Baz's Solution for XP does work - it will still require work.


School Cricketer
Mar 31, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
Ok Baz send me his 3dhigh.exe file as I think he has a special file. Thanks baz for that. And I just did a regular minimum installation and used his file and it opened the game for me the first time. Except the graphics are blurry and the game hanged on toss. So now I am trying Baz's putting files in directory solution and I have put his file for download over here link so people can try their own solution. Some one help me get rid of hang on toss problem and if Baz send me all other exe files I will put them for download also.
im actually in the UK, and go tBLC as a budget title so maybe it is an updated set of files, Ill send the other files to you mike, and also remeber if the music comes at the menu screen then the game shouldnt hang at the coin toss. at the title screen where the picture of brian lara appears, press the right cursor key then press enter.
Software exe file from baz, with this file I have game working with just minimum install and moving around of dir. Link
The link you have given here mike has some problem. The file I downloaded says that its not a valid archive.
Please upload the file again to possibly a geocities site that they give free.
Also did you do any changes to the installation or was it a normal minimum install.!!!???????????????????????
The link posted by Mike doesnt seem to work as its an html file, not a zip file.
Baz, can you please send me the .exe files at [email protected] ??
Also Mike, can you tell me what needs to be done to get the game working ??
Ok I tired downloading those files from one computer and it worked, and no zip errors, then i tried from a different computer and I got html error, so I put it again here and instead of zipping it i used winrar. Here is the new download link. Download.

I did not have to do anything special, I just replaced the files baz gave and did a minimum install and I can run it like a normal BLC install. Once you all get the files give it a try and I can help tweaking if needed.
The file was downloaded correctly..... Have to try If it works on XP ..............
Yes, the game now works beautifully. Thanks a lot folks, especially Baz and Mike. That was one freak exe file that Baz had !!
Can you also upload the D3DTNT.exe or the D3DLOW.exe files also as I use a TNT-Riva card and cannot work with D3DHIGH.exe. Or please send it to [email protected]

Thanx a lot
If Baz Sends me other files I will put em up. But yeah #### those are freaky files and thanks to baz we all have em :D , also while trying to figure out this whole XP thing I found 3 new cheat codes, TOMCHELL:- this code will make the speech go fast and slow, kinda useless but mixture of fast and slow chat. Other 2 are PLUMBING, and SMALLBAL. I dont know what they do but when you enter them it gives the code accepted tune, so I am guess they must do something. I dont know if SMALLBAL makes the ball small as I play on tv and i could not see much difference.
what where you doing to find these codes? Typing in randon words? :P

I was comparing two diff software.exe files in a hex editor. and one of em had these codes.
This is really really great..... I really think BLC works better and a little faster(frame rates in XP)..

Please tell be baz how did you get these files.. Did you make it or what ???? The cheat code also seem to work ...
Thank you, thank you, thank you Baz!!! :D I now have brian lara cricket working perfectly on my windows 2000 machine.... something I had given up all hope of ever happening.

You've really made my day. :P
well after getting blc i had already been driven mad by upgrading to xp, but i was convinced that i could get every thing working perfectly like they are supposed to (the opposite of microsoft's plan).

I had literally spent 48 hours to upgrade everything and has first annoyed by my old dos games not working, which i spent ages and sorted. Then blc which i just bought didnt work! So i thought i had nothing to lose and then discovered after messing with the program, that it didnt crash as such, but gave error messages. I installed and ran from the HD and then these error messages were readable, and i just tried to fulfill every one of these, in a way trick the cpu that the HD was the CD.
I cant believe in the end it worked and also was surprised to hear that everyone else couldnt get it work because they didnt have the files i had either.

anyway im happy i could help, i am sick of people not being able to do things in life simply, let alone using a pc with no problems and am glad at least i was able to help everyone.
Happy playing!,

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