Crowd patch please


School Cricketer
Nov 24, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned
can some make a crowd patch so that the game does not lagg and stutter or that we dont have to turn off the crowds. please if you can do it :help
u just need to upgrade your graphics card but i no wat u mean..besides all these companies keep making it worse for you need 2 buy mayb a 1gb graphics card that should last for 5 years with the upcoming games
The only sort of crowd patch we really need is an audio one - they sound like they don't give a damn!
We don't need to upgrade our graphics card I use a GeForce 8800GT 512mb which can run graphics heavy games like GTA IV, Fallout 3, Crysis, Assassin's Creed etc on max settings without lag. It's NOT a graphics card problem and if it was, how come even with crowd on there is no lag at night time matches??? The problem is either with the sound (Like Activision's Prototype which needed the removal of a sound file ambient.p3d to remove lagging) or something else with the game coding.
before you run the game just run windows media player on mute and play any song in background and set it on repeat then start ashes and enjoy the game.
Have you tried the open beta patch yet? It sorted out my Win XP stuttering issue, now I can play without Media Player running...

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