Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

Sadly the tickets raised to support are mostly about online issue but not on gameplay. Fielding bugs still continues
We get tickets for both, some online some single-player, being career more play now ect. Some about design and community creations, and many for tech issues we help as best we can with. Also tonnes of suggestions from some of the more team accuracy and competition makers who want to play based on what series is on at the time of suggestion. But I can say that a majority of them end up being single-player mode tickets and questions.
It's also that you can only file so many tickets that say the exact same thing. Basically every month I send them a video of the ball literally travelling through my bowler's chest and nothing has budged. The annoying animation where a fielder at the boundary takes forever to pick up the ball or runs on top of it while the batters take 2s/3s is still unchanged. And the most obvious one of course is that AI fielders still struggle to return the ball to keepers. I guess I can go back to bothering them about this but at this point they have to know what's wrong and have just decided that fixing it is not worth the headache or domino affect it may cause.
This is very true, we understand some people think that we don't read them or just ignore them, which is far from the truth. Since I started I have read every single ticket that has come through to the support site, all the suggestions and issues here as well as Reddit cricket communities, Steam, other smaller gaming forums where we interact, and all the emails that come through as well, I read so many many things. We do get lots of the same feedback and we take it all and we review it. We appreciate the feedback from our community members, but tickets on the same issue from the same people are not needed, they are welcome of course but I keep track of it all, many tickets I personally reply to and mark it all down and pass it along.

So our systems are intertwined and reliant on each other to make a playable experience we have to be careful about which individual thing we work on. Say we use overthrows as an example. We can do some updates to reduce overthrows, what if it has had unintended changes to other aspects of fielding that were relying on other things linked to the catch mechanics? As an example, not a real situation, we fix overthrows and suddenly you can no longer catch the ball in the air as it used some aspects of its accompanying system. Is the payoff of having one thing fixed but others broken worth it?

Pretty sure there will be one more patch atleast
We are certainly still working on the game, we do have something in the works, but I will preface this with this will not be the end all to be all of the patches. We have been working on some things and will continue to work on them. As someone mentioned we do have other games coming out and we do have to work on those as well. I know some of you are also on the footy forums watching what is happening over there.

So let's talk next patch. There will be a small one, as soon as I have dates and times I will update you as soon as I can. As previously mentioned there is not a lot of time for you guys to get your online matches over with before we drop it without warning. I will not go into patch notes, they will be posted from the Twitter account. When the time is right.

Looking forward to talking with you guys again very soon.
So in around 20-30 minutes from the time of this post, a small update will go through for just Steam at the moment. Details will come through Twitter at a later time.

*Edit: Patch notes are now up on Twitter.
Can we have realistic pace bowling speeds at Club level that is between 115-130k and then younger bowlers improving their pace and then getting selected for FC cricket? Is it hard to include this in a patch?
Does anyone else have an issue with crowd capacity on steam? even though it's set to full my stadium is always half empty. (PC )
This is not related to the update!

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South Africans are not interested like Asians.. and Pakistani's don't have money to buy tickets :p

Man this game is sooo realistic
Can you set crowd capacity on consoles ?
Pardon my ignorance but which fielding/running camera is the vlogger using here? I can’t seem to find it, so I’m guessing it’s a next-gen only camera?

@wasteyouryouth may I please request you once again to fix the Sri lankan Women team kits please. I can confirm the SL Men kits are back to normal.

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