a cricket gaming fan should act like one....


Club Cricketer
Dec 22, 2003
Online Cricket Games Owned
i really ****ed off by the immature behaviour of some so called "cricket"gaming fans on this board. :boxing :boxing :boxing ea just released some screens of their new game and some fans act like mr knowall.all of them praised the first renders of blic and the second batch images.yes there is a tremendous improvement in the second batch images.then they also say,it will improve....its just in the initial stages.why these double standards???ea images are really good too.it has same clarity as in rugby 2005.it has fifa engine.why not give it a chance???can these fans really be called "fans"??cricket fans should feel lucky that there r two games being relesed.how many games did codies release after " brian lara cricket"in 97-98???support the gaming industry(paticularly cricket).please i beg u for the future of the cricket gaming.
i agree with you only after the second batch of codies screenshots were released did they look good ,so guys give ea a chance since the first batch looks quiet impressive
sarwan said:
i really ****ed off by the immature behaviour of some so called "cricket"gaming fans on this board. :boxing :boxing :boxing ea just released some screens of their new game and some fans act like mr knowall.all of them praised the first renders of blic and the second batch images.yes there is a tremendous improvement in the second batch images.then they also say,it will improve....its just in the initial stages.why these double standards???ea images are really good too.it has same clarity as in rugby 2005.it has fifa engine.why not give it a chance???can these fans really be called "fans"??cricket fans should feel lucky that there r two games being relesed.how many games did codies release after " brian lara cricket"in 97-98???support the gaming industry(paticularly cricket).please i beg u for the future of the cricket gaming.

I presume you are only referring to graphics bashing, as I and and few others are disappointed in other issues, such as incorrect ball colour & sidescreen and no effort to improve default fields in 7 years.
sarwan said:
i really ****ed off by the immature behaviour of some so called "cricket"gaming fans on this board. :boxing :boxing :boxing ea just released some screens of their new game and some fans act like mr knowall.

after going thru C2002 and C2004, may be we do 'know it all'

all of them praised the first renders of blic and the second batch images.yes there is a tremendous improvement in the second batch images.then they also say,it will improve....its just in the initial stages.why these double standards???

no one said the screens are bad. screens are great, they always are. but a game is just not about good screens/visuals as ea possibly think.

ea images are really good too.it has same clarity as in rugby 2005.it has fifa engine.why not give it a chance???can these fans really be called "fans"??

everyone is free to have their opinions. if you want to pre order ea 2005 go right ahead. who is stopping you? being a fan doesn't mean they can not tell what they think, after all they have paid for their previous ea games.

cricket fans should feel lucky that there r two games being relesed.how many games did codies release after " brian lara cricket"in 97-98???support the gaming industry(paticularly cricket).please i beg u for the future of the cricket gaming.

codies had a big gap in 2 releases because their team moved to ea..now they have found a new developer and coming up with a game. if it's a success I see no reason why they will not make another down the line. as for supporting, that's the aim of the forum you are posting in.
codies had a big gap in 2 releases because their team moved to ea..now they have found a new developer and coming up with a game. if it's a success I see no reason why they will not make another down the line. as for supporting, that's the aim of the forum you are posting in.

theres a severe shortage of game designers then.why did they leave codies in the first place??its simple codies didnt see a future in cricket in spite of blc being a success.ea saw cricket as a money spinner inspite of earning big money in nba,madden,nhl,fifa series.shows they r committed.another point is that,"they" say that ea dont look for potential buyers opinions(particularly this time with cric8 2005)dont u think they will be seeing this message board and codies message boards.what stops them from doing so??only problem i see with ea is they r developing the game in canada(no cric8 culture)dont cric8 2002 was a huge improvement over blc"everyone has an opinion".if everyone has oneand they all r right,whats the point of this message board.whats left to discuss??the shut down this board and bring up a bloggers paradise.where everyone can put their views with no fears of anyone arguing.

ps:above statements may sound harsh.just pure discussions no personal enemity with a cric8 fan.
I agree with you. A lot of people on this forum are hypocrites.
They have double standards. BLIC screenies got praised and said the next batch will improve. Yet, EA screenies are being put down. Won't EA's too not improve over what it is currently. I think EA graphics are way way better than BLIC.

A lots of forum posters are like your everyday critics -- with half knowledge and experts in putting things down and giving personal biased opinions instead of a fair and balanced view.

We have no gameplay feeling from either BLIC or EA. All we have are a bunch of screenshots and some facts they'll include in the game from Both sides. This proves nothing re. the nature of the 2 games. Who knows, EA may have most bugs/issues resolved.

I'm happy to say I loved Cricket 2004 as well as BLIC ( more cricket 2004 ) and now am looking forward to both games.

So, at this point, we need to be unbiased and give a fair judgement based on what we see.
fanirama said:
I agree with you. A lot of people on this forum are hypocrites.
They have double standards. BLIC screenies got praised and said the next batch will improve. Yet, EA screenies are being put down. Won't EA's too not improve over what it is currently. I think EA graphics are way way better than BLIC.

Immediately wrong, nobody has said the graphics are bad! I think they look very, very good.

fanirama said:
So, at this point, we need to be unbiased and give a fair judgement based on what we see.

Why should we? EA have let us down on a number of occasions, WHY SHOULD PEOPLE TRUST THEM? No reason at all. It is their job to convince us to part with our money, as it is for Codemasters, as it is for any games company out there! You cannot tell people to go in completely unbiased. Thats just wrong.
fanirama said:
I agree with you. A lot of people on this forum are hypocrites.
They have double standards. BLIC screenies got praised and said the next batch will improve. Yet, EA screenies are being put down. Won't EA's too not improve over what it is currently. I think EA graphics are way way better than BLIC.

A lots of forum posters are like your everyday critics -- with half knowledge and experts in putting things down and giving personal biased opinions instead of a fair and balanced view.

We have no gameplay feeling from either BLIC or EA. All we have are a bunch of screenshots and some facts they'll include in the game from Both sides. This proves nothing re. the nature of the 2 games. Who knows, EA may have most bugs/issues resolved.

I'm happy to say I loved Cricket 2004 as well as BLIC ( more cricket 2004 ) and now am looking forward to both games.

So, at this point, we need to be unbiased and give a fair judgement based on what we see.

Telling the forum posters here as hypocrites is too harsh..

See, Brian Lara Cricket 99 was a success story and it wasnt very buggy and people seemed to have liked it.. And since a lot of development has been put into Brian Lara International Cricket whch is releasing this June-July, naturally everyone have more expectations on it as the more time involved in making, the better the product is expected to be. Also, it has a downside. If the game released is buggy, then more brickbats will be thrown at it..

EA Cricket 2005 has been in development for a time period of less than a year. And people putting down the screenshots of EA C2005 might be due to their personal preferrences. They might not put it down to keep BLIC on the top. It might be their personal preferrences. Personally for me, BLIC looks better in the screenshots so far than EA Cricket2005. And still, after seeing the gameplay of C2004, a fan looking for some interesting and realistic gameplay will never have high expectations on their new offering.
fanirama said:
Yet, EA screenies are being put down. Won't EA's too not improve over what it is currently. I think EA graphics are way way better than BLIC.


It's not the screenies I am putting down, its the incorrect equipment I see in them etc that have been present sent Cricket 2002 - doesn't that tell you ANYTHING? :(
saisrini -- I don't mean to offend anyone here, but I still think there are hypocrites here. Not all, but some.
I joined this forum looking for info on Cricket 2004 and found much much more on planetcricket.org than any other cricket website.

*** Kudos to Planetcricket.net for being what I think is the best cricket video gaming web resouce today and keeping me actively interested in this site ***

However, as a buyer looking for reviews I am expecting to get proper feedback. I've read lots of conflicting, doublestandard reviews here. Not everyone is posting giving it a fair chance. Hence I guess Sarwan started this thread.
I think time will eventually tell which is 'technically' a better product. But the technically correct product may give me lesser joy than a technically not perfect game.
Just like sometimes you may prefer watching certain batsmen who're not technically correct batsmen but are fun to watch

I'm looking for a game that gives me joy and keeps me entertained. Hence, I'm looking for information,reviews based on what information is available currently.

Look, everyone is entitled to their opinion as am I. I'm not saying they should post in a particular manner. I guess, I'll just have to ignore some of the biased negative posts.
Well really im not too concerned about the screenshots for either games 3 months before they are actually released. I am just pleased that after in August of last year when we were thinking the next cricket game released would be Cricket 2006, we now have 2 games coming out in only a few months time. Hopefully two great games as well.
I think its all psychological. EA has been very bad with communication while Codies have been very good. We human beings like being pampered and have our opinion asked of us. BLIC seems to be doing that (although I could possibly argue that we are not really putting half as much input as we expect to be putting into the game) and EA just seems like they are jutting their nose in. Thus we feel BLIC is the bad man and EA is the good.

EA has done a lot for cricket games after BLC99. They've released some substandard products and some pretty good products. Yes--they should have tested their games further. But they were just trying to keep the market for cricket games active. By constantly producing games they are adding to the development of the cricket game industry. If EA didn't produce a game after CWC 99 and BLIC 2005 came out today, I can assure you that the game would suck like ****. Progress definitely has been made. I haven't touched my BLC game in a few years now. If I were able to play C2k4 I would play it everyday of the week. I think its a decent product with a few drawbacks. But EA has given us something.

I can see the quips coming that EA should have tested their products further and everything and I agree. They are out there making money too. We do not know the internal working of the company either. It's totally possible too that EA Cricket games could have just been phased out if they didn't meet a deadline someday. More than half of the members on this forum wouldn't exist if C2004 didn't exist. Thus I think that EA has made slow progress but have been learning along the way. They seem to be stubborn in enacting changes, but they have contributed significantly to the cricket gaming market.

As someone's siggy on this site had said once, you learn more from your enemies than from your friends.
Fanirama, first of all, you are right about everyone having the right to formulate and express their opinion.

Saisrini80 has raised a valid point, that BLC was a great success story. It was the favourite cricket game of many fans, atleast till cricket 2004 came out (and more importantly, was fixed by the excellent modding community). EA Sports have always shown a tendency to focus more on the glitzy aspects of the game, like graphics and presentation and production values rather than any deep research and development into the gameplay or the artificial intellegence, which play a far more cruicial role in determining how "enjoyable" a game is.
Answer me honestly, for how much time would you have played Cricket 2004 without using the patches/fixes made by people like Sam,Colin,Prakash and a host of others ? For Christ's sake, the game does not even implement a basic feature like saving properly! BLC 99 on the other hand, although not devoid of bugs by any stretch of the imagination, did not suffer from such basic infirmities and hence could be played for a much greater period of time, inspite of having lesser features and modes than c2k4 . Additionally, it is the base on which the subsequent cricket games like c2k2 and c2004 have been developed. I think all this says quite a bit about BLC. As a direct consequence of this, it is but natural for people to expect more from Codemasters than EA Sports, because Codemasters have in the past given them a good cricket game , which EA sports have been unsuccessful in providing thus far.

Most people agree that the initial screenshots for c2005 look very promising, but they've excercised their right to free speech to raise a few relevant issues, like incorrect field settings, which have been the bane of all cricket simulators till date. In fact, this very same issue has also been raised by Zimrahil regarding BLIC, so there is no chance of being a hypocrite there.

You have raised relevant points, no doubt about that, but it is important to coexist with all points of view, and to try to understand the reasons behind someone's seemingly illogical or incorrect behaviour. Hope I make myself clear to you, and I would welcome any suggestion/criticisms/questions.
I was just wondering one thing. BLC99 was a success and apparently it was developed by HB Studios. C2k2 and C2k4 were developed by HB Studios and weren't exactly successes. So...? EA Sports just produces and markets the game--HB develops it. This is obviously not the same team making the game or is it? So how can you expect the same success. I'm a little confused...

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