Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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Wonderful stuff Suren, the gaming section has certainly been quiet since you and GamerKid haven't update on your stories much over the past couple of months..
But this story is quality, and might be another wonderful one from you. Keep up the good work mate
Good to hear that you've been selected in the 15 man squad. I'll be interested to find out how you will play the Indian domestic matches. Looking foward to it :)
:happy Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments and views :happy
Updates coming today! :)

Suren... What can I say. Always absolutely top quality. Your a genious. I love the set out and your thinking behind the story. Its great that you didnt just wake up one day to a phone call from a coach saying "oh hey teenager, your in the national squad".

As always mate your raising the quality of the story forum. My apologies in advance if i dont get around to posting enough but I can see another classic starting!

Top work.

Thanks a lot :hpraise Getting comments from one of the story legends always mean a lots to the writers like me. :)

6a : A Tour for my First Ever State Level Match

April 29, 2009
Time - 8:45 PM​

It was when I was returning home from a hotel after dinner, my mobile rang. Since I was driving in the bike I did not bother to take the call and did not bother to see who it was also. I was just going home. But my mobile was continuously ringing. Then I sensed some urgency and managed to stop my vehicle in the corner of road despite the heavy traffic.

When I took the mobile from my pocket, :eek: it was my coach who was trying to reach me. :eek: " Oh what the hell I am doing! I should have noticed this call before itself! ", I thought myself. I answered the call. " Tomorrow we have a important practice session with our team mates, do turn up at 6 itself ", my coach Raman said. I asked him the reason but he denied to explain me the things at that point of time and instead he said that he will explain everything to the whole team in the next nets session.

I kept wondering what it would be about and went home with a bit disturbed mind. Already I was wondering about the coach's " Never loose your confidence level " words. And this urgency situation added flavor to it. With great difficulty, I got my sleep.:noway

April 30, 2009
Time - 5:30 AM​

The alarm from my mobile rang and disturbed my sleep as it always does. :D But this time, I was active enough and got ready quickly and left the home at 5:45 itself. I reached Chepauk practice session at 5:50 AM. The sun's rays did not even fall fully on this beautiful earth but I stood at the gates of Chepauk. No one turned up at that time. I was speaking to the watchman(security) there for time pass! :mad: :mad

At around 6:05 AM, my coach turned up and players also started to turn up slowly. We went into a small room to discuss the things straightly without having any nets practice.

" Get geared up, guys! The management has passed the message that Ranji Trophy is starting by this Sunday and we are having our first match against Maharashtra in their home ground. As I told earlier that we can expect the schedule dates anytime, now we are left with a short time span. We are leaving tomorrow morning at 7 AM to Maharashtra. We had to board a train by morning 8 and from the Maharashtra railway station, we would be having a team bus to travel to the hotel near the stadium. Lets do a small practice session today and tomorrow by this time, we should be ready to leave Chennai for our first hunt! :cool: ", WV Raman the coach of TN announced to all our team mates.

I was shocked to see all the things happening in just few moments of time. I had my nets practice for couple of overs and left the nets. Even everyone left the nets since my coach asked us to go soon and to get ready for the travel. After I went home, I also got bit worried about my college since my exams were coming. But I had to choose my career carefully. Hence I made by mind clear and called up my college principal and told everything. They told me that I had to attend the exam separately in some other scheduled date. I was so thankful to them that they made alternate arrangements for me. I started to pack all my things and kits and was geared up to leave next day.

My First Away Trip from Tamil Nadu for Cricket!


May 01, 2009
Time - 7:30 AM​

I got up at 5 AM itself without any alarm and got ready for my travel. I gave a warm greetings to my mom and dad and my relatives and my friends... Everyone hoped and wished me luck! :) I left my house and reached the central railway station at 7 : 15 AM itself. My coach was there before me. All the players also came by 7:30 AM.

We got settled down in our seats and train also started to leave Chennai. I was feeling bit emotional since I have never been in such a trip before. I sat with excitements as well as with happiness inside but I did not show it out. I sat quiet instead :p I was tensed because I wasn't sure whether I will be in playing XI. I was happy because, " Something is better than nothing, isn't it? " ;)

We then continued the journey in train with full happiness. We had many funs like pulling the legs of each other though I did not understand anything. :D Since I was new, they pulled my leg also like I have to be a ball boy there and I had to train in nets for picking up the cricket balls. :p Though I kept quiet, my coach backed me up saying that I can be a potential player sometime in the future for the national side. Those words, though they were for just fun, it enlightened my heart and kept me with great confidence level.

Later that night, we finally reached Maharashtra and we found a team bus waiting outside the station. We got into it and we went to hotel with full tiredness due to the long journey. Half of the guys did not even eat dinner.. I ate a small sandwich and struck the bed in one of the hotel rooms allocated and slept with full tiredness.

With Curiosity, I sneaked into the Stadium! :D


Half of the guys did not even get up also, but
I silently moved outside the hotel and went in search for
the stadium and started to do some observations.

May 02, 2009
Time - 6:00 AM​

It was not even 5:30 in the morning, I was lying with disturbed mindset. I myself wondered about my confused mindset. I got up silently and washed my face. I took the jogging suits and went outside the hotel leaving a message to my coach. When I came out, I saw many people like me doing early morning running/walking. With the help of few people there, I got the way for the stadium where our match was supposed to be held.

I found the stadium with great difficulty ( Since I don't even know ABC of Maharashtra roads ) and tried to go in. But the security fellow stopped me. He was telling some thing in HINDI! :rolleyes: I don't even know Hindi. It appeared to me as if he was blabbering some nonsense. :p " Excuse me, I don't know Hindi.. I belong to my cricket team, tamil nadu and we have rights to practice in nets here .. Can I get any help? ", I said to that security fellow.

BUT HE WAS SHOWING SOME HANDSIGNALS AND STARTED TO BLABBER AGAIN IN HINDI! :rolleyes: :( :noway " Oh My God, this guy is torturing me! ", I thought. :laugh Finally an educated person was traveling that side. I took a help of him to translate the things and with great difficulty I went inside the stadium.

I saw some blokes(may be of Maharashtra team) practicing in nets there. I silent went in the corners and walked towards the pitch. I was just seeing the pitch conditions. ( AS IF I KNOW MORE ABOUT MATCH CONDITIONS! :rolleyes: :p :D ) I just sat in middle of the pitch like how many pitch reporters do in TV :p I just pressed it with my hand and I did not get any clue though. It looked very dry to me though.

" What the hell I am trying to do? ", I asked myself and looked at my watch and it was quarter to 7 already. Hence I left the place with hurry to join my coach and my team mates again.

May 02, 2009
Time - 7:15 AM​

It was 7:15 AM when I reached the hotel back. I never realized that I was outside the hotel for such a long time. I got ready for the nets session. Then for the second time, I was traveling towards the stadium but this time, I was traveling with my team mates and coach in a team bus. :p

I sat quietly in backseat when the bus reached the stadium gates, I peeped my head out of the window and gave a mischievous look at the security fellow. :D When the bus entered, the security again blabbered something in Hindi after looking at me. :D :p I did not understand anything and kept quiet and was making sure that no-one takes a serious note of this. ;)

My coach and the captain, Karthik went towards the pitch and were discussing something. I also did the same thing like them but they don't know that I had already observed the pitch surface. We started to stretch ourselves a bit and in the meantime, my coach and captain were discussing the team for the upcoming match.

An Announcement from My Captain, Karthik!


May 02, 2009
Time - 8:00 AM​

The team XI for the match against Maharashtra was announced by the Captain, Karthik. I kept my fingers crossed and was waiting to hear my name.

There were disappointments in me when my name was not even read in first few batsmen list he(Karthik) announced. That time itself I decided that I am not going to be in the team XI. :( Full squad list of XI players were announced by Karthik and my name wasn't there in that list. :crying :( My face went very sad and I was trying very hard to control my emotions. :noway

Looking at my face, I don't know what my coach thought. He suddenly interrupted Karthik's announcement and said, " Suren Ram will be the 12th man of this game. Suren, I know you would be waiting for your debut in TN but don't loose your patience level. We are all part of the same team! Lets hope for the best! "

After hearing my coach's voice, I really felt like exiting the ground and go somewhere for peace. My mind went very disturbed. " What is the use of being 12th man.. Do they want me to serve the players drinks and towels? Were they teasing me really in the train that I had to train myself for a ball boy? :mad What is happening! .............. ... What..... ", my mind started to blabber in myself. I was finding very hard to control my emotions. It was when the match conditions were announced by the coach.

Conditions Expected for this Match Vs Maharashtra.


Since it was summer, no wonder it is hot through out. The same hot sunny conditions were expected for all the four days. I cursed myself since I need to take lot of water bottles and towels for the players during the match as I am the 12th man officially announced. :mad

No signs of rain and the dry conditions was told in the same announcement. When they(coach and the captain) told that the pitch was staying on the dry side, I praised myself for being able to predict correctly the pitch type earlier this morning. :p

After coming to know about the expected conditions for this match, coach and the captain started to give some suggestions/strategies for the game. Since I am not even in playing XI, I did not listen. " Why should I know the strategy when I am not even there in first place? ":rolleyes:, I thought to myself and started to feel sleepy again. :D The strategy discussion got over and soon we headed back for the breakfast to the same hotel.

When is that happy moment going to happen in my life? :mad:


When is that happy moment going to happen in my life? Will it happen in first place? I have heard about many politics in team selection generally.. Because of those, will my career also go waste in the middle of millions of dream-men who are also waiting to climb up the same ladder in life to reach for success? I don't know.. I don't have a clue.. I was not able to express it out too. I wanted to call my home and some close friends to express my grief out but I did not feel like doing any of those too. I locked those within me.. and kept within myself and was just a external happy looking chap but in inside...... :(

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Awesome works as normal, Suren.

Don't be too saddened about being twelth man, even if your Coach did say about you being future phenomenon in light manner, you probably still will be. ;) Your time will come.
Brilliant Work Suren as usual. :clap

Sad to see you as the 12th man but dont worry you will soon get your opportunity but you will need to grab it as the fight for the places is gonna be tough. ;)

(6b) Eve before the Match day!

May 02, 2009
Time - 5:00 PM​

It was a bright beautiful evening when my coach called us for the training nets for a last practice. To be honest, I was not actually interested. " To carry towels and water bottles, you need training eh? ", I thought to myself.

At the same time I was not able to deny my coach and stay in my room while others were actively getting ready for the training nets. Hence with the great difficulty I got ready for the nets and packed my kit bad and boarded the bus. We went to the stadium. I was taken by surprise when I found that there was not even a single Maharashtra team player practicing for the match tomorrow.

Raman, The coach was busy with the Captain, Karthik.


We continued to practice in nets. But I did not get padded up. I was just running here and there behind the ball taking some field practice. Infact, I did not take any batting practice after coming to Nasik, Maharashtra. I don't know why I was loosing the interest. I had to impress my coach to take a solid place in team XI but I had no clue why I was so reluctant in showing some interest in the practice nets.

My coach, Raman and my captain, Karthik were busily discussing the strategies of tomorrow's game. Tamil Nadu star player, Badrinath was also involved in the discussion. Raman was stressing the importance of players like Badrinath, Karthik, Mukund, Vijay who were all in good touch during the last season.

I was also aware of those great players. I know that because of their great potentials, I had to fight hard for my place in team XI. I just had a quick glance of those discussion and without showing any interest, I continued my fielding practice. Since my concentration continued to slip in different directions, I was finding it hard to catch the ball cleanly in my hands. :mad

While the practice was going on busily, a call came in Raman's mobile.....................................

Murali Vijay Called up For Indian Test Squad.


Vijay has been called up for Indian squad to replace the injured Gambhir in the test side.

May 02, 2009
Time - 6:10 PM​

It was getting dark and dark and it was when players are about to pack themselves back to hotel, Raman received an important call in his mobile.

It was about Murali Vijay. He was called up to play for the Indian side replacing the injured Gambhir. It seems that Gambhir developed an unexpected injury in his elbow during his nets practice this afternoon. Since it was a test series, the selectors eye went on Murali Vijay. Raman told Vijay that he has to pack his things immediately and get ready for another travel.

It surprised and shocked everyone there in the camp. Because we were almost ready for the match tomorrow and at this last moment of time, Murali Vijay had to leave his state side and join the national side. Yes, it is obvious that any player would give importance to the national side over the state side but the sudden happening of the things is what surprised/shocked everyone.

"Suren, You be ready to replace Murali Vijay in our side! ", Raman said and packed his things from the nets. Everyone went into the bus again to get back to the hotel. This gave me the mental shock further because I was not totally prepared for playing my first ever state level match due to many things that have been happening. But my coach expect me to play as a replacement for Murali Vijay in the match tomorrow.

Things Change so UNEXPECTEDLY in LIFE, isn't it?


"Suren, You be ready to replace Murali Vijay in our side! ", those words from my coach gave me happiness as I have got a chance to prove myself in state level. But I was totally unprepared for this.

It was in Chennai when I practiced for my batting last. After leaving chennai, I did not even face single delivery in nets. What am I going to do? Can I play up to my potential tomorrow? Will the lack of practice is going to have a huge impact on my career? Well, I am keeping my fingers crossed........ :upray

Is someone going to injure themselves just before the game so you can play? :p. Just joking. You'll get your chance if Badrinath or Karthik (does he still get picked for India) go away on national duty

Great update as usual, but I don't think I need to tell you that :)

EDIT: I posted during your update :eek:. So it looks like you will get a game. Congratulations and good luck! I hope you make some runs :)
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Is someone going to injure themselves just before the game so you can play? :p. Just joking. You'll get your chance if Badrinath or Karthik (does he still get picked for India) go away on national duty

Great update as usual, but I don't think I need to tell you that :)

I think, when you read the previous update, I posted an update in parallel. It was Murali Vijay who got a call from Indian test side to replace injured Gambhir. :)
Nice to see you now play inplace of Murali Vijay who has been called up by the national team. So are you gonna open the batting or is Karthick gonna do that?

Anys top class update as usual mate. :clap Really nice to see your stories and its wonderful to read them as usual. :clap
I always knew you would play. It's how all these career diaries go :p
Mate, Its IPL time.... How can India Play test series while the IPL is taking place and how can the players like Karthik stay in Chennai if the IPL is being held in Southafrica??:p:p

BTW the story is good. Try to get some reality in putting up the fixtures...
You would have Chosen IPL in place of Ranji. If you would have chose IPL, you would have done something like David Warner and Vijay Shekhwat (In Victory Film:p:p)
Nice to see you now play inplace of Murali Vijay who has been called up by the national team. So are you gonna open the batting or is Karthick gonna do that?

Anys top class update as usual mate. :clap Really nice to see your stories and its wonderful to read them as usual. :clap

We have to wait and see ;)

I always knew you would play. It's how all these career diaries go :p


Mate, Its IPL time.... How can India Play test series while the IPL is taking place and how can the players like Karthik stay in Chennai if the IPL is being held in Southafrica??:p:p

BTW the story is good. Try to get some reality in putting up the fixtures...
You would have Chosen IPL in place of Ranji. If you would have chose IPL, you would have done something like David Warner and Vijay Shekhwat (In Victory Film:p:p)

Well Binnu, I am completely aware that Ranjis start late in the year. But it will be tough for me to manage this diary as I have started. And the story will be lost in its storyline if I start concentrating too much on the district level till November.

Thats why I would have mentioned while announcing the fixtures,

Story Update(Chapter 5) said:
We have got an official confirmation that Ranji Trophy Super league are going to commence earlier than our regular season schedule.

Also I am not considering the IPL completely. Last year did we have IPL by this time? Those are dynamic things which we don't even have a clue how regular and how often those IPLs are going to take place. Who thought IPL will begin this month? That should have been over by now as per the original fixtures. Who thought IPL season 2 will begin in first place after so many factors.. Who knows whether there will be IPL season 3? All those are just dynamic things which is full of UNCERTAINTY and I don't want to think about uncertainty things in my storyline.

So, I am going by my story line. :) If you guys feel I am getting deviated from story line, please let me know. :)

:happy Thank you guys for the wonderful comments and views :happy
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