CLOSED!! Your team in the Big Ant Studios Cricket game!

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Big Ant
Oct 13, 2012
Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - PS3
  2. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Xbox 360
  3. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC
Big Ant Studios would like to give you the opportunity to have your favourite local team in the game!

Supply your team name and country and we will put it in the game.

We need to have the spelling and pronunciation, dictionary style, e.g. Melbourne is Mel-bern

We will have the names vetted, i.e. make sure they exist and are not defamatory but would also encourage folks here to help me with weeding out anything contentious.

One name per member here, the closing date is 28th February.

PS: It would be nice for an admin to put all the names in one place for us if possible
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East Lancashire Cricket Club. The club's official website for verification purposes: Home - East Lancashire Club

and we're off - the first one to be added :)

Now, we know how to pronounce this, debatable as aussies perhaps :), but we will need some help with others - probably best to always put a guide in e.g. lanc-a-shire
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At this stage we can only get teams and locations in - depending on how many responses there are we will then go to names.

That said, there are legal issues with names that are not common.
Flagstaff Hill Cricket Club
Pronounced Flag-staff Hill (where staff is pronounced as in 'the staff of Big Ant')
South Australia, Australia
web address: Flagstaff Hill Cricket Club

Thanks Ross, great idea!
What would be the location of the "Planet Cricket" team? (I can see some intense rivalry with the Big Ant team from Melbourne! :) )
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What would be the location of the "Planet Cricket" team? (I can see some intense rivalry with the Big Ant team from Melbourne! )
Unfortunately we're a UK based company - and then probably Birmingham to pick from our potential 'headquarters'. I suppose that increases the rivalry side of things though.

We should light something on fire and send it to you as something to play for - obviously you'd need a name for something like that - so they would be the Ashes of the burnt thing, and we'd be playing a match of Cricket in 2013. Hmm....
We'll collate these for you later. I'm not if our previous corporate HQ of Southport is more or less glamorous than Birmingham...
Mumbai Indians

Ross, could you please get in Mumbai Indians from IPL? I know its a high ask but a tournament like IPL would just make the game more fun. I have no hopes from the other title as their previous two games were seriously hopeless. Only you guys could do it.
Moreover, how'd you include our teams in the game, would create an entire tournament for it? Like if you were to add 1 IPL team, would you create the entire tournament and add the rest of the teams too?
Please add Rajasthan Royals to the list.Below is the link.
Ross, could you please get in Mumbai Indians from IPL?
You're missing the point of the thread - it is for local club/city teams not the major professional sporting teams. I'm sure they are all well aware of the existence of the IPL, but for teams like that they need to licence their inclusion.

Think of teams you might play for or the cricket club at the oval a few streets over, not the team you support in major competitions.
If we don't have the license for a team then that team would need to be created by SOMEONE ELSE, we cannot ship with teams that we do not have the rights too. That doesn't mean commentators cannot say team names and locations, i.e. no one owns the words "Australian", "English", "Indian", "Mumbai", "Punjab", etc. etc. So when SOMEONE ELSE, not Big Ant Studios, creates a team then that team will feature in the commentary if we have recorded the names that will allow it.

I am confident that the team editing and sharing will enable you create any team and series you could dream of, you need to make sure of course that you don't violate anyone's Licenses because I could not condone that.
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In-game editing aside, I really hope you guys make game highly patchable. I mean we can create players using editing software and external editors (created by members) and not only through in-game. It will be highly appreciable. Just look at C07, with all it's patches/mods even after 6 years, it has the most active forum here just because of it's mods ranging from IPL patches to gameplay. It greatly affects the longevity of the game.
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