Deep analysis of the Ashes cricket game

I have another bug of the "there's no way anyone tested this" variety.

The league tables in tournaments don't update. They just stay on 0 and after 5 games the teams listed 1st and 2nd go through :p
In the example here the correct group order is:
West Indies

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

So someone is still playing this ...................


Cricket Run 3 Brought to you by mike fegan dont worry it will beat templerun
Q: Can the game be loaded back into Unity?
A: Barely.

1) Most of the code linkages are dead. There are too many broken links.

2) The game is not well done. Many of the design-time editors are missing, unless you are willing to fork-out money to license all the vendor demos out (IMHO a bit of ridicule).

3) The game make no sense as to how it is done. They did everything wrong.

Q: If I want to make a cricket game what should I do?
A: Study hard, make other games in the mean time, apply for a job at their competitor* BigAnt or a reputable game studio. Invest in BigAnt and you can always go there for a shareholder meeting*

It depends what you want to do with your life. I don't think you love cricket to make a PC game for the next 5 years of your life. (Don't follow the same as how they did it, least you fall into their mistakes).

* Note: I am not part of nor affiliated with BigAnt. Just saying.


Further to that,

They used one of the best in-game weather systems, one of the best audio systems, one of the best particle & effects system, one of the best GUI systems, one of the best custom-modelling systems.

I don't know how they managed to create a game where the audio clips into the AI, the in-game weather looks terrible, the in-game stadiums looks terrible, the graphics looks bah, the UI looks outdated.

I don't know how the vendors would get affected. They probably would not get affected, and sweep it under the carpet.

The one most telling is the in-game weather system. That vendor is very reputable and very famous. To see such lousy weather in-game, it is let down.
Is there any way of estimating how much development time went into things based on the code used? Like toolkits, etc. that would only have been available for a certain time?

If everything was done wrong, I just don't get how the result could be so bad and have gone unnoticed for so long by the higher ups at 505; or say, the producer.
What I don't understand is how they could have made basic errors all the way through. The people working on this are all professionals, a lot of them working on previous unspectacular but decent and playable cricket games, and other games as well. It's not as if they pushed the boat out with features here so were forced into rushed and basic mistakes. Even accounting for them making mistakes, how is it possible to mess up a game this much but, as MattW said, go unnoticed?
It would be nice to hear from Mike on what went wrong but I doubt that'll ever happen.
He'll certainly be hounded by cricket fans even if he was working on a game not related to sport if he appears on a game forum. I doubt Chief will be legally allowed to tell us anything for a while either. It might all be a mystery.
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Was Damon Lewis the person who worked on Ashes? You've got to admire his sense of humour. Surely he must have left the project a while back?
Yeah he's on the credits list.
I suppose the main takeaway from that is that jobs in the games industry in Australia are hard to come by, so even if you know the product you're working on isn't particularly good, there's not much choice for many but to stick it out.

If the issues were management setting unreasonable deadlines/staffing levels - which would make sense given trying to work on whatever budget they had after all the money spent on the license, there's only so much the developers themselves could do.

Yeah he's on the credits list.
I wonder how many people who worked on the game aren't? Jamie (Chief) is notably only listed under the sound effects section.
Surely some of the guys from here who did some research on the rosters should've got a mention.

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