Best Graphics Cards for C2K5

The_gas said:
Saphire Radeon X800SE is a good choice. Runs doom on ultra settings, 1280x1024 res, AA x4 at around 40-60fps. Looks on the net for prices. AN 9800XT is a good card, but will soon be past its best. Look at the prices of the radeon x800 series.
Couldn't agree more. You should be able to pick up an X800 series at a decent price now. If you want something lower down make sure you stick with the Xxx range rather than the 9xx range because as The Gas says, it'll be obsolete quicker than you'd like. My laptop has an X600 SE and runs Half-Life 2 with all the settings cranked up to maximum (except Antialiasing) at 1440x900 (which is my screens maximum resolution). :D
I appresiate your thoughts( i have virtually no knowledge about graphics cards as i have been playing games with my integrated intel graphics and gr8 software called 3D analyze). You can mark my knowledge on graphics cards by the fact that i was even happy to buy Geforce FX 5200( laughs silently),

Also the prices in Shops in India differ gr8 amounts by what is can u post some link about proce comparisons of 9800XT and other cards?
das_vicky said:
Hey everybody i have decided on the ATI 9800 XT..........any comments? I am going only for ATI.......any more suggestions
Why only ATI? The 9800XT is last generation technology and a 6600GT is a fair bit cheaper for better performance. As the others say the X800 series are also excellent cards and if you are set on ATI will suit you perfectly well.
If 6600GT ids cheaper with better performance, it wont hurt me......u must know aby my gaming taste...i am very bad at playing games and the graphics dosent much matter to me......only thing that matters is no-lag performance....many of my friends have 9800XT so i decided on it......i will check abt other cards u suggested in my city.....

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