)
78,79 - matches and 5-fors (FC)
80,81 - innings (OD)
82,83 - not outs (OD)
84,85 - overs bowled (OD)
86,87 - wickets (OD)
88,89 - runs conceded (OD)
90,91 - runs scored (OD)
92 - 50's (OD)
93 - 100's (OD)
94,95 - catches (OD)
96,97 - maidens (OD)
98,99 - matches and 5-fors (OD)
100-103 - batting: concentration, defence, attack, offside, legside
104-107 - batting: straight, front foot, back foot (and two hidden attributes in positions 4 and 5)
108-111 - batting: skill (position 2), resilience (position 4), BBI wickets (test) in decimal (position 5) and two hidden attributes (positions 1 and 3)
112-115 - BBI wickets (ODI), BBI wickets (FC), BBI wickets (OD) (all decimal), and two hidden attributes in positions 4 and 5.
116-119 - bowling: discipline, accuracy, seam, bouncer
120-123 - bowling: slower ball, spin, arm ball, googly, flipper
124-127 - bowling/fielding: inswing, outswing, arm strength, fielding accuracy, agility
128,129 - stamina
130,131 - Batting position and aggression
132 - Bowling style and aggression
133,134 - hands used and fielding positions
134,135 - player speed
136 - catching
137-139 - F0 7D DF for all players
142,143 - High Score (test)
145,146 - High Score (ODI)
148,149 - High Score (FC)
150,151 - High Score (OD)
153,154 - BBI runs (test)
156,157 - BBI runs (ODI)
158,159 - BBI runs (FC)
161,162 - BBI runs (OD)
204 - Batting weaknesses
208,209 - Batting strengths
212,213 - Special skills
221 - player height
223 - bat
228,229,230 - nationality
360 - age
361 - player type
362 - bowling deliveries available
364,365 - face
Good Work Colin. Were getting step closer and closer to editing Cricket 2005 Fully!
A quick update for you. Byte 224 seems to work for the bats. Replace as follows:

Bat01 - 00
Bat02 - 01
Bat03 - 02
Bat04 - 03
Bat09 - 08
Bat10 - 09
Bat11 - 0A
Bat12 - 0B
Bat15 - 0E
Bat16 - 0F
Bat17 - 10
Bat18 - 11
Bat25 - 18
Bat26 - 19
Bat27 - 1A
Bat28 - 1B
Bat31 - 1E
Bat32 - 1F
Bat33 - 20
Bat34 - 21
Bat41 - 28
Bat42 - 29
Bat43 - 2A
Bat44 - 2B
Bat45 - 2C
Bat46 - 2D
Bat47 - 2E
Bat48 - 2F

You can match up the bats to the bat numbers by using 048a33b1d2138e879f0823b80d6a932b.fsh (which is the player editor display)

It should now be possible to assign certain bats to certain players as we did in C2k4 and produce an updated roster and bat pack.

Here are two screens to help explain what I mean:

Shot1 - M.Vaughan
byte 224 is 4 from the end (highlighted)
The value is 0C which corresponds to bat13

Shot2 - K.Pieterson
The value is 11 which corresponds to bat18
Colin, have you found the offset which belongs to player "speed"?

cos i wanna reduce the speeds of all the player in the game to make fielding more realistic.
Eddie said:
Colin, have you found the offset which belongs to player "speed"?

cos i wanna reduce the speeds of all the player in the game to make fielding more realistic.

I've not looked I'm afraid. I'm working full-time atm so not much time for cracking the roster.
Good work Colin.Hope we can expect a player editor in the future. :)
doing a gr8 job colin.....any luck on assigning player faces yet??? coz i cant make an indian face pack...donno which face is which and i think many players use the same face....assigning faces would be gr8
I've found the bytes that control player speed but I'm a bit lost as to how they work.
The bytes are 135 and 136.
When just speed is changed on a default player these numbers change as follows:

00 01 = 25
00 03 = 75
E0 03 = 100
00 00 = 0
20 00 = 5
50 00 = 8
90 00 = 13
C0 00 = 19
E0 00 = 23
40 01 = 31
50 03 = 84

As you can see whilst this seems to be some kind of base 25 system it doesn't fit any particular pattern.

With the actual player profiles the bytes obviously control more than just player speed:

Vaughan 82 07 = 90
Anderson 72 07 = 88
Giles 22 07 = 79
Javed Omar A0 0A = 65
Ponting B1 03 = 96

I'll take another look at this later but this is a start for anyone else who is cracking values.
Just to add to this I can't find anything else this byte controls atm. I changed Adam Gilchrists speed from 71 07 to A0 0A and also to 0C 02 without anything else I could see changing.
This means someone can now edit all the fielder speeds in a roster. The bytes are 135 and 136 but can also be found by highlighting the first initial and going down 8 rows and right 2 columns.
I would recommend changing the values to something between 00 02 and 00 03 by changing the first number of the first byte.
e.g. 00 02 = 50, 20 02 = 55, A0 02 = 66 etc
great news colin

Do u think that the fielders can be slowed down for the mega patch.If so i shall be eternally gratefull to you.
Yeah definitely.

Some more stuff in response to Eddie's query about reducing discipline and accuracy.
The three controlling bytes are 117,118 and 119.
Discipline uses 117 and the second digit of 118: accuracy uses the first digit of 118 and 119.

117, 118, 119
00 0C C3 = default (a=75, d=75)
00 1C C2 = A50 D75
00 EC C3 = A100 D75
00 0C 00 = A0 D75
40 08 C3 = A75 D50
80 0F C3 = A75 D100
00 00 C3 = A75 D0
40 18 C2 = A50 D50
00 00 C0 = A0 D0

Logically therefore A100 D100 ought to be 80 EF C3 although I've not tried it yet.

All that remains is to crack why the values are what they are. This is what I have so far:

00 _0 = 0
40 _8 = 50
00 _C = 75
80 _F = 100

0_ C0 = 0
1_ C2 = 50
0_ C3 = 75
E_ C3 = 100

Like I said before, anyone who knows how to do this stuff, get cracking...

Now to combine all three:

A = accuracy D = discipline S = speed 117,118,119...135,136

A35, D40, S45 = 80 76 C1...D0 01
A38 D32 S35 = 40 95 C1...70 01
A41 D42 S60 = C0 B6 C1...70 02

7_ C1 = 35
9_ C1 = 38
B_ C1 = 41

80 _6 = 40
40 _5 = 32
C0 _6 = 42

D0 01 = 44
70 01 = 35
70 02 = 60

Therefore anyone editing players could just enter these values and they would work although it would still be preferable to find out how they actually relate to the numbers.

Screenshot to show which bytes I'm editing.


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